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Melissa Yates

Linsey Slanker

English 1201-511

21 May 2019

Throughout my life I have experienced a paranormal event that takes place as I sleep at night. A

forcefield lays over my body shackling me down to the bed, bound by my arms and legs with the

inability to move at all. Its like my entire body is paralyzed except the heavy blinking of my eye lids as I

lay there in a deep sleep but half-awake peering at the energy forcefield that lurks around my bed and

hovers over my face. I can feel its presence as it draws itself closer and closer until I open my eyes to see

it. It drifts away from me but its outline hovers in the corners waiting until I close my eyes again

repeating the same process.

As I lay there in this deep slumber, my mind is in a half way position that tells me I’m awake, but

also tells me that I am asleep. The only way for me to move is to force myself to sit up in my bed and

walk around the house until I’m fully awake and aware of my surroundings. If I don’t fully sit up in bed

and I continue to lay there and sleep, this pseudo-reality replays itself repeatedly with each time being

scarier than the last time. This entity resides in all closets that I consume, and I feel it in every house I’ve

lived in. Some say its sleep paralysis, others say it’s a spirit that follows me around in my life. Others

would say it’s a demon that hunts the vulnerable. I say its stress and worries.

These strange and unusual events started happening to me when I was just a fourteen-year-old

girl. We were living in an old brick house that had creaky floors and rooms that became pitch black at

night while we slept. I remember laying in bed at night and would feel a subtle shake in my bed as I
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would lay there wondering if my body was shaking or if it was my bed. Other times it felt as though I

wasn’t even laying in my bed. Off in a far distance, I would hear sounds that sounded like ghostly haunts

and moans, but I never saw anything. I just felt that I wasn’t alone. At night when going from one room

to another, the urge to look over your shoulder was very strong as it felt like something was almost

laying on your back. The pressure of something else’s energy hovering over you is a creepy and a very

eerie feeling.

What I am wanting to find out is the correlation between stress, lucid dreaming and sleep

paralysis and how the mind has the ability to convince you that certain things that are happening are

real and with reason. I would also like to find out the survey studies on how many people experience

this type of phenomena and their proposed reasoning behind this weird and twisted situation.

Could deep despair in a person’s life cause sleep paralysis? And why is a person paralyzed

because of it? What causes this to happen to some people and not all people?

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