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Emotional State

Conditioning Session 

This is a very powerful and important session.

Please print these instructions so you can fill in the information and keep it in
front of you while you’re doing the session.

The purpose of this session is to connect certain of your emotions to specific

sounds. This will make the Light and Sound sessions FAR more powerful for you.

Think of this session as consciously and purposefully creating an “our song”. You
know, like when two people are enjoying each others company and a song both
of them like comes on the radio and they say, “Wow, this is a great song – it will
always remind me of you”. And the other person says, “Yeah, I love it, and it will
always remind me this time together – we’ll call it, our song”.

We are going to associate strong emotional states with sounds so that as we work
together, I can help you learn faster, overcome troubling or stuck states, inspire
you and make the learning quicker, easier, more powerful and more meaningful.

Trust me, you’re going to love it.

Ok, let’s get started.

It’s important you go through this document and fill it out and have it in front of
you prior to starting the audio session.

And when you do the audio session, it would be best if you use headphones.

Now what I’d like you to do is to think of these 6 emotional states:

• Something You Absolutely Know is True

• Ferocious Resolve
• Something You Strongly Believe In
• Something That Is No Longer True But Used To Be
• Something You Are Passionate About
• Go For It

Start with Something You Absolutely Know is True – and think about that. This
should be something that requires zero faith on your part, it is simply true. For
example, the sun rises each day – it has since you were born and probably
always will. Other examples like this are – you are either male or female, If you
are under the water and blow air out, it will always rise, if you drop something
while here on earth, it will fall.

1  © MAXpersuasion, Inc. 2006 to Present. 
Emotional State
Conditioning Session 

So now think about some of these things that ring true for you and write down
some specific examples here:

Absolutely True:




Now think about Ferocious Resolve.

Think about a time in your life when you were absolutely determined about
something and did it. Think about what that is like for you to be completely
and totally determined. And let’s call this, Ferocious Resolve.

Think about a specific time or two when you felt this way – and write them down

Ferocious Resolve:




Now think about Something You Strongly Believe in.

Think about a couple of times in your life when you felt strong belief. This could
be a belief in God, or that the strong survive or that human beings have
tremendous abilities all of which are not yet even understood. And write them
down here.

Something You Strongly Believe In:




2  © MAXpersuasion, Inc. 2006 to Present. 
Emotional State
Conditioning Session 

Now think about something that is No Longer True But Used To Be.

This can be as simple as a habit you had and now you don’t. Or, think about a
house that you used to live in – you don’t live there any more, but it used to be
true. Think of a couple of things that are no longer true but used to be and write
them here.

No Longer True But Used To Be:




Now think about something you are Passionate about in your life.

This could be anything from being passionate about learning new things,
becoming more persuasive, making more money, being a better
partner/father/mother, retiring in style, building wealth - you name it.

Think of one or more things that you are really passionate about right now – and
remember what that is like and write them down here:

Things You Are Passionate About:




Now think about what it’s like to totally Go For It.

What do you do when you are sitting at a red light in your car, and the light turns
green? If you were running a race and you’re at the starting line and the starters
pistol is fired, what do you do?

Think about several times in life when you decided to Go For It – and you did.
Write down examples that when you think of them, you feel like going for it.

3  © MAXpersuasion, Inc. 2006 to Present. 
Emotional State
Conditioning Session 

Go For It:




Ok, you’re now ready to start the audio session. Have these papers in front of
you so you can look at what you wrote for each of the emotions.

Do the first part of the audio session 5 times minimum. I’ll tell you in the session
when to stop and do it again.

The whole session is only 15 minutes so this is quick and easy.

You’ll want to strengthen the association to the sounds from time-to-time, say
monthly. Just give it a listen and you’ll keep building the strength of the
associations. When you re-listen to this each month, you don’t need to go
through the first half 5 times.

Enjoy and listen for these in your Light and Sound sessions.


4  © MAXpersuasion, Inc. 2006 to Present. 

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