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Theory of biocentrism is consistent with the most ancient traditions of the world which say
that consciousness conceives, governs, and becomes a physical world. It is the ground of our
Being in which both subjective and objective reality come into existence.

जीव-केन्द्रिकता का उनका सिद्ाां त दु सनया की िबिे प्राचीन परां पराओां के अनुरूप है , जो कहती हैं सक
चेतना गर्भ धारण करती है , सनयां सित करती है , और एक र्ौसतक दु सनया बन जाती है । यह हमारे होने का
आधार है सजिमें व्यन्द्रिपरक और वस्तु परक वास्तसवकता दोनोां अन्द्रस्तत्व में आते हैं ।

The 21st century is predicted to be the Century of Biology, a shift from the previous century
dominated by physics.

21 वी ां िदी को जीव सवज्ञान की िदी होने की र्सवष्यवाणी की जाती है , जो सपछली िदी की र्ौसतकी िे
एक बदलाव थी।

Biocentrism attempts to clarify: Life creates the universe, instead of the other way around.
This new model — combining physics and biology instead of keeping them separate.
जीव-केन्द्रिकता स्पष्ट करने का प्रयाि करता है : जीवन ब्रह्ाां ड बनाता है , बजाय सवपरीत क्रम िे । यह नया
मॉडल - र्ौसतकी और जीवसवज्ञान को अलग रखने के बजाय िां योसजत करता हैं ।

Professor Lanza says biocentrism is similar to the idea of parallel universes - a concept
hypothesised by theoretical physicists. In much the same way as everything that could
possibly happen is speculated to be occurring all at once across multiple universes, he says
that once we begin to question our preconceived concepts of time and consciousness, the
alternatives are huge and could alter the way we think about the world in a way not seen
since the 15th century’s “flat earth” debate.

प्रोफेिर लैंजा कहते हैं सक बायोिसरि ज्म िमानाां तर ब्रह्ाां डोां के सवचार के िमान है िै द्ाां सतक र्ौसतकसवदोां -
द्वारा पररकन्द्रित एक अवधारणा। बहुत कुछ उिी तरह िे जैिा सक िां र्वतः हो िकता है सक एक िााथ
कई ब्रह्ाां डोां में एक िाथ होने का अनुमान लगाया जाता है , वह कहते हैं सक एक बार जब हम िमय और
चेतना की हमारी पूवभकिनाओां पर िवाल उठाना शुरू करते हैं , तो सवकि सवशाल होते हैं और सजि तरह
िे वे िोचते हैं , उिे बदल िकते हैं "िपार पृथ्वी" वी ां शताब्दी के 15बहि के बाद िे दु सनया को एक
तरह िे नही ां दे खा गया।

He goes on to use the so-called double-slit experiment as proof that the behaviour of a
particle can be altered by a person’s perception of it. In the experiment, when scientists
watch a particle pass through a multi-holed barrier, the particle acts like a bullet travelling
through a single slit. When the article is not watched, however, the particle moves through
the holes like a wave.

वह तथाकसथत डबल-न्द्रिर प्रयोग को िबू त के रूप में उपयोग करता है सक सकिी व्यन्द्रि की धारणा के
आधार पर एक कण के व्यवहार को बदला जा िकता है । प्रयोग में, जब वै ज्ञासनक एक कण को एक बहु-
सछसित अवरोध िे गु जरते हुए दे खते हैं , तो कण एक एकल र्ट्ठा के माध्यम िे यािा करने वाली गोली की
तरह कायभ करता है । जब लेख को दे खा नही ां जाता है , हालाां सक, कण एक लहर की तरह छे द िे गु जरता
है ।

Scientists argue that the double-slit experiment proves that particles can act as two separate entities
at the same time, challenging long-established ideas of time and perception.

वै ज्ञासनकोां का तकभ है सक डबल-न्द्रिर प्रयोग िासबत करता है सक कण एक ही िमय में दो अलग-अलग

अन्द्रस्तत्व (न्द्रथथसत) के रूप में कायभ कर िकते हैं , जो िमय और धारणा के लांबे-थथासपत सवचारोां को चुनौती
दे ते हैं ।

Although the idea is rather complicated, Professor Lanza says it can be explained far more
simply using colours. Essentially, the sky may be perceived as blue, but if the cells in our
brain were changed to make the sky look green, was the sky every truly blue or was that just
our perception?

हालाां सक यह सवचार बन्द्रि जसरल है , प्रोफेिर लैं जा कहते हैं सक इिे रां गोां के उपयोग िे कही ां असधक
िमझाया जा िकता है । असनवायभ रूप िे , आकाश को नीले रां ग के रूप में माना जा िकता है , लेसकन
अगर हमारे मन्द्रस्तष्क में कोसशकाओां को आकाश को हरा सदखने के सलए बदल सदया गया था, क्या आकाश
हर िही मायने में नीला था या यह सिफभ हमारी धारणा थी?

In terms of how this affects life after death, Professor Lanza explains that, when we die, our life
becomes a “perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse”. He added: “Life is an
adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking. When we die, we do so not in the
random billiard-ball-matrix but in the inescapable-life-matrix.”

मृत्यु के बाद यह जीवन को कैिे प्रर्ासवत करता है , इि िां दर्भ में, प्रोफेिर लैं जा बताते हैं सक जब हम
मर जाते हैं , तो हमारा जीवन एक "बारहमािी फूल" बन जाता है , जो बहुिां ख्या में न्द्रखलता है । उन्ोांने
कहा: "जीवन एक िाहसिक कायभ है जो हमारी िोच के िाधारण रै न्द्रखक मागभ को पार करता है । जब हम
मर जाते हैं , तो हम यादृन्द्रिक सबसलयाडभ -बॉल-मैसरि क्स में नही ां बन्द्रि अपररहायभ -जीवन-मैसरि क्स में ऐिा करते
हैं । ”

‘By treating space and time as physical things, science picks a completely wrong starting
point for understanding the world,’ Lanza declares.

"अांतररक्ष और िमय को र्ौसतक चीजोां के रूप में मानकर, सवज्ञान दु सनया को िमझने के सलए एक पूरी
तरह िे गलत प्रारां सर्क सबां दु चुनता है " लैं जा ने घोषणा की।

What Is the Big Bang Theory?

Before the big bang, scientists believe the entire vastness of the observable universe,
including all of its matter and radiation, was compressed into a hot, dense mass just a few
millimeters across. This nearly incomprehensible state is theorized to have existed for just a
fraction of the first second of time.
Big bang proponents suggest that some 10 billion to 20 billion years ago, a massive blast
allowed all the universe's known matter and energy—even space and time themselves—to
spring from some ancient and unknown type of energy.

The theory maintains that, in the instant—a trillion-trillionth of a second—after the big
bang, the universe expanded with incomprehensible speed from its pebble-size origin to
astronomical scope. Expansion has apparently continued, but much more slowly, over the
ensuing billions of years.

Scientists can't be sure exactly how the universe evolved after the big bang. Many believe
that as time passed and matter cooled, more diverse kinds of atoms began to form, and
they eventually condensed into the stars and galaxies of our present universe.

Origins of the Theory

A Belgian priest named Georges Lemaître first suggested the big bang theory in the 1920s
when he theorized that the universe began from a single primordial atom. The idea
subsequently received major boosts by Edwin Hubble's observations that galaxies are
speeding away from us in all directions, and from the discovery of cosmic microwave
radiation by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson.

The glow of cosmic microwave background radiation, which is found throughout the
universe, is thought to be a tangible remnant of leftover light from the big bang. The
radiation is akin to that used to transmit TV signals via antennas. But it is the oldest
radiation known and may hold many secrets about the universe's earliest moments.

The big bang theory leaves several major questions unanswered. One is the original cause of
the big bang itself. Several answers have been proposed to address this fundamental
question, but none has been proven—and even adequately testing them has proven to be a
formidable challenge.

What is Evolution?
Evolution is the gradual changes occurring over generations after generations, during which
different species of plants, animals, birds and insects gradually change some of their
physical characteristics. These changes include the different aspects of life like genetic drift,
mutation, natural selection, etc. The main factors responsible for the evolutionary changes
are certain environmental changes and predation pressures.

What is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?

Charles Darwin, an English biologist, was the first person to propose the theory of evolution.
According to this theory "all living organisms change their physical and anatomical structure
over a long period of time to adapt to the changing environment." He also proposed that
this change is by natural process and those organisms which do not adhere to it will find
difficulty in their survival and named it as ‘Survival of the fittest.’

Evolution is simply defined as the progressive modification in inherited traits over a huge
span of time (usually over generations) i.e., Darwin's Theory of Evolution is a slow gradual
process. This definition covers not only small-scale evolutions but also large-scale
evolutions. Small-scale evolutions refer to the changes in gene frequency and large-scale
evolutions refer to different species having a common ancestor.

Darwin's theory of evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has
descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -
- all related. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and
stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification". That is, complex
creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time.

Evolution helps us in better understanding about how the species became extinct, about
their habitats and how new species are produced. It can also be observed that there is an
inbuilt tendency to variation during reproduction process and these are mainly caused by
the combining of genetic material from two parents and error in DNA copying during sexual

The basic idea of the theory of evolution leads us to the conclusion that all life on Earth
shares a common ancestor. The common ancestor who probably lived millions of years ago
gave rise to the immense diversity that we see around us today. Evolutionary theory
suggests that we are all somehow related to the trees, humans, dolphins and everything
else on this diverse planet.

Causes and Mechanism

The mechanisms of evolution occur due to various reasons that focus on:

1. The heritable genetic differences which are carried to the next generation.
2. Four fundamental forces of evolution include natural selection, genetic drift,
mutations, migration and gene flow.
3. Variation, differential reproduction, and heredity result in evolutions by natural
4. Different species affect each other evolution through co-evolution.

However, Darwin’s theory was slightly flawed since it did not explain much about genetic
theory. Charles Darwin observed and noted the grand pattern of evolution, but he could not
have known about the exact mechanism. Darwin’s theory of evolution, along with the
concepts of genetics, is known as “modern evolutionary synthesis.”

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