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IONIAN A US 20180364366A1 co») United States c2) Patent Application Publication (o) Pub. No.: US 2018/0364366 Al Cvijetic et al. (43) Pub, Dat Dec. 20, 2018 (54) TECHNOLOGIES FOR VEHICLE nosy 64m 2006.01) POSITIONING ‘HOW 42 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: Tesla, Ine., Palo Alto, CA (US) GOIS 19/51 (2013.01), GOIS 19447 (72) Inventons: Neda Cvijetic, East Palo Alto, CA (2013.01), Hosi¥ 4/40 (2018.02): Hoa 4027 (US); Robert Cotield, Mountain View, (2013.01); HOA 64/00 (2013.01) CA (US); Mark MeClelland, San Franeseo, CA (US); Zeljko Popovic, San Francisco, CA (US): Franek Havlak, Redwood City, CA (U on ABSTRACT Appl. No. 15/610,785 Various vehicle technologies for improving. positioning Filed: Jun. 1, 2017 aeeuracy despite various factors that affect signals from navigation satellites. Such positioning accuracy is increased Publication Classification via determining an offset and communicating the offset in (51) Intl various ways or via sharing of raw positioning data between GoIs 1981 (200601) a plurality of devices, where atleast one knows its location GUIS 1947 (2006.01) suliiently accurately, for use in diferemial algorithms 600 | RECEIVE A SENSOR INPUT AT [ASTATIC VEMICLE 602 ' CCONFIRN A POSITION OF THE STATIC VEHICLE ‘$04 ' RECEIVE A POSITIONING SIGNAL AT THE STATIC VEHICLE 606 t GENERATE AW OFFSET AT “THE STANIC VEHICLE 608 ' SeNO THE OF#SET FROM ‘THE STATIC VEHICLE 610

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