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S STUDY FOR CIVIL SERVICES stafé)s both a child and guardian of(lawy. ” supported the notion of limited authority of state. His position is near t6 lock®who considered state under the law "State commands because it servés-*State is obeyed by the people because it serves certain functions Marxist theory Of state: 2viewsare there: -a)iristrumentalist ( ‘communist manifesto) 2) structuralist ( 18" Brumaire of louis Bonaparte.) Marx's works are limited to the early capitalist systeri. Contemporary Marxism Rave dealt with the analysis of welfare state in post capitalist societies. 2 perspectives : Instrumentalist approach :James burpham gave “theory of managerial revolution which Suggests that power has shifted into managers hands managerial class is an open class .anyone from any background having merit can join the managerial class . Ralph Miliband disclosed\(myth>of managerial revolution. He said all key decision making institutions including judiciary are elitist in nature

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