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Data: Sri Dewi Br Tarigan

1.Initial Name: O.R( Okta Riani)

2.Gender: Femele

3.Age: 8 Years old

4. Height: 135 cm

5.weight: 30 Kg

6. Accaption: Student Of Sd Negeri 102005 Durian Tinggung Primary School

7.Adress: Jln.Tangga Batu,Deli Serdang,Sumatra Utara

8.Characteristic: Thin,Straight Hair,Short,White Skin

9.Backround Of Family: Father’s Occupation :Famer

Mother’s Occupation : A Housewife


She is a woman who is in elementary school with the age of 8 years, she has a height
of 135 cm and weight 30 Kg. She has staight hair with a short and white skin and thick
eyebrows. She has the second child of two siblings she has brother, he is a friendy child he
realy likes to hang out with is friends he likes to play marbles and also hobbies playing games
and likes to listen to music.This child likes all kinds of food like fish,shrimp,and vegetables
and he is very foud of fruit and sweet foods like chocolate.Her activites after school play and
sometimes she is at home playing games and sometimes she watches cartoons.She takes a
bath in the afternoon,then the night she learns then sleeps.

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