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Present the

following statement
in class and ask the
students if
theyagree or
disagree with them.
Select two to three
students per group
to justify or explain
their answer.1.
Force is needed to
stop an object.2.
Force always
results to motion.3.
Force can act even
at a distance.4.
Objects have the
tendency to remain
at rest.5. Objects
have the tendency
to resist change.
B. Establishing a p
urpose for the Les
the pictures (to be
presented on the
screen) (canbe

C. Presenting exa
mples / instances
of thenew lesson
What have you
observed on the
picture presented?
D.Discussing new
skills #1
The teacher will place
a ball or any object on
top of a table and ask:
a) Will this object
move by itself?b)
How can we make
this object move?c)
While it is moving,
how can we make
the object speed up
or slowdown?d)
How can make it
stop?e) How can
we make it change
its direction?

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