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Writing task 1

An island is illustrated before and after the development of

certain tourist facilities in the maps below.

Before the construction of some tourist facilities, the island

was uninviting to people, as it was completely natural and

By building a number of tourist facilities, the island became

much more accessible. Firstly, there is now a pier, where
people can approach the island with a boat. On the vehicle
track ahead, there is a reception building, most possibly used
for assigning accommodation. On both sides of the reception
there is a number of buildings in which tourists can reside
during their visit. Proceeding forward on the vehicle track,
there is a restaurant, giving tourists a place to dine during
their stay. On the footpath, left from the reception, there is a
beach available for swimming. Even though there has been a
number of touristic developments, the island has preserved
its natural side which inspires tourists to visit it even more.

In conclusion, after the construction of a number of tourist

facilities, this island turned to an accessible touristic

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