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It is my sincere belief that the pen through which we write words is surely
mightier than the sword. Allah Almighty has said in His first revelation “Read! And
your Lord is the most generous, He who has taught by the pen, has taught man
that he knew not.” These words of the Holy Quran prove the universal truth that
pen is the first mightiest thing that has brought a revolution of knowledge,
wisdom, and education in human being.

The pen looks like a small ordinary thing. It is also not very costly and it does not
have much weight too. Apparently, its structure is also not impressive in its built,
but it has great strength and power. The holder of pen is always knowledgeable
and learned man. He succeeds everywhere and his orders are obeyed. If the
weapon of a warrior is a sword, the weapon of a learned and a commanding
authority is the pen. Who so ever held the pen he would get the respect, wealth
and fame, and he who left it, would become ineffective, unsuccessful and futile.

History has proved that the pen is mightier. All philosophers, doctors, educated
and wise men, scientists, poets, writers and engineers got their repute due to the
pen and that’s why they are remembered. Their names are still alive today only
on account of their books, theories, laws and their written works left behind them.

My dear fellows, the days of glory of men with muscles have passed. A writer can
instigate a whole nation to revolt as he can play upon the sentiments and
emotions of the people. In the contemporary age, no one can deny the role &
importance of press, Shakespeare is certainly valued more today than Changez
Khan & Halako khan.

The progress of sciences, evolution, and advancement of the world at large, all is
indebted to the pen only. The man invented electricity, ships, Aeroplane, radio
and television. He is now commanding seas, mountain, rivers, air, water, fire, the
Sun the Moon and the Earth. He is willing to go beyond the moon. The man had
invented the computer, robot, and he has succeeded in inventing the treatment of
previously un-curable diseases. The information technology has brought the
countries of the world very closer to each other. The latest news of one end of
the world is known to the other end in a fraction of time. All these miracles have
been possible by the knowledge delivered by pen.

Now some of us might wonder how the pen can be mightier than the sword. Yes!
None can deny the sword has also great importance, because it is the next name
of might and power. The “sword,” i.e. a strong defense, is necessary to
protect what is valuable. This is why roses have thorns. You must
have guns and a military, “thorns,” to make sure that things that are
beautiful, such as roses, can bloom. However, it is imperative that it should
be used to protect pen not the other way round.

Sword should be used for tyranny and oppression as well as implement justices.
Whereas the pen whose second name is knowledge and wisdom makes the
nation literate, cultured, and well behaved. The words from pen are always better
than blood spilt out by the sword. We could express and convey our feelings of
justice and peace through words of wisdom. Our thoughts and opinions, justice
and belief, laws of human rights and humanitarian principles can only be written
through the pen. You cannot enforce justice and peace through the mightiest
sword. The pen is the pioneer of truth and justice, teaches us to help poor,
oppressed and downtrodden. The rule of the pen can make the world a peaceful
place and a paradise on the Earth.

Pakistan was won by means of the words written by a pen. Quaid-e-Azam, Sir
Sayed Ahmad Khan and other Muslim leaders never used the sword to get
Pakistan. They wrote the peaceful speeches and publicised their thoughts in
words to win Pakistan for the Muslims of India.
Albert Einstein once said, “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for
war” Franklin Delano Roosevelt also said, “When peace has been broken
anywhere, the peace of all countries is in danger.”

Allah almighty says in the Holy Quran “…if anyone killed a person not in
retaliation of murder, or to spread mischief in the land – it would be as if he killed
all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all
mankind…” (05:32).

My dear friends, Winston Churchill has said “Little things makes a big difference”
so we have to bring the change with help of pen not through Sword to resolve our
problems. Let us unite through one agenda of peace for saving the entire
humanity by preaching for the global peace through pen, and throw away the
sword. We have to work hard for brining change & let u work by using pen not
sword to shine.

When you rest, You Rust.

When you work, You shine.

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