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CHRISTMAS CAROLS OXFORD SATB and organ Christmas Lullaby John Rutter MUSIG DEPARTMENT OXFORD IVERSITY PRESS Commissioned by The Bach Choir in celebration of the 70th birthday of Sir David Willcocks Christmas Lullaby Words and music by JOHN RUTTER Andante legato (J = 84) ‘ORGAN VERSE 1: SOPRANOS & ALTOS s(41) VERSE 2: TENORS & BASSES P 1. Clear in the dark - ness alight shines Beth - le -hem: 2. Where are his cour - tiers, and who are peo - ple? 9(45) va An - gels are sing - ing, their sound fills the air. Why docs he bear nei - ther scep - tre nor crown? vad i 4 vad i Anorchesial accompaniments avaliable on hire (0b. cl,2 hn and steing © Oxtord University Press 1990 Not for sain the USA. Prine in Great Bean (OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, MUSIC DEPARTMENT, GREAT CLARENDON STREET, OXFORD OX2 6D? Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL. Vas TENORS & BASSES 13(49) V2: SOPRANOS & ALTOS mp Wise men have jour ~ neyed greet their Mes - Shep-herds his cour ~ tiers, poor for his 17(53) 21(57) pp dolee ‘A - ve pp dolce ‘A - ve pp dolce ‘A - ve pp dolce ‘A - ve

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