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“Tria Cond, ‘Timothy D. Barnes Jenaer Vorlesungea 2u Judentisn, Antike und Christencam Herausgegeben von i Early Christian Hagiography and Walter Ameling, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr 5 Roman History und Meinolf Vielberg i 5 Mohr Siebeck Bo Gest University ¥ “Timosky D, Barts, born 194%; 1966-70 Junior Research Fellow, The Gree? College, Onfo: 1970 D.Phil 1970-72 Asian: Profesor of Cases, 1972276 Associate Profeser of Casi, University Calle, Toran 1576-2007 Pofesiog, Depaent of Classics, Univeity of Toremtn,en62 2008 Honorary Feloy, Schools of Divinity and Hor, Claes nd Archacology, University of Bdiaburg. BA Abb BH, YOO ISBN 978-316-1500262 ISSN 1865-5629 (Ta Conla) Die Deussche Nastonalhibliowhee verelchne: dese Publiaton in det Dautechen Nationabibliogeaphi; detaiiresbibliographische Daten find im Inceanes ee hrzHdaid nd. de bso. © 2030. Mohr Siebeck Tubingen. ‘Das WeskcinshlieSich aller scinet Tele st taberredhich rahi Jede Verwetsung auberbalb der engen Grenven des Usheberechr fpseves i oh Zasimmeng des Velags unoulig und stats Be git imbeaondere fir Vervilfgungen, Oberseangen, Miko- ferflnungen und die Blaspeicherang und Nerarbetung in elem nachen Spacemen, Das Buch wusde von Martin Racher in Tubingen aus der Garamond (Ratiqus gto, von Gulde-Druc in Tabingen eu skeungsbesn ‘ges Werkdruckpplergeuskr ond von der Buchbire! Nel in [Neha gebunden. 332604 LEhagiographie etique est une branche dela sence historique Hippalte Delehaye te would be hard to think of any field of exitical or historical research that could prove more fruitful in every kind of problem, or one in which a greater vatiary of sills and disciplines could be employed David Knoveles z Preface holacly works ae inevitably 10 some extent the product A eee grinded nd saon os hus the second edition of che Oxford English Dicton- ‘ay published in 1989, had an entry for ‘prosopography” (Cugially published in a supplement in 1982) in which ovo separate meanings ofthe wort! were identified! The fst was the sole meaning, registered inthe fist edition (a deserpsion ofthe person of personal appearance’), which was stated he obsolete by the time of the publication of the fascicule containing it in September {909.2 The second meaning, which seas absent from the first edition, required a long definition as ‘2 study or description of an individual’ life and career, hence, historical inquiey, especially in Roman 2, concerned with the study of (political) careers and family connections; a preentation of evidence relating to this study. This new meaning was lavishly illustrated with no fewer than fourteen quotations dating berween 1929 and 1976: an archacological report of excavations at Sparta led the way, closely followed by Ronald Syme in 1934, then Arnaldo Momigliano in 1954 at his sllese (‘so-called TA Suppleinene tothe Oxford Engl Dietonary 3, ed, RAW, Barc (Oxford, 1982), 845, P The dates at which eich separate serion and part of the fest ction were published are documented by |, MeMrss, Lexieogreply and tie OED. Pioneers inthe Unknown Forest, ed. C. Mugglenone {Ofer 2000), 228-231,

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