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Pakistan-Saudi Relations

i. Pakistan affirms its relationship with Saudi Arabia as their most "important and
bilateral partnership" in the current foreign policy of Pakistan
ii. Pakistan has maintained a unique position to assist Saudi Arabia with its defense
iii. Pakistani commandos ended the Grand Mosque Seizure in 1979, and restored Saudi
administration over the Masjid al-Haram.
iv. strongest supporters of Pakistan during Pakistan's wars with India, especially
opposing the creation of Bangladesh
v. supports Pakistan's stance on the Kashmir conflict
vi. provided extensive financial and political support to the Taliban and the Afghan
mujahideen fighting in the Soviet–Afghan War in the 1980s.
vii. There are reportedly approximately 70,000 Pakistani servicmen serving in
the Military of Saudi Arabia.
viii. Saudi Arabia is the largest source of petroleum for Pakistan.[28] It also supplies
extensive financial aid to Pakistan and remittance from Pakistani migrants in Saudi
Arabia is also a major source of foreign currency for Pakistan.

Foreign policy of USA

i. 6 main strategic objectives
ii. Control on oil resources; for economy
iii. Control global trading routes; to get to those resources
iv. most of them are possessed by muslims
v. destruction of Islam and Islamic civilization
vi. defense and security
vii. protection and expansion of Israel to contain resources of the world
viii. containment of china and Russia
ix. world is going to multi polarity from uni-polarity
x. if they both are united, US will lose its hegemony
xi. Iran can become mineral super power
xii. To prevent china from becoming an economic superpower, and Russia in
defense, exploit and control global trading routes in the Islamic world.
xiii. Isis is threat to US and allies, stop it.
xiv. To stop cyber war, and international trade and commerce is improved for
their economy
xv. Development of ideology, democracy
xvi. Security of americans
xvii. Promotion of capitalism
xviii. Defence and security of Israel
xix. Nuclear non proliferation
xx. Share of interest with allies
xxi. Stop militancy through military
xxii. Stop global warming
xxiii. Peace and prosperity
xxiv. Weaknesses
xxv. Massive slow growth, allies not sharing economy and security burdens,
nato is spending on wars
xxvi. Stability of south asia, nuc non proliferation

Foreign policy of India

Major steps in foreign policy process include. Translating considerations of national interests
into specific goals and
Determining the international and domestic situational factors related to
the policy goals;
Analyzing the state's capabilities for achieving the desired results;
Developing a plan or strategy for using the state's capabilities to deal
with the variables in pursuit of the goals;
Undertaking the requisite actions; and
Periodically reviewing and evaluating progress made toward the achievement of the desired

Roots of Indian FP
Freedom movement = gandhian principles + nehru’s personality
Six features of Indian foreign policy:
1. Non alignment
remain aloof of power politics
against supporting any power bloc
2. Opposition to racialism, colonialism, imperialism
3. Panchasheel (five rules of conduct)
signed with china on Tibetan issue in 1954 (mutual respect for each others territorial
integrity and sovereignty)
non aggression, non interference in internal affairs, mutual benefit and equality
4. Peace and international understanding
india stands for thru UNO
peaceful settlements of int’l disputes
signatory to all human rights documents
lagest contributor to UN peace keeping
5. Disarmament
total nuc disarmament was presented “ action plan for nuclear weapon free and non
violent world order 1998 in UNGA on disarmament
opposed Nuclear non proliferation treaty and CTBT as discriminatory
6. Regional cooperation
thru regional bodies asean, saarc etc

1. Neighbourhood First
 New Delhi’s willingness to give political and diplomatic priority to its immediate
neighbours and the Indian Ocean island states
 Provide neighbours with support, as needed, in the form of resources, equipment,
and training.
 Greater connectivity and integration, so as to improve the free flow of goods, people,
energy, capital, and information.
 India has also become more forthcoming in providing support and in capacity
building, whether concluding its biggest ever defense sale to Mauritius, or in
providing humanitarian assistance to Nepal or Sri Lanka.
 With Bangladesh, the completion of the Land Boundary Agreement, improvements in
energy connectivity and steps taken towards accessing the port of Chittagong have all
been crucial developments.
 India’s focus on connectivity is also gradually extending outward, whether to
Chabahar in Iran or Kaladan in Myanmar.
 India has also expressed its willingness to develop issue-specific groupings that are
not held hostage to consensus.
 For example Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) grouping – meant to advance
motor vehicle movement, water power management, and inter-grid connectivity
 With respect to all of its neighbours, including Nepal, India has taken concrete steps
over the past two years to promote goodwill and deepen economic and social
2.Bridging diplomacy and development

 One of the major objectives of India’s foreign relations has been to leverage
international partnerships to advance India’s domestic development.
 This includes improving technological access, sourcing capital, adopting best
practices, gaining market access, and securing natural resources.
 The recently amended tax treaty with Mauritius is one example of how diplomacy can
be used to benefit both investors and the government, and potentially increase
India’s tax base.
 The overall trajectory for India’s development is positive, and the diplomatic
momentum has clearly increased.
 India still has a mountain to climb to fully harness external inputs to advance
economically, socially, and technologically.
3.Acting East as China rises

 With ‘Act East,’ the purpose was to show greater intent in realising what had long
been an aspiration for India: to become an integral part of Asia.
 The new policy emphasizes a more proactive role for India in ASEAN and East Asian
 Indian concerns regarding China’s rise and the upsetting of Asia’s delicate balance of
 Require a greater priority on improving border infrastructure, on overland
connectivity to Southeast Asia via Bangladesh and India's Northeast.
4.Pakistan: Engagement and isolation

 Terrorism emanating against India by entities based in Pakistan and supported by

elements of the state remains a top priority.
 Much of China’s historical support for Pakistan has been driven by its desire to
balance against India.
 The process of both engaging and isolating Pakistan despite repeated provocations
will be long, frustrating, and politically unpopular at home.
 India's efforts at internationally isolating it and its offering a viable alternative model
of South Asian engagement remain the only real prospect for resolving the Pakistan
problem on India’s terms.
5.India as a leading power: Raising ambitions

 India is not yet fully in a position to lead, or set the rules of the international order,
but it is taking steps to seek full membership of the most important global
governance platforms.
 India is already a member of the G20, the East Asia Summit, and the BRICS coalition, a
testament to its status as a large country with a fast-growing economy.
 New Delhi also naturally aspires for permanent membership on the UN Security
 India has recently embarked upon institution building of its own. The International
Solar Alliance represents one such effort.
6.Indian Ocean Outreach

 Through this policy initiative, India started to reach out its maritime neighbours in the
Indian Ocean Region (IOR) with proposals of enhanced economic and security
 This policy was unfolded during the Indian Prime minister visit to Sri Lanka, Mauritius,
and Seychelles.
 With this India can project that it commands a strategic supremacy over the IOR and
its relations with its maritime neighbors.
 Link West policy
 In an attempt to strengthen ties with India's western neighbours specially the gulf
countries government proposed this policy to complement its Act East policy
concerning East Asia.
India’s priorities and strategic objectives

 Prioritizing an integrated neighbourhood; “Neighbourhood First.”

 Leveraging international partnerships to promote India’s domestic development.
 Ensuring a stable and multipolar balance of power in the Indo-Pacific; “Act East.”
 Dissuading Pakistan from supporting terrorism.
 Advancing Indian representation and leadership on matters of global governance.
Shortcomings of India’s foreign policy

 Country’s strategic thinking continues to be guided by bureaucracy rather than

strategic thinkers and specialists.
 Fundamental lacuna inherent in the country’s strategic behavior is it functions
without a grand strategic blueprint.
 Despite its stated global ambitions, India is confined to its South Asian geopolitical
 New Delhi’s diplomatic efforts is revolving around the issue of Pakistan-backed
terrorism and is talking about it at every major international forum instead of larger
issues such as foreign direct investment, global partnerships, institutional reforms,
economic diplomacy, etc.
 Reducing India’s foreign policy focus to terrorism to such an extent demonstrates
how tactical we are in our approach.
 New Delhi’s relationship with Washington, especially the signing of the ‘Logistics
Exchange Memorandum of Agreement’ (LEMOA) is a clear departure from its
traditional policy of not getting into military alliances.
 Sustained negotiations are necessary for the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
membership: public spats with countries like China is not the solution.
 India also does not have a comprehensive national security doctrine which could help
pacify insurgencies, manage borders better or fight cross-border terror.

 Even as India is increasing its geo-strategic sphere of South Asia, its influence within it
is steadily weakened by Chinese economic and military power.
 New Delhi’s focus on terrorism has compromised India’s strategic relationship with
 India's insufficient commercial integration with Southeast and East Asia.
 Gaps between diplomatic efforts and agents of domestic implementation.
 Political resistance to engagement with Pakistan.
 Relative inexperience with leading on matters of global governance.
Way forward
 Long-term strategic thinking requires intellectual depth and an ability to look beyond
the tactical considerations.
 There needs to be institutional coordination and follow-up action on the
government’s key initiatives.
 If there are well-articulated strategic doctrines, institutions will learn to refer to them
and adjust their policies accordingly, leading to a lot more coherence in the country’s
strategic behavior.
 A national security doctrine would require a great deal of political consultation,
careful scenario building, and net assessment by experts.
 Strategic thinking can flourish when the political class commits to institutional reform,
intellectual investment and consensus building.

Russian Foreign policy

Putins foreign policy:
 Between China and Europe
 Repression to the south
 Untapped treasures to the north
 Corruption & the criminal state
 Internal fragility
 Impunity from external force
 No institutions for domestic opposition
 Fear of popular unrest
 Response to Ukrainian events
 The new nationalism after Crimea
 Small, successful wars
 The need for an enemy
 Involvement in Syria
 Deception
 False-flags, conspiracies & front organizations
 Punching above one’s weight
 Projecting power
 Frozen conflicts
 “Destabilizing the West”
Internal Affairs (pol, eco, social)
1. What measures do you suggest to improve the security conditions of Balochistan in respect to
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and the role of regional powers to sabotage it?
2. Discuss the prospects and challenges to the construction of “China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor”. How will CPEC become a game changer for the region?
3. Sino-Pakistan collaboration on Gwadar Sea opening will have far-reaching economic and geo-
strategic consequences.

i. collection of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction
throughout Pakistan.
ii. CPEC has the potential to transform Pakistan into a regional hub for trade and
investment and provide a unique opportunity for Pakistan to boost its strategic and
economic position
iii. will link Gwadar (Balochistan, Pakistan) to Kashgar (China) that will upgrade Gwadar
seaport and uplift Balochistan at strategic and economic fronts.
iv. International Monetary Fund (IMF), “CPEC can help close Pakistan’s power deficit,
significantly improve its fuel mix, and boost GDP by adding $13 billion in 7 years”
v. worth $62 billion as of 2017 - intended to rapidly modernize Pakistani infrastructure
vi. construction of modern transportation networks, numerous energy projects,
and special economic zones
vii. 13 November 2016, operational when Chinese cargo from overland to Gwadar
Port for onward maritime shipment to Africa and West Asia
viii. CPEC will link seaports in Gwadar and Karachi with northern Pakistan - further north
in western China and Central Asia
ix. A 1,100 kilometre long motorway – Karachi to Lahore.
x. the Karakoram Highway from Hasan Abdal to the Chinese borderwill be completely
xi. Over $33 billion worth of energy infrastructure are to be constructed- energy
shortage that 4500 MV.
xii. CPEC will result in the creation of upwards of 2.3 million jobs between 2015–2030,
and add 2 to 2.5 percentage points to the country's annual economic growth.

Security risks
i. Hideouts and activities of militants being supported by external powers to sabotage CPEC.
ii. Separatists opposing CPEC through their violent actions against the government bodies.
iii. Influx of terrorist from the Afghan border to create chaos in Baluchistan and rest of the Pakistan.
iv. The US and its western allies consider China as a potential threat to their commercial and
strategic interests
v. The unending unrest on the Line of Control (LOC) creates war like situation and it also affects
the foreign investment
vi. Trying to prop up India as a counterweight to China in South Asia.

i. Dialogue with the separatists of Baluchistan
ii. Military action against the foreign militants
iii. Strict diplomatic actions should be taken
iv. There is need to make the Baluch people aware of their share in the CPEC
v. If provided education, given jobs and facilities to the coming generations
vi. deployment of Special Security Division-South
vii. pakistan Navy and Chinese Navy ships are to jointly guard the safety and security of the
trade corridor
viii. chineese negotiation with insugents in balochistan

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