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int datatype

int data type is useful to store 32 bit integer (Example : 4523) values only. We can not
store decimal (Example 452.23) values in int data type.
Example :

int i = 4523;

long datatype
long datatype is useful to store 64 bit integer(Example : 652345) values. You can use
it when your value is more larger and can not hold it in int. Same as int datatype, we
can not store decimal (Example 452.23) values in long datatype
Example :

long l = 652345;

double datatype

double datatype is useful to store 64 bit decimal(Example : 56.2354) values. We can

store integer (Example 12456) values too in double datatype.
Example :

double d1 = 56.2354;
double d2 = 12456;

char datatype

char datatype is useful to store single character(Example : 'd'). It can not store more
than one (Example 'dd') character in it.
Example :
char c = 'd';

boolean datatype
boolean datatype is useful to store only boolean(Example : true) values.
Example :

boolean b = true;

String Class
String is not a data type but it is a class which is useful to store string in variable.
Example :

String str = "Hello World";


Created bellow given example for all these datatypes. Run it in your eclipse and
verify results.

public class datatypes {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int i = 4523; //Can store 32 bit integer values only.
long l = 652345; //Can store 64 bit integer values only.
double d1 = 56.2354; //Can store 64 bit decimal values.
double d2 = 12456; //We can use it for integer values too.
char c = 'd'; //Can store single character only.
boolean t = true; //Can store only boolean values like true or
String str = "Hello World"; //Can store any string values.

System.out.println("Integer Var Is --> "+i);

System.out.println("Long Var Is --> "+l);
System.out.println("double Var d1 Is --> "+d1);
System.out.println("double Var d2 Is --> "+d2);
System.out.println("char Var c Is --> "+c);
System.out.println("boolean Var b Is --> "+t);
System.out.println("boolean Var str Is --> "+str);

Bellow given result will display in your console at the end of execution.

Integer Var Is --> 4523

Long Var Is --> 652345
double Var d1 Is --> 56.2354
double Var d2 Is --> 12456.0
char Var c Is --> d
boolean Var b Is --> true
String Var str Is --> Hello World

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