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‘Changing Cultures of Competitiveness’


Sixth Seminar on "Spaces of Competitiveness, Spaces of

Social Innovation"
(co-organised with KATARSIS)

Monday 13 July, 2009

Newcastle University, Beehive, Room 2.22

9.30 am: Welcome Ngai-Ling Sum and Frank Moulaert (Coffee provided)

9.45 am- 12.00 am: Morning session "Social Innovation and Governance" chaired by
Jean Hillier

Frank Moulaert "Spaces of social innovation: State of the Art in international research"
Marisol Garcia, University of Barcelona "Social Innovation and Governance: initiatives
and processes" (25')
Marc Pradel, University of Barcelona "Governance, social and economic innovation in
Europe: the cases of Vallès Occidental and West Midlands" (25')

Discussant: Sara Gonzalez, Leeds University.


01.00 pm - 02.30 pm: Afternoon session "Arts and Creativity in Socially Innovative
Spaces" chaired by Diana MacCallum, Griffith University, Australia

Isabel André, Lisbon University "Arts and Creativity in Socially Innovative Spaces"
Jai Redman, Leeds University "Art practice and graphic communication in social change"

Discussants: Armelle Tardiveau and Daniel Mallo, Newcastle University

Coffee break

03.00 pm - 04.30 pm: Afternoon session "Spaces of resistance, spaces of social

change?" chaired by Bob Jessop, Lancaster University, UK.

Len Arthur 'The transformational power of the cooperative movement in the UK'
Friday Ogwu 'Petroleum Pipe Distribution System: the Case of the Oil and Gas Pipeline
Network in Nigeria - An environmental justice approach'
André Carmo Lisbon University 'The lessons from the anarchist experiences on urban
social cohesion'

Discussant: Andy Pike, Newcastle University

04.30- 05.30 pm: This ESRC seminar series: Retrospect and prospect (Ngai-Ling Sum,
Lancaster University, UK)

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