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The plot of the film focuses on the eight people who are up for the employment examination of a

certain company. The examination of that company is quite unusual and very tricky unlike any
other company's employment examination. There a guy who is like a somewhat proctor is giving
instructions to the examinee in which they were given rules pertaining to the examination. first
rule is that they are not allowed to spoil their paper, second they are not allowed to leave the room
and last they are also not allowed to talk or ask to him or to the armed guard in the door during the
exam which would last for 80 mins. if any of those rules were broke then the examinee will be
disqualified. At first i was puzzled for all the rules that has been given to the examinees for what
maybe the reason behind all those rules. were that rules part of the examination like see if who
will be the rulebreaker or the obedient or maybe were the rules supposed to test them in a way that
will test their personalities through those rules?But before the person who supervises them left the
room he asks if they have any questions then leave afterwards. when the exam started i was
perplexed because it turns out that the paper is blank and no question is visible. That alone became
tricky. How will they answer if they dont know the question. so at first a woman write a statement
in the paper stating the reason why she hould be hired but the guard got her and take her outside
which means shes disqualified. so the remaining candidates are being extra careful and work
together tobsolve the mystery for they have found out that its not in the rules to not allow them to
talk with each other. But throughout their way on solving the mystery they become more aggresive
and more conpetitive with each other instead of having a teamwork. one of the candidate even
betrayed two of the other candidates making them disqualified unintentionally. and afterwards
they become competitive even when someone's life is at risk. I havr mixed emotions in that part
and questioning myself "just how much these people are willing to do just for work and money
even when lives of may persons are at risk? . But as when the time has come to an end the blonde
woman finally solve the mystery just the right time when the real timer finally stops and handed
her answer to the one who were supervising but told him at first that shes not gonna take the job.
for she thought that many risks have happened during the exam without knowing that the guy
whom she thought have died is still alive for the bullet that struck him is a medicine and
afterwards after hearing all the reasons of their way on selecting employee the blonde take the job.
there are many things that i learned in the movie. I learned that we should not trust fully the people
around us especially we only just met them; to always have a calm and peace of mind in spite of a
very messy situation so that we could think well; to be aware in every detail because we dont
know that every small thing around us has meaning; and lastly to always have a compassion to
every person and treat them whatvthey desrve and do not just jump into actions without thinking
first and without thinking the other's situation or become selfless because we should not do to
others what you dont wantvothers do unto you.

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