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Good morning. My name is Sara.

I am a student and it is my schedule on

weekdays. In the morning I frequently wake up at four o’clock, then I brush
my teeth and wash my face, then I start to do my homework or finish doing
any other school activity. At half past seven I take a shower and I get dressed
very fast then I make my bed and have breakfast that my mom has prepared
for me, then I leave home and I take the bus, my class begin eight o’clock and
end at ten o’clock, then I return to my house and begin to study or read about
the subjects of the class. At twelve o’clock I eat dinner together my all family
and at one o’clock before I leave house, I brush and floss my teeth, while I
prepare myself to take the next class and sometimes when I have time I walk
to my school while I listen to music. All depends of the class but if I finish
early I go to the library for do homework or read and in the evening at seven
o’clock I go back home and eat my dinner, and then brush my teeth, wash my
face again and finally I go to the bed.

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