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The Ark

MV - Lessons on the Epistles of St Paul:104

“The ark of Noah did not save all men but those amongst whom God found to be just in His
presence. I will set my rainbow amongst the clouds … and I will remember my covenant. Even in the
present hour, an hour that rises and which has to pass, and the more it advances, the more it shall be
darkened by the storm clouds, the Ark of God will not be able to save all men, but because men,
many men, will not want to be saved by finding salvation by means of the Ark of God. The rainbow
after the flood was seen only by the few just ones who had remained alive on Earth. In the present
hour instead, Mary, the rainbow, the sign of peace for a super abounding of mercy, will be seen by
many who are not just. Her voice, Her perfume and Her prodigies will be noticed by the just and by
sinners, and blessed those amongst these last ones who, as for the Rainbow of God the wrath of God
is not unleashed, so too, to justice, to faith in Jesus in whom is salvation, will they turn?”

Maria Valtorta, Lessons on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, Centro Editoriale Valtortiano

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