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 Ergonomic

 A job, a position
 A career
 The public service, a public servant
 A promising career (= likely to have a great future)
 Overtime
 To retire, a pension
 Working hours
 Shift work
 A colleague, a workmate, a co-worker
 A day off, time off
 Benefits, superannuation (Superannuation is money which people pay regularly
into a special fund so that when they retire from their job they will receive
money regularly as a pension), “perks”
 The / an annual vacation, sick leave, study leave, maternity leave, sabbatical
leave (a sabbatical)
 Salary, wages, income, bonus, a minimum wage, the hourly rate
 Manual work, farm work, factory work, office work, service work, charitable
work (usually = volunteer work), social work, a profession e.g. “the medical
profession”, “the legal profession”
 Full-time, part-time, casual (Casual work is done for short periods and not on a
permanent or regular basis)
 To supervise, a supervisor, a foreman (A foreman is a person, especially a man,
in charge of a group of workers), a section-head (e.g., in government
departments), to oversee, an overseer
 A business owner, a “boss”
 Management, upper management, middle management, the board of directors,
the CEO
 To hire, to employ, an employer, an employee, be self-employed
 To fire (Br, to sack), to dismiss, to lay-off
 To promote, to be promoted, a promotion
 An apprentice, an intern
 Physical work, sedentary work, “brain work”, tiring work, monotonous work,
repetitive work, stressful work, rewarding work (An experience or action that is
rewarding gives you satisfaction or brings you benefits), fulfilling work, a
“dead-end job”,
 Words such as "teacher", "doctor", "lawyer", "businessman",
"businesswoman", "accountant" etc. are not jobs! These are people!

Jobs are usually described by using a verbal noun , for example, "teaching",
“nursing”, “mining”, “fishing”, "being a doctor", "being a lawyer", "being a
businessman", "being a businesswoman", "doing business", "managing a
company", "accounting", "being an accountant" (= "accounting"), "writing
software for computer games" etc.

Alternatively, you could describe a job by saying, "working as a ____"; for

example, "working as a teacher", "working as a doctor", "working as a lawyer",
"working as a businessman", "working as a businesswoman", "working as an
accountant" etc.

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