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Short questions part – A

1. What is constructor in java

2. What is method overloading
3. Define access modifiers
4. Define method
5. Define arrays in java
6. Define strings
7. What is abstract class in java
8. What is interface
9. Define packages in java
10. Define inner class
11. Define checked and unchecked exceptions
12. What is multithreading
13. Define thread
14. What is container
15. Define listener
16. What is applet
17. What is stream classes
18. What is collection in java
19. Define vector class
20. Define arraylist in java

Long Questions part- B


1. Explain about method overloading and constructor overloading with example program
2. Explain basic operators and conditional logical statements in java
3. Discuss briefly about different access modifiers in java
4. Explain features of java and discuss how java is differ from C and C++


1. Explain about a) string tokenizer class b) wrapper class

2. A) explain about creating and defining a packages with example
b) explain about abstract classes

3. Explain about different types of inner classes and discuss creating static and non-static inner
4. A) explain about interfaces b) explain about super classes and sub classes in java


1. Explain try catch throw throws finally clauses in exception handling with suitable example
2. Explain thread and its life cycle in detail
3. Explain the use of synchronized keyword and discuss how to avoid deadlock
4. What is exception and write your own exception classes


1. Explain different types of layout managers in detail

2. What is applets and explain about running applet in detail
3. Explain about a) GUI Controls b) Events
4. Explain about the listerners and Icon interfaces


1. Explain about stream classes in detail

2. Explain about reader and writer classes with suitable example
3. Explain about arraylist and linkedlist in detail
4. Explain about collection interfaces and collection classes in detail

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