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NSDM- a massive, one-month, simultaneous school-

based deworming effort to approximately 16 million
school-aged children enrolled in public schools this
coming January 2017.
Scope and Coverage:
 The NSDM is a nationwide effort targeting all 5 to 18
years old (Kindergarten to Grade XII) children
enrolled in public Elementary & High schools.
To deworm approximately 16 million school-aged
children enrolled in all public elementary & high schools
in one (1) month through the NSDM initiative.
For Region 2:
416,073 – school-aged children aged 5-12 years
old (Kinder to Grade 6) enrolled in 2,199 public
elementary schools.
1-4 years old (Pre-school) – suffer the greatest morbidity
5-12 years old (School-aged) – harbor the greatest load
of infection
1-12 years old – highest intensity of infection

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