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Social Networking sites have taken over today’s world. From what was started
merely for entertainment, today these websites provide a host of opportunities to its users
ranging from marketing their products, increasing awareness on social issues, sharing
photos, video calls, joining groups and forums of interests, promoting an idea, finding
family roots, finding a lost friend, gaming, entertainment applications and so on. In fact
the usage of social networking sites has been so diverse that many people use it for more
than just entertainment. Mena et al studied the readiness of health students to use
Facebook as a platform for training professional habits particularly in the case of influenza
vaccination. This clearly shows social networking sites serve as a creative solution to many
business problems.


Marketing is of core importance to any kind of business. It can range from

promotions and advertisements on a large scale to one to one word of mouth marketing.
Marketing forms the essence of a business by which the brand name is reached to the
intended audience. The cost associated with traditional marketing techniques including
print and visual media is increasing at a fast pace. The cost of a full page colour
advertisement in ‘Time of India’ is around₹200,000, if not more. Thus it is important to look
out for new and more creative methods of marketing. Online marketing especially social
media marketing is a sensible alternative.

This report tries to analyse how effective is marketing via social media. The
report also compares and contrasts the advantages and disadvantages of social media
marketing with traditional advertising like print and visual media. Today’s youngsters
are aspirers. They dream big and want to be their own boss. Most of them aspire to be
entrepreneurs and the success stories of entrepreneurs are a huge encouragement for
them. A major problem that these entrepreneurs face while starting a new business is the
cost associated with the brand building and marketing. In this era, though the young
population is all set to take over the world with extended technological advancements,
many of them fail due to lack of financial resources for brand building. It is in this
scenario that this report analyses how well social media marketing can help new
Therefore the objectives of this report are as follows:

 To study the effectiveness and implementation of social media marketing for

different businesses
 To study how social media can be useful for small businesses and new business
start- ups.
 To compare and contrast social media marketing to traditional marketing
Importance of study

This report uses academic journals, magazine articles, live survey and newspaper
articles which gives an idea about the relevance of social media as a marketing tool.
These were accessed via the library of Amity University. The search keys given were
‘social media’, ‘marketing through Facebook’, ’Start-ups and social media’ ‘Facebook
marketing’ ‘Twitter marketing’, ‘LinkedIn marketing’ ‘social media marketing’ and so
on. Various social networking websites were also visited to get insights on how
marketing can be done through them. Also, in order to get ideas on how new business
start-ups are using social media for marketing success stories of some entrepreneurs
who recently started their business were read.

The structure of this project report is as follows. Chapter 2 does a literature review on
the topics social media as a marketing tool for B2B markets, social media as a marketing
tool for B2C markets and using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for marketing. Chapter 3
is a critical evaluation of these literatures studied and discusses pros and cones of social
media marketing as compared to traditional marketing. It also includes the findings
which came to light as a result of the interaction with the Marketing manager of Chapter 4 concludes the report by stating the effectiveness of social
media for marketing. It also gives recommendations to owners of new start-up businesses
on how to manage their social media accounts to generate more profits from their

Social media has taken over the world in every sense. In the field of marketing,
advertising, brand building, promotions social media is the most sought after method
adopted by entrepreneurs’ young and old. The word social media brings to mind the
most used networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Linked In though there are other
social media websites such as MySpace, Flicker and YouTube. Social media is widely
used in various businesses like small business, banking, retail marketing, B2B marketing,
travel and tourism marketing, financial institutions marketing and so on. This chapter
aims to throw light on the way in which social marketing can be used effectively for
business development. The initial part of this chapter will give an overview of how social
media as a whole can help promote businesses and further down the report, specific cases
pertaining to a particular social networking website used for developing a particular
business unit will be examined.

Objectives of the Study

Marie Swift (2006) suggests that placing an advertisement in the print media is not the
best solution for brand promotion. The problem with traditional mass advertising
according to Marie is that, these media appeal to a wide range of people who may not
even be interested to know who we are. On the other hand, promotions and brand
building must be done with people whom we think are potential customers for our
business. This can be achieved by channelizing a greater part of promotion and
advertising budget for activities such as networking, volunteering, hosting events and so
on. Out of these methods, networking is the best that suits the need of the time .
With the technological advancements in today’s world, it is fairly easy to be connected
with the outside world with the help of social networking sites. Peer networking is an
important way of advertising and this is all set to take over the world of marketing in
the near future. The biggest advantage of social media marketing is that it can be used for
any kind of business regardless of whether it is B2B or B2C. Also the relative cost is
much lesser as compared with traditional advertising.
The scope of the study is to know the opportunities available to the organizations while
using social networking sites as a tool for marketing as well as to know the challenges
that have to be faced while doing the same. For the purpose of this study, people who
are the members of at least one social networking site have been chosen for the
collection of data. A structured questionnaire has been developed by the researcher for
the data collection. The present study is also undertaken to study the trends and shifts in
the marketing practices from traditional marketing to online marketing. The details of
demographic profile of the respondents have been presented in the forthcoming chapter.
After the analysis of the data, the researcher has attempted to present the findings based
upon the same and has also given some specific recommendations for the marketers.


A part of population is known as a sample and drawing a sample from larger

population is called sampling.

A good sample should be representative, accurate and precision sampling can be

categorized into two generic types:

a) Probability sampling

b) Non probability sampling

A methodology is usually a guideline system, with specific components such

as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools. It can also be defined as follows.

1. “The analysis of the principles of methods, rules and postulates employed by

with in a discipline”.
2. “The systematic study of methods that are can be, or have been applied with in
a discipline”.
3. “The study of description of methods”.
Primary Data will be collect through a structured questionnaire, a part from
this the other techniques such as interviews, discussions, and onside observations are
used to collect the primary data.

Secondary Data will be collect with the help of company annual reports,
journals, magazines, text books and internet.

Michael Rodriguez et al conducted a study on the effectiveness of social media

marketing by analysing 1699 business to business clients from around 25 industries.
The study proves that social media is indeed helpful for B2B firms in generating new sales.
Social media is the best tool for finding new clients and deepening the relationship with
existing customers. The study assumed five hypotheses as follows: Social media usage
creates opportunity, social media usage helps in understanding customers, social
media usage helps in relationship management, social media usage aids in relationship
sales performance and social media usage helps in outcome based sales performance.
Based on the social capital theory, these hypotheses were tested and data obtained was
analysed using the standard protocol (Churchill 1979; Churchill and Peter 1984). The
result of this analysis supported the hypotheses that social media usage creates
opportunities, social media usage helps in relationship management and social media
usage helps in relationship sales performance. However, the hypotheses that social media
usage helps increase outcome based sales performance and social media usage helps in
understanding customers were not supported. Thus taking all these into consideration, it
can be concluded that social media usage helps in developing B2B sales. With over 955
million active users, Facebook tops the social media in terms of usage and number of
active users (Mashable website, 2013). Thus it is important to know how Facebook can
be used for B2B marketing.


Although the idea of integrating business into personal life doesn’t seem to be a right choice,
Facebook being a larger community than all countries of this world expect India and
China can help develop B2B business (Handley, 2013). For this the company must have a
business page as opposed to the normal individual profile page. The following things
need to be kept in mind while promoting business through Facebook:

The utmost important thing is to get as many people to ‘like’ the official company page.
Also contents must be added frequently so that users constantly get the news of the
company through the news feed on their home page.
This will keep them updated about what is going on in the company.

Secondly communicate to the customers visually as opposed to text only communication.

Facebook uses an algorithm which gives more priority to videos and photos than text and
increases visibility of news item proportional to the number of people commenting or liking
on it. In simple terms, if a news item is liked and commented by a few people in the
initial phase, there is more chance that it will be seen by more people.

The number of times updates are added and the time of the day when the posts are
added is equally important. Choose a time which is most likely to hit maximum
number of clicks and limit the number of posts to one or two per day.

Similar to the usage of social media in B2B markets as mentioned above, social media
also aids B2C marketing. The following part of this report analyses how various B2C clients
are benefitted from social media usage.


Social media can be effectively used for various B2C clients to increase sales. This
includes business markets such as travel and tourism, banks, retail outlets and so on.


Various industries within the travel industry are focusing on social media marketing
along with the traditional marketing techniques. The airline industry is one which heavily
relies on social media for promotions and advertisements. Hvass & Munar studied the
effectiveness of the airline industry using social media for promoting their travel and tourism
packages. Initially a total of 29 full service carriers and 20 low cost carriers were
selected for this study and afterwards three airlines were chosen from this set. These
airlines had an account in Facebook or Twitter or both. The study proves that most airlines
use an official tone/language while posting their updates thereby reducing the interactive
nature of the post (Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil ). Followers would like the content of these
pages to be more informal but authentic. In fact many airlines have more than one
official page which can cause both confusion and clarity. It causes confusion because fans
or followers may be reluctant to join more than one page for the same company as it
would be difficult to distinguish between original official page and duplicate page. On
the other hand maintaining more than one official page on the social media can help to
clearly distinguish between various functionalities of the company. For instance, content
pertaining to employees need not be made public to the customers and so two pages can
be maintained which caters to employees and customers. In any case, the result proves
that maintaining a social media account helps increase customer base for the travel and
tourism industry and as mentioned above many companies in the tourism industry are
already into it


Saltzman (2017) conducted a real life case study on usage of Twitter by various travel
operators. It is interesting to note that different travel agents use different strategies for
marketing through twitter. While Southwest airlines do not address most of customer
service issues through twitter, it responds to all other queries including latest fares,
promotions offers and so on. As for Marriot International which started with relatively
less number of followers, the main agenda was to implement the feedback provided by the
followers. The main success factor of Marriot’s page is that they don’t limit their tweets
to company specific deals and offers. Interesting fun facts are also given due importance.
Though Marriot also doesn’t encourage customer service issues through Twitter as it may
damage the reputation of the company, any issues posted on Twitter are dealt with. For
pleasant holidays, the major reason they use Twitter is to communicate last minute deals to
its customers and other travel agents. Carnival Cruise Lines address customer queries most
effectively so that Twitter is more of a communication medium between the company and
the customers. Thus different strategies are adopted by different travel operators for
marketing through twitter. This strategy has proved successful for all the travel agents
because their growth in terms of number of followers is whooping. All of them have
grown to either three digit or four digit numbers in a short span of five years and this
proves that marketing through twitter is successful. Though the real success factor lies
in the amount of revenue generated through usage of social media, the gain in popularity
of these sites can’t be ignored. Table 1 shows the growth of various travel operators
in terms of number of followers.
(AS ON AUG 2017) (AS ON SEP 2017 ) GROWTH

Southwest Airlines 406,091 1,372,970 338%

Marriot International 13,446 197,089 1465%
Carnival Cruise Lines 8,671 60,556 698%
Fairmount Hotels 4,550 42,033 923%
Pleasant Holidays 2,767 7,727 279%
Holland America Line 1,472 15,617 1060%
Four Seasons Hotels 4,157 49,251 1184%

Another area of wide usage of social media for B2C marketing is in financial institutions
especially in the banking segment. The next part of this report concentrates on how financial
institutions utilize social media for their marketing strategies.


Many studies have been conducted to analyse the importance of social media
marketing in the financial institution segment. The use of Linked In which is referred to as
‘professional Facebook’ is a very effective platform to build business. “LinkedIn
provides a prime opportunity to showcase your business and its employees as experts
in their field” (Hershberger, 2013). An important fact about LinkedIn is that it has the
highest average income of all social sites. This means that LinkedIn is more to do with
business than entertainment. These days business validation is done by searching for the
company in most popular social media. If financial institutions do not have a profile, it is
most likely that the company will not be regarded as authentic. The advantages of
managing a profile on LinkedIn are as follows:

 The company website, other social media presence like Facebook and Twitter can be
integrated with the LinkedIn page.

 Products and Services tab on the LinkedIn page can be customised to suit the
company’s requirements.

 Icons, Banners, Photos and videos pertaining to brand building of the company can be
included on the LinkedIn page to increase viewership of the page.
Several real life case studies have been written about how banks in particular use other
social media sites such as Facebook and twitter for marketing. The next part focusses
on banks using Facebook as a marketing tool


According to Price (2011), customers who interact with a company through social
media are not discount shoppers. Financial institutions like banks use Facebook as a tool
to deepen existing potential customers. Evidently Facebook is a place where people
like to spent time in. When a company’s presence is felt on a place where you want to
be, there are more chances that the company’s brand building boosts up as a by-
product of the liking for the social media website as a whole. Bank Atlantic is an example
which has 2217 likes as on 26 September . The following is the strategy implemented by
Bank Atlantic:

 Use Facebook to create experiences, services and values unique to Facebook users.
This can be surveys, games and so on

 Place interactive contents like videos and photos which will drive the customers
towards the bank’s official pages

 Encourage users who are active on the page by promoting their content like blogs.

Just as different tour operators have different marketing strategies on twitter, different
banks have different marketing strategy on Facebook as well. Albro reports the
strategies used by various banks in the United States of America to increase their
sales through Facebook marketing. For First National Bank operating mainly in Virginia,
Facebook is an important way of keeping in touch with the customers. The posts on the
bank’s page are planned well in advance so that the bank is prepared to counter any
queries from customers regarding the posts. The bank dedicates a person for responding
to customer queries on the page. Similarly Bath Savings Institution believes in a two
way synchronisation between the banks official website and the official Facebook page.
While updates are posted on both the website and on the Facebook page, the bank
aims at creating an interaction with the customers through the Facebook page. An
important aspect of Bath Savings Institution is that it does not discuss products or
services of the bank through Facebook. The bank believes that details of products or
services are not what customers want. Just as banks use Facebook for marketing, Twitter is
also widely used by many banks to promote their brand. The next part of the report
throws light on Twitter marketing by banks.


A difference in using Twitter for marketing as compared to Facebook or LinkedIn is

that Twitter is more demanding. Frequent tweets should be written in order to engage
customers and this may require an additional person in marketing to keep the page
live and updated at all times (Walt Albro, ). Also even if multiple tweets are written, the
number of potential customers in Twitter is much less than of Facebook due to fact that
it has far lesser active users than Facebook. However, many banks have already started
using twitter as a means to communicate with their customers. Baylake Bank has two
persons from the marketing department to work ful time for the bank’s social media
presence. Baylake Bank is active on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. The advantage that
the bank sees in being on Twitter is the nearly real time conversations it can offer to
customers. Thus customers receive feedback on their query in a very fast manner. The
content for social media is reviewed every two weeks and approved for posting. Avidia
bank has outsourced its marketing operations through Twitter since the bank has only
a small number of marketing staff. Avidia bank aims at creating new customers and
strengthening its brand name through Twitter. Interestingly North Jersey Community
Bank has about a dozen twitter accounts. The bank uses one as its official twitter page
while the others are for communication between employees and the bank’s clients.
Thus various banks are utilizing social media for its marketing.

Apart from financial institutions and travel and tourism industries, retailers are also on
the lookout for utilising social media presence for marketing. The next part of this report
gives an idea of how retailers use social media for marketing.

The August (2017) issue of Market Watch: Technology suggests that usage of Twitter if
monitored well can help in increasing sales revenue beyond expectations. Many retailers
are already reaping the benefits of being on Twitter. For instance ‘Del Retail Outlet’
had 704,000 followers on twitter in 2017 and an accumulated turnover of $2 million
through twitter since the inception of its twitter page in 2007. Today it has 1,506,824
followers which record a 214% growth in terms of number of followers in a short span
of 3 years. Fashion retailer ASOS is also actively tweeting their offers, promotions and
discounts through twitter. Similarly Fresh and Easy which is the US subsidiary of Tesco
launched a new family meal pack as suggested by its customers through Twitter. A
leading furniture retailer in the UK – Habitat – cautions that twitter usage, particularly the
use of hashtags for promotions must be done with extreme care. The company faced a
bad reputation when it used non relevant hashtags to improve viewership. Thus usage of
twitter for retailers is also found useful.

Though the above study proves that social media usage aids in developing both B2C and
B2B businesses, Handley Ann suggests that using Facebook for business needs may
create a negative impact on the person trying to promote the business. She suggests that
Facebook is something personal and people don’t expect business deals through
Facebook. It is supposed to be a social networking site meant for making friends and
keeping in touch with existing friends.
Company profile

Kwality Ltd. is a processor and handler of dairy products in India in the private
sector. The company produces various types of dairy products, which
include Milk, Ghee, Butter, Milk powder, Curd, Yogurt, Cheese etc. The company
has established procurement network which comprise 3,50,000 farmer families
across 4,700 villages in North India. Kwality Ltd. has six plants in Haryana, Uttar
Pradesh and Rajasthan with processing capacity of 3.4 million liters milk per day.


Kwality Ltd. was incorporated in 1992 as Kwality Dairy (India) Ltd and registered
with the registrar of companies (West Bengal) at Calcutta.] In 1995 the company
started producing ghee, skimmed milk powder etc. The total cost of the above
project was 36 billion rupees; it was financed by way of public issue

In 2013, Kwality Dairy India Ltd was changed from Kwality Dairy (India) Limited
to Kwality Limited.[4]

In Dun & Bradstreet Corporate Award 2014, Kwality Limited was selected as the
top Indian Company under the ‘Food & Agro processing’ sector.

In June 2016, Kwality Ltd. secured the investment of 5.2 billion rupees from KKR

Brands and subsidiaries

The company sells milk under the brand Kwality Milk, which is available in three
variants Full Cream, Toned & Double Toned. It also sells ready to drink Flavoured
Milk, Dahi, Chaach etc. It is the first company in India to launch fortified flavoured
milk with vitamin A+D in multiple flavours like Kesar, Badam, Elaichi, Butterscotch
and Cold Coffee.

The product range of the company includes skimmed Milk powder, Whole milk
powder, Dairy Whitener, dairy mix, Ice cream mix,Ready to drink milk, and Ghee
among other products.


The company had signed up the actor Akshay Kumar as a brand ambassador in
October 2015 for two years, according to a BSE filing.

In September 2017, the company confirmed the reappointment of Akshay Kumar as

its brand ambassador for another two years.[7]Kwality Limited came out with a
campaign for its brand of milk, ‘Kwality’. The TVC campaign was conceptualized
by McCann Health, India and it featured Akshay Kumar.

Industry profile

Social media refers to user-created content (audio, text, video, multimedia) that is
published and shared online. It is also the online technology that allows users to
share content and communicate with one another. Social media has changed how we
live our lives and affected how nearly every industry does business. People use
social media to stay informed, compare and buy products, and keep in touch with
family and friends. Companies also use social media to reach customers. They have
in-house social media departments or hire consulting firms to help them develop a
social media strategy, market their products, and manage their profile across various
types of social media. Nonprofits and government agencies use them to spread
information about their programs and services.

In a general sense, social media has been around since the beginning of the Internet,
but Six Degrees, the first social-networking site, launched in 1997. Marketing
professors Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein identify six different types of
social media. In their Business Horizons article, “Users of the World, Unite! The
Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media,” they named the following:

 collaborative projects (e.g., Wikipedia)

 blogs and microblogs (e.g., Twitter)
 content communities (e.g., YouTube, Flickr)
 social-networking sites (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram)
 virtual game worlds (e.g., World of Warcraft)
 virtual social worlds (e.g., Second Life)

No discussion of social media is complete without mention of the Internet—the

delivery method for all those blog posts, pictures, videos, and Tweets. The Internet is
a worldwide network of computer networks linked through high-speed, high-volume
telephone lines and cables, as well as via Wi-Fi connections. It has come a long way
from its start in the 1960s as a vast, indestructible U.S. military computer network
that could communicate even when under enemy attack. Today, the Internet is open
to everyone and a major destination for information, commerce, entertainment, and
communication. In 2016, 87 percent of the U.S. population used the Internet,
according to the Pew Research Center. Only 48 percent of Americans were online in

Social media has become extremely popular (and a lucrative industry) in recent
years. Social media accounted for 19 percent of all online minutes at the end of
2015, according to Cross-Platform Future in Focus U.S.: 2016, from ComScore.
Revenue in the social media industry is increasing rapidly. In 2015, worldwide social
networking advertising revenue reached $23.68 billion, according to eMarketer. This
is a 33.5 percent increase from 2014.

The social media industry provides another great benefit: jobs for people with a
variety of educational backgrounds and skill sets. There are many rewarding careers
in the industry. Social media managers, software engineers and designers, computer
programmers, and other computer scientists are in demand, but so are workers with
creative backgrounds such as writers, graphic designers, and marketing
professionals. Workers with no technical or creative background may find jobs in
administration, finance, law, and other areas.

Several types of companies create and/or utilize social media. Some companies, such
as Google offer both social networking products (Google+), other types of software
(such as the search engine Chrome), and hardware (Pixel, Chromecast, etc.). Others,
such as Pinterest, specialize in social media. There are also thousands of start-ups
that are still seeking to capture the public’s interest or find venture capital funding to
build their brands. Companies are located throughout the United States, but often are
headquartered in California, the Pacific Northwest, and New York City. Typical
departments at these companies include:

 business development

 content creation

 corporate communications

 customer service and support

 data and analytics

 design

 engineering

 finance and administration

 human resources

 information systems and technology

 legal affairs

 marketing

 merchandising

 quality assurance

 regulatory affairs

 warehousing/fulfillment.

One thing is certain about the social media industry: the field is growing, and it will
offer a wide range of career opportunities for years to come.


Usage of social media helps to create a feeling for the customers that they have a direct and
immediate access to the company (Rodriguez et al, ). It is more of a pull strategy rather
than a push strategy for business development as proposed by Lager (2017). An
important aspect of social media marketing is that the results of social media marketing
will be known only after some time of implementation. Merely setting up a page on
any social networking site such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn is not enough to
generate sales. The most important part of implementation is that it should regularly
and frequently be updated. Twitter in particular which is more of real time status
updates, requires frequent updating and feedback to queries. At the same time, too many
posts should not be posted since it will damage the reputation of the brand and over
populate the customer home page. There are different tactics for implementing pages on
different social media sites as follows:


There are several things to keep in mind before plunging into the world of Facebook
marketing. Facebook is not the ideal place for marketing al kinds of businesses. A firm’s
objectives should be laid down and it should completely match with the Facebook
marketing style . This means that Facebook marketing should completely fit with the
brand being marketed. Keeping in mind the fact that average age of people using
Facebook rose from 33 to 38 in 2011 , a brand which caters to audience in their late
thirties can easily be marketed using Facebook. Once the brand is recognised to be
good enough for Facebook marketing, the next hurdle is to urge people to ‘like’ your page.
For this interactive and interesting content should be shared on a regular basis. The next
step is to engage the people who have liked your page by providing them unique deals
through Facebook. Having done this, integrating the company official website, other
social media pages such as Twitter and LinkedIn pages with the company’s official
Facebook page is the next important thing. These icons must be placed promptly, in a
place which is visible to all visitors easily and there should be easy navigation between
these pages.
Status updates, videos, photos, creative games and so on must be updated at steady pace
of intervals so that viewers never think that the company’s page is not maintained wel .
On the other hand, do not overload the customers with too many posts. One post
everyday will be most rewarding as people won’t get bored seeing the firm’s page. There
should be someone responsible for keeping the page live and active throughout the year,
every year. There are various methods for this. The easiest is to delegate the work
for the marketing department. But another solution to decrease workload and to
increase creativity of the posts is to circulate the responsibility of posting with the
various departments such as HR, Finance and accounts department. This can be done
since Facebook is very popular and does not require any technical expertise to update
posts. Another method is outsourcing and there are many companies which outsource
social media marketing. Collecting feedback from the customers and implementing
them in the business is very important since they are invaluable suggestions from
people who want your brand to grow. A legal media policy for data protection
should also be implemented so that the company’s legal side is also taken care of.


As opposed to Facebook, Twitter requires more real time tweets and hence it is more
demanding. There should be a person in charge of ‘tweeting’ the relevant information at
the right time (Marketing Magazine, ). There are several points to be kept in mind while

 Consistently tweet at the peak hour of the day and respond to queries directly and
promptly. Do not tweet too many times in a day.

 Plan in advance regarding what to post and when to post. Keep the posts short and

 Sharing unique content on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and the company’s website
wil urge users to follow the company’s page on al the social media websites.

 Find people who are sharing information related with your business and engage them
in your social media marketing.

 It is important to keep in mind that in order to draw attention from Facebook or

Twitter users who are already busy, engaged and entertained, the company needs to
post something even more interesting which wil increase the company’s sales
revenue indirectly

 The person who is designated to send tweets must know about the company well and
he/she must be very much aware of the business language of the firm. Either content
should be reviewed before posting or someone experienced should be given the task
of social media marketing.

 A specific amount of time at regular intervals like morning, midday and evening
should be spent for responding to twitter queries if any.

 Do not just promote the business but promote interesting content such as funny
videos, useful information and so on. All the content shared should have some
relevance with regard to the firm itself.

 Use simple language which can be understood by a common man. Take special care
not to include jargons in tweets.

 Maintain a positive attitude in the tweets and do not get too personal (Gunelius ,

Having studied how to implement a twitter page and a Facebook page, the next
important thing is to measure the outcome of these efforts. Hence calculating the return
on investment from social media is equally important.


When a CFO of a firm looks at cutting down costs, the ones most likely to get cut are
the ones whose ROI is not known. Hence, investment on social media marketing is
likely to get cut and thereby the firm will suffer bad consequences (Price 2011). Thus
it is very important to calculate the ROI for social media marketing. Follow the steps for
the same.

Track the initial numbers- revenue, average customer spending, website user traffic, new
customers and so on. Make a note of the expenses related to maintaining and updating
the social media page and track the amount of revenue generated from the social
media. Subtracting the expense from the revenue and dividing it with the initial
investment will yield the ROI. The challenge here is that the expense here will be a measure
of time whereas the revenue generated will be in pounds. This time can be converted
to currency by multiplying the time with the hourly wage and adding the computer and
internet cost to it. After posting regular updates on the page for a month or so, calculate
the increased revenue (Price 2011). Apart from this various tools are available to track
users who visit a page on Facebook just like Google Analytics is used to track people
visiting a website. The tools available in the market are as follows:

i. Facebook Insights: Gives data on customer interaction, ‘likes’ comments and so on

in a visually pleasing way which is easy to understand and analyse.

ii. HootSite: Consists of a web application and a mobile application which can be used
by novice users as well to interpret traffic on a webpage

iii. Nutshellmail: Gives reports on social media usage as an email which has details like
comments, ‘likes’ and so on for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

iv. TweetDeck: Used to get a peripheral idea on who is using the company’s twitter page
and who is coming back.

Similarly, it is important to measure the impact of using Facebook for bank

marketing. This can be done by monitoring the change in visitors’ number when a
promotion has been updated on its Facebook page and by measuring customer
satisfaction levels from time to time (Price, 2011). Since the implementation of social
media and measuring the impact of social media is done, the next question is whether
social media marketing is viable for small businesses and new start-ups. The next part of
the report focuses on viability on social media marketing for small businesses start-


Ankeny (2011) finds out how is it possible for small business start-ups to utilize
Facebook as their marketing tool. There are numerous small business start-ups which use
Facebook as an effective tool for marketing. The biggest advantage of small business
start-ups in using Facebook for marketing is the massive expense cut. Initial phase of
a company is the time when the brand needs to be built through strong PR events.
With about a billion population and around half of them logging in everyday, there is no
cheaper medium of promotion as Facebook especially for small business start-ups. By
encouraging people to interact on Facebook by providing unique promotions, business
opportunities and so on, people get more acquainted with the brand itself. By providing
discounts and other offers to Facebook customers alone, the need for reviewing the
page again and again becomes a necessity. Hence, the page gets clicked many
more times and thus the brand building takes place without much hassle. When
Facebook page of a new start-up company is being designed, it must be designed in
such a way that it engages more customers. Thus by increasing the amount of time
spent on the Facebook page of the company, the brand name gets more deeply
engraved into the customers mind (Ankeny 2011).

The success of a small business start-up by Anna Strahs proves that Facebook
marketing works really well for new business start-ups (Ankeny, 2011). She started her
own bakery which baked alternative food which was corn free, nut free and diary free.
She started a Facebook page as soon as she started the company and regularly
updated photos and videos of her progress. Facebook managed her market research,
feedback collection and promotions. While she managed to know what the customers want
through Facebook using customer feedback, she did her promotions by updating posts
and photos through Facebook. By understanding the true potential of Facebook, she
invested in Facebook advertisements as well and the response was truly rewarding.
From what started as a business to cater to the necessity of people with dietary
restrictions, the company has grown far and wide and ships its products across the
United States of America. This was possible with a mere $300 spent for
advertisements. This is the true potential of social media for new start-ups. At a
time when financial resources are very limited and brand building is of high priority, social
media advertisements can eliminate the huge amount of money spent on advertisements
and at the same time create a brand image in a relatively shorter span of time

Having studied the way in which social media can be exploited for small businesses
start-ups, the next important thing is to compare and contrast between traditional
advertisements and social media promotions and conclude which is better and why.

Traditional advertising media includes print media, radio and visual media. In fact,
only the print media was considered to be traditional media but in this context of
discussing the impact of social media advertising and its comparison with other media
advertisements, all other existing media except the social media is considered as traditional
media, at least for the sake of this report. Though social media is gaining importance and
acceptance, 45% of advertisement revenue is still paid for advertisements in the print
media Hampel . This figure can be debated to be a result of the inexpensive social
media advertisements as mentioned earlier. Though the investment for advertising in
social media is very less, the mass appeal is much higher and hence more returns
can be expected. Hampel identifies that “consumers are becoming increasingly
resistant to traditional advertising” (Pieters and Wedel, 2007). Precise targeting of
consumers is not possible in mass media such as print and television. Whereas by using
the Internet as a source of advertisements, people who are interested in a particular
product can be drawn towards the company more easily. As mentioned before, this is
called as a pull strategy as opposed to a push strategy. Even within the traditional
media of advertising, premium print advertisements which are far more expensive than
normal advertisements are being widely used. “More prestigious perception of an
advertising stimulus converges with the advertised brand, thereby leading premium-print
advertisements to be perceived more prestigiously” (Hampel, ).

According to Hill & Moran the interactive nature of social media is the factor which
draws a large number of people towards it as compared to the traditional media such as
TV, radio and print media. Social media is more customisable as compared to
traditional media. In social media, it is easy to find what a consumer needs. Contrastingly,
in case of traditional media, the consumer is forced to enjoy whatever is broadcasted
by someone else. Social media makes it easier to search for relevant information
thereby cutting down the time, energy and money required to search for it. Above all
man being a social animal is on the constant outlook towards interacting with other
people around him. Traditional media does not give an opportunity for this whereas
social media was actually built for this purpose in the first place. Though there are some
downsides to social media marketing such as privacy concern, legal concern and
over exposure towards public, these limitations can be overcome if social media is
used promptly, wisely and effectively. Thus social media is by any chance better than
traditional media in terms of expense, wider appeal and lesser indirect costs



This report presents selected results from the Social Media Management Survey for the The survey collected perception towards the social media
marketing from a representative sample of management students studying in different
departments of Amity University, Uttar Pradesh. Survey methods included online
questionnaire to collect student’s perception towards the social media marketing. All
data collection activities conformed to standard procedures for conducting online
marketing surveys. The sampling, survey design, and reporting methodologies are
recognized by marketing manager of


Social media marketing survey objective was to provide consumer behaviour data for The resulting databases will be used to update and expand the
marketing activities on social media by the organization. In order to achieve the
desired results, the social media marketing survey had the following goals:

 Capture random students from the management courses within the Hyderabad, Telangana

 Collect perception of all persons towards marketing through social media.

 Collect data on which social networking site is more suitable for marketing.


Category: Retail (Online) Sector: Daily need products Tagline: Eat Healthy – Stay Fit
USP: Affordable daily needs.

STP (Segment, Target group, Positioning)

Segment: Price sensitive group

Target Group: Upper and lower middle class Positioning: Working Women.



 Ozone purified fruits and vegetables with brand GREENO.

 Free home delivery.

 Cash on delivery. (COD)

 Affordability for middle class.

 Quality, choice and convenience.


 Not known nationally and restricted to limited areas.

 No promotional offers.

 Less promotional activities.

 First impression is website for an online store, so we have to improve the interface of

 To expand nationwide by tie-ups.

 Entering into high premium segments.

 Adding more products through diversification.

 To penetrate the market with affordable price and promotional offers.

 Opening offline stores. (OSTs).


 Nationwide presence of competitors.

 Frequent variations in the price.

 The facilities used to provide by the players like ‘FRESHONE’. (Ex: Weekly payment

 Kent’s Ozone fruits and vegetables purifier, and ‘VegFru wash’.






 (by Godrej)



 and many.



1. Do you think social media is the most sought after method adopted by
entrepreneurs’ young and old in the field of marketing, advertising, brand
building, promotions?



Options Number of responses Percentage

Yes 81 90%

No 9 10%

Social media has taken over the world in every sense. In the field of marketing,
advertising, brand building, promotions social media is the most sought after method
adopted by entrepreneurs’ young and old. 90% people agree with it but 10% of them still
believe in the traditional way of marketing.
2. Which is the most effective solution for brand promotion?

Print Media

Social media

Options Number of responses Percentage

Social Media 66 73%

Print Media 24 27%

Marie Swift (2006) suggests that placing an advertisement in the print media is not the
best solution for brand promotion. The problem with traditional mass advertising
according to Marie is that, these media appeal to a wide range of people who may not
even be interested to know who we are. 73% of the people agree with it while rest is
still thinking print media has its own significances. Someone said “print media is the
only media which has the highest reach as it is read by the old and young population.”
3. Do you think social media marketing will help the firms to find their potential




Options Number of responses Percentage

Yes 63 70%

No 9 10%

Maybe 18 20%

Promotions and brand building must be done with people whom we think are potential
customers for our business. This can be achieved by channelizing a greater part of
promotion and advertising budget for activities such as networking, volunteering,
hosting events and so on. Out of these methods, networking is the best that suits the need
of the time (Marie Swift, 2006). With the technological advancements in today’s world, it
is fairly easy to be connected with the outside world with the help of social networking
sites. Yes, most of the people agree with it.
4. Which social networking site are you most familiar with?

Most of the above


Youtube LinkedIn
10% 41%


My Space

Options Number of responses Percentage

LinkedIn 18 20%
Facebook 24 27%
Twitter 6 7%
YouTube 15 17%
My Space 3 3%
Most of the 24 27%

In today’s world there are many social networking sites which are helpful for the mass
marketing. The objective of this question was to find the website which is the most
popular one. Most of the people are familiar with Facebook, LinkedIn then YouTube.
Many of them are familiar with most of the social networking sites.
5. Do you think the relative cost is much lesser as compared with traditional



Options Number of responses Percentage

Yes 51 57%

No 24 27%

Depends 15 17%

More than 50% people think relative cost is much lesser as compared with traditional
advertising while more less than 30% think it is not. The studies say that the relative
cost is lesser as compared the social media marketing with traditional advertising.
6. Is social media helpful for B2B firms in generating new sales/clients?

Depends how
reputed the firm is


Options Number of responses Percentage

Yes 57 63%

No 15 17%

It depends how 18 20%

reputed the firm is.

Social media helpful for both B2B and B2C firms in generating new sales/clients. 63% of
the people agree with it. While others think in B2B everything is taken place in a
formal way so it’s not possible to generate new sales through the social media.
7. “Social media can be effectively used for various B2C clients to increase sales.”
Do you agree?




Options Number of responses Percentage

Yes 63 70%

No 9 10%

Partially 18 20%

70% of the people agree with this because most of the people are familiar with social
networking sites and they frequently visit these sites.
8. Which one do you think is the most effective social networking site for online



Options Number of responses Percentage

Twitter 21 23%

Facebook 60 67%

LinkedIn 9 10%

It shows that most of the people are familiar with Facebook in comparison with other
sites like Twitter and LinkedIn. Cab providers like Ola Cabs and Taxi For Sure are more
active in Twitter than facebook. So it depends on different industries.
9. Do you follow your favourite brands on social networking sites like Facebook,
twitter and LinkedIn?


Options Number of responses Percentage

Yes 78 87%

No 12 13%

Most of the people do follow their favourite brands in Facebook and twitter to know
about their offerings and all.
10. If yes, why do you follow them?

To know how well

they are in
Just because you
like those brands

You are very keen

to know about
their new offerings

Options Number of responses Percentage

Just because you like those brands 24 27%

You’re very keen to know about 51 57%

their new offerings.

To know how well they are in 15 17%


27% of people follow their favourite brands just because you like those brands. 57% are
very keen to know about their new offerings while 17% follow to know how well they
are in marketing.
Spread Sheet

Do you Which Do Which Do you Is social “Social Which Do you If yes,

think is the you social think media media one do follow why do
social most think the can be you your you
Yes Social Yes Most of Yes Yes Yes Facebook Yes You are
media the above very
keen to
Yes Social Maybe Twitter Depends It Yes Twitter Yes To know
media depends how
how good
Yes Print Yes Facebook Yes Yes Yes Twitter Yes Just
media because
you like
Yes Social Yes Linkedin Yes Yes No Facebook Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Print Maybe Facebook No It Yes Facebook Yes You are
media depends very
how keen to
Yes Social Yes Most of Depends Yes Yes Facebook Yes To know
media the above how
No Print Maybe Youtube No It Partiall LinkedIn No Just
media depends y because
how you like
Yes Social Yes Youtube Yes Yes Yes LinkedIn Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Print Yes Most of No It Partiall Facebook No Just
media the above depends y because
how you like
Yes Social Yes Facebook Depends Yes Yes Facebook Yes You are
media very
keen to
No Print No Most of No No Yes Facebook Yes You are
media the above very
keen to
Yes Social Yes Facebook Yes Yes Yes Facebook Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Social Yes My space Yes Yes Yes Facebook Yes Just
media because
you like
Yes Social Yes Youtube Yes Yes Yes Facebook Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Social Yes Facebook Yes Yes Partiall Facebook Yes To know
media y how
Yes Social Yes Facebook No Yes Yes Facebook Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Social Yes Youtube Yes Yes Yes Facebook Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Social Yes Youtube Yes Yes Yes Facebook Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Social Maybe Twitter Depends It Partiall Twitter Yes To know
media depends y how
how good
Yes Social Yes Most of Yes No Yes Facebook Yes You are
media the above very
keen to
Yes Social Yes Facebook Yes Yes Yes Facebook Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Print Maybe Most of Depends It Partiall Facebook Yes Just
media the above depends y because
how you like
No Print No Facebook No No No Facebook No Just
media because
you like
Yes Social Maybe Most of No No Partiall Facebook Yes Just
media the above y because
you like
Yes Social No Most of No No No Facebook No To know
media the above how
Yes Social Yes Linkedin Yes Yes Yes LinkedIn Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Social Yes Linkedin Yes Yes Yes Twitter Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Social Yes Linkedin Yes Yes Yes Twitter Yes You are
media very
keen to
Yes Social Yes Linkedin Yes Yes Yes Twitter Yes Just
media because
you like
Yes Print Yes Linkedin Yes Yes Yes Twitter Yes You are
media very
keen to

It is clear from the literature review that usage of social media for marketing has been
embraced by businesses of all kinds. It is proved that business to business marketing
and business to consumer marketing is possible and highly effective through the usage of
social media especially Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The next part of the report
concentrates on how social media presence can be increased for business firms and how
is it better than or worse than traditional advertising techniques. It also focusses on how
social media usage can enhance small businesses. Merely implementation of social media
may not be useful for businesses but there should be a way to measure the impact of
using social media for marketing. Thus discussion on how to measure the return on
investment in social media will also be covered. In addition to this the general thumb rules
of using social media sites for marketing will be discussed.


Social media is working more as a search engine these days because people trust
people rather trusting companies. Also people think that it would be cheaper to buy from
the people directly rather than going to the company website. Hence, an area of interest is
searched on a social media and concerned people are found and communicated with.
Social media marketing creates a positive effect on many business markets such as
financial institutions, travel and tourism businesses, retail businesses, knowledge
businesses, entertainment industry, and so on. Since the process of social media
marketing saves money, time and is highly engaging and interesting social media
marketing seems to be the next big thing to hit the world as a whole. One of the biggest
advantages of social media marketing as opposed to traditional advertising is that
potential customers can be precisely targeted. For example, in Facebook, if a person
species that his area of interest is interior designing; his home page would have
advertisements of interior designers on it. Thus, it doesn’t seem to be a hassle for the
customer because they would definitely want to see those advertisements. As for the
business owner, he/she needs to pay only if a person clicks on his/her advertisements.
Thus it is a win- win situation for both the business owner and the customer.

Similarly small business start-ups should utilize the endless opportunities provided by
social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The biggest advantage
for small business start-ups is that the amount of money to be spent on
advertisements can be massively cut down and brand building can be done effectively.
As in LinkedIn which is customisable, more than one products being sold by the same
company can also be marketed. This works perfectly for B2B clients who cater to more
than one product from the same verticals. In fact social media sites themselves are
changing at a fast pace to keep up with the marketing trend that is present today.
Though LinkedIn was started for professional networking, it has added much
functionality recently which makes it an attractive platform for business development.
Likewise although Facebook is considered as a medium for personal space, it is
changing at a rapid pace to cater to the needs of businesses as well. More companies are
trying to market their products through Facebook. Twitter is least preferred
social networking website used for business development. The main reason for this is
that Twitter is more demanding in terms of frequent tweets and more time should be spent
on it to respond to customer queries. However, Twitter is also changing to cater to
business development needs. Marketing Week reports that Twitter now provides
various tools for gauging the impact of promoted tweets. Now brands who want to
advertise on Twitter can customise their advertisements on the basis of what is
working for them. Thus all popular sites are into marketing and it can be seen as a good
sign of opening the horizons for a new way of marketing which cheaper, greener and
more effective.

From this report it can be concluded that social media presence is inevitable in the
coming years. Not only that social media is useful as a marketing tool, it has become the
order of the day to be present in social media. Therefore this report recommends all
kind of businesses- small scale, large scale, business to business clients, business to
consumer clients, manufacturing industries and so on to be actively present in the
social media. An important fact to be kept in mind in this context is that most social
networking sites have a cyclic growth. It starts from minimum, attains a maximum
and goes down to a minimum again. Thus, this is the perfect time to invest time and
resource in popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Owing
to the relatively small amount of investment, it is not a high risk investment as the usage
of social media will come to a minimum only gradually.

In comparison with traditional advertisements, social media marketing caters to a

more focussed group of people and thus can yield better results. This does not mean that
companies should stop using traditional media and start using online and social media
alone for advertisements. This may result in disastrous results. An important thing to be
kept in mind is that when we say one in every seven people are on Facebook, there
can be millions of duplicate accounts and almost half of the total number of accounts
is not being accessed every day. This limits the chances of meeting new prospects and
thereby causes a hindrance for generating new business leads. Also still the remaining
people of the world are relying on traditional media which means that we can’t ignore them.
Therefore the best solution is to combine both traditional and social media for
marketing (Wakolbinger, 2017). This will bridge the gap between those people who are
active on social media sites and those who are still relying on traditional media.
Companies must be careful in selecting particular adverts for particular media. A
company which sells clothes may have to rely on social media for
advertising their clothes for people of the age group 15-50 whereas they still have to
depend upon traditional advertisements like TV, radio and print media for the rest of the
age group population. Thus effective combination of social media adverts and
traditional adverts will result in better results.

The online presence of firms must be frequently updated and it must be linked with
each other and with the company website. It must be maintained well and only
relevant posts must be updated. Small businesses should embrace this wonderful
technology and reap the benefits of being on the social media for marketing.


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Churchill Jr., Gilbert A. (1979) A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures for
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Churchill Jr., Gilbert A.; Peter J. Paul (1984) Research Design Effects on the Reliability
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Hampel Stefan, Heinrich Daniel, Campbel Colin Is An Advertisement Worth The Paper
It's Printed on? The Impact of Premium Print Advertising On Consumer Perceptions.
Journal of Advertising Research; Vol. 52 Issue 1, p118-127, 10p [electronic resource],
1. Do you think social media is the most sought after method adopted by entrepreneurs’
young and old in the field of marketing, advertising, brand building, promotions?

# Yes # No

2. Which is the most effective solution for brand promotion? # Social Media

# Print Media

3. Do you think social media marketing will help the firms to find their potential customers?

# Yes # No

# Maybe

4. Which social networking site are you most familiar with? # LinkedIn

# Twitter

# My space # Facebook # YouTube

# Most of the above

5. Do you think the relative cost is much lesser as compared with traditional advertising?
# Yes

# No

# Depends

6. Is social media helpful for B2B firms in generating new sales/clients? # Yes
# No

# It depends how reputed the firm is.

7. “Social media can be effectively used for various B2C clients to increase sales.” Do you

# Yes

# No

# Partially

8. Which one do you think is the most effective social networking site for online marketing?

# Twitter

# Facebook # LinkedIn

9. Do you follow your favourite brands on social networking sites like Facebook, twitter
and LinkedIn?

# Yes # No

10. If yes, why do you follow them?

# Just because you like that brands

# You are very keen to know about their new offerings # To know how good they are in

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