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MCCB ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ..

Credit: Hla Win Maung Mariner

Molded Case Circuit Breakersဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

Molded case circuit breakers ေဆဆဆဆဆ

-current-carrying parts

(fixed and moving contacts)

(on/off ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ)

-trip devices

(short circuit ဆဆဆ ovrerload trip) ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ(molded case)ဆဆဆဆဆ

MCCBs ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ frame sizes ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆ frane size

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ interrupting ratings ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ


100A/100 MCCB ဆဆဆ

100A ဆ current interrupting rating

ဆဆဆဆဆဆ 100 ဆ frame size

50A/100 MCCB ဆဆဆဆဆဆ.

50A ဆ current rating ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

100 ဆ frame size ဆဆဆ

Molded Case Circuit Breakers ေဆဆဆဆ low voltage distribution systems(440V,380V,220V) ေ

ဆဆဆဆဆ protection(ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ) ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆ mccb ေဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ( ဆဆဆဆ.ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ)ေဆဆဆဆဆ

short circuits ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

Mccbေဆဆဆဆဆ panelboardsဆဆဆ switchboardsေဆဆဆဆဆ fixed mountedဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ


ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ MCCB ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ drawout mount(panel ေ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ)

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ MCCB #ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆ sokect ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

plug-in type ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ MCCBs ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ motor protection ဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ overload

protection device ဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆ mccb ေဆဆဆဆဆ motor
circuit protectors (MCPs)ေဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆ


Molded Case Circuit Breaker ဆဆဆ Components

( ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ)


1, Molded case/frame,

2, operating mechanism,

3, arc extinguishers,
4,contacts ဆဆ ေ trip units ေဆဆဆဆဆ

1, Frame ဆဆဆ molded case ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ breaker ဆဆဆ components ေ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

glass-polyester material ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ thermoset composite resin ဆဆဆ

ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ(dielectric strength) ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

2, Operating Mechanism:
contacts ေဆဆဆဆဆ opening and closing ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

Contacts ေဆဆ open or closeဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ handle

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆေေ "quick-make, quick-

break"ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ 'on position'ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

(hlod)ဆဆဆဆဆဆ breaker ဆဆဆ tripဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ "trip-free" ေဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

Contactsေဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ handle ဆဆဆ position 3


- closed,

-tripped positions ေဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ breaker ဆဆ tripped ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ handle ဆဆ midway posiition

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ Breaker ဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ center-tripped

position ဆဆဆ off position ဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆ on position ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

Breakers ေဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ panelboard ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆfault ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ breaker ဆဆဆ handle ဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
breaker ေဆဆဆဆဆ push-to-trip mechanism ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆ test ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
trip ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

3, Arc Extinguisher(arc chute)

Breaker ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ currentဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
arc(ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ) ဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆ Arc Extinguisher ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ Arcဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆArcဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

Arc extinguishersဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ steel platesေဆဆဆဆဆ two insulator

plates ဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ contact ေ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ current

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ contactဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ(ionized)ေဆဆဆဆဆ
ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ currentဆ arc ဆဆဆ arc extinguisher ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ arc ဆဆဆ steel platesေဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ Arcဆဆဆဆ steel platesေဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

4, Trip Unit:
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ circuit breakerဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ short circuit
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ overload

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ operating mechanismဆဆဆ tripဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ molded case circuit breakersေဆဆဆဆဆ electro mechanical trip unitsေဆဆဆဆဆ


ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ(temperature-sensitive device) ဆ
overloadဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ (current sensitive

device) ဆ short circuit currentဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ overload ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ short

circuit ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ trip

mechanism ဆ breaker ဆဆဆ tripဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ


Tripping Characteristics

Electromechanical trip circuit breakers ေဆဆဆဆဆ short-circuit protection ဆဆဆဆဆ adjustable

magnetic elements ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ overload protection ဆဆဆဆဆ thermal trip

elements ေဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ
Magnetic elements ဆဆဆ thermal elements ေဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ Breakers ေ
ဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ thermal magnetic breakersေဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆ thermal magnetic trip units ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ mccb ေ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ electronic trip unitsေဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆ mccb ေဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆelectronic trip units ေဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆ breaker ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ trip ေ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ electronic trip systemsေဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆ ဆဆဆဆဆ


1, current transformer (sensor)..

current ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ phase ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

currentဆဆဆ printed circuit board ဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆ

2, Electronic circuitry (printed circuit board)..

ဆဆpcbဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ inputေဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆ (predetermined values

(set valuesဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆ) ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
'decision' ဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆdecisionဆ ေဆဆဆဆ(no.3) ဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

tripဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ output signal ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆ

3, low power flux-transfer internal shunt trip...

Breaker ဆဆဆ trip ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ mechani- cal spring ဆဆဆ permanent
magnet ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

Pcb ဆဆဆဆဆဆ tripping signalဆဆ permanent magnet ဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ mechanical tripping action ေ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ power ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ power supply


interrupt rating ဆဆဆဆဆ...

molded case circuit breaker ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ fault current

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ interrupt rating ဆဆ fault currentဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ voltage ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ interrupt rating
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ interrupt rating ဆဆ breakerေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ


MCCB ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ..

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ mccbေဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆpositionဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ up, down, horizontal or vertical

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆ ဆဆဆ breaker ဆဆဆ tripping interrupt- ing characteristicsဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ON position ဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆ National Electric Code


Enclosure ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

NEMA Type 1:
IP40 standards ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

indoor applications ေဆဆဆဆဆ

NEMA Type 3R:

IP52 standards ဆဆဆ

outdoor use ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

NEMA Type 4:
IP65 standards ဆဆဆ
indoor or outdoor ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

splashing water, wind-blown dust or rainေဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ water tight

enclosures ဆဆဆဆဆဆ

NEMA Type 4X:

IP65 standards ဆဆဆ

Type 4 ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ type 4 ဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆ corrosion-proof enclosures ဆဆဆဆဆဆ


NEMA Type 12:

IP62 indoor use ဆဆဆ

dirty and dust ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ dust-tight enclosures



Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Motors

Motorဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ faultsဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ motor windings ဆဆဆinsulation breakdown ေ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆ fault

current ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆ

arcingေဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ motor windingsေဆဆဆဆဆ

short ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆfaultဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ

motorဆဆဆ starterဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

fusible switches ဆဆဆ thermal magnetic breakers ေဆဆဆ motorဆဆဆ protection ေ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ protection

levelဆ ဆဆဆဆဆ fault ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ motor circuit protectorေဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆ

(MCP)ဆဆ magnetic only principleဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

current sensing coilဆဆဆ breaker ဆဆဆ three polesဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ motor
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ faultဆဆဆ ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ low level protection
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ fusible device ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ faultဆဆဆ clear ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ motorဆဆဆ overload protection ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
contactorဆဆဆ overload relay ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ motor starterဆဆဆ motor circuit protector

MCP ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

(ေဆဆဆဆ post ေဆဆဆဆဆ Magnetic contactors, OCR, Relays, Push Buttons ေဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ
ဆဆဆဆဆဆ ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ

ဆဆဆဆ Direct -on-line starter ဆဆဆဆဆဆဆဆ)

Hla Win Maung, EE

August 7,2016

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