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S STUDY FOR CIVIL SERVICES Sorenson : he compared Political evolution in advanced and post colonial societies he gave concept of (ragile State, where he said states in post colonial societies face legitimatign crisis , over encedeficit and mostly are failed states. Marxist perspective: Dependency school af development and underdevelopment . Theory developed by scholars of 3 world countries : A. G Frank, Sarnir Amin) Cardoso’, Frantz Fannion, It was prominent theory during 0's" hey criticised international capitalism . They concluded : states in 3% world totintries lack autonomy of its own they are sovereign in namesake .actually they are” peripheral-states “ . They.coined term, like “ core countries and periphertes” .we cannot understand the nature 3% world without understanding the linkages between core and peripheries. Though colonialism has ended in formal sense , but neo imperialism is continuing These scholars use the term dependency to show the relationship between core and periphery states. Western scholars talk about interdependence but what existe is dependence .the dependency results into “uneven development “i.e prosperity in core and poverty in periphery.

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