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This purpose of this study focus on perspectives construction for

organizational behavior practice of this study to investigate that changing
the purpose the process of perspectives construction by the way one the of
the reason of this study to build up the changes of the development bank
employees people culture . however the perspectives construction
method effect the organizational behavior so that major component factor
lunch as knowledge sharing behavior, job involvement etc.
This study a quantitative study research use to deal knowledge. I formation
about different bank employee different perception of this thesis quantitat
ive research study to find inflate and deflate relations of dependent and inde
pendent variable for data collected used data processing and analyzing SeM ,
EFA,CFA , used to analyze and conclude relation among the variable
It will estimate and future that all this component factor of perspectives and
construction affect the have positive and significant impact of bank employe
es people .so that perspectives and construction are major impact of the or
ganizational behavior.

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