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It’s already 2, classes start from 8 but you don’t feel like sleeping just yet.

You roll over in the

darkness and open up Youtube, jumping around from video to video, but cant find anything you
want to watch. As you keep jumping from video to video you realize that you have strayed into
Youtube’s more interesting corners. Hysterical youtubers scream at you to see the “truth”. The
suggestions push you further to explore the Internet’s vastness, and you just cant stop watching. It’s
now nearly morning… how many videos have you watched already? How did you get here? You
curse yourself for not falling asleep earlier, but what really eats away at you is the fact that there is
so much more to know about whatever you were looking at. Welcome to the rabbit hole.

Rabbit holes are worlds folded into themselves. The more you start learning, the more you need to
know. Like a predator waiting to spring on its prey, they lie hidden in plain view waiting for a stray
click. Maybe it’s an article about superconductor physics, or perhaps an old unsolved murder.
Whatever it is, the arcane calls to you, you need to know more. You just can’t stop reading. You
devour information seeking something but unable to formulate what. The rabbit hole has a grasp on
you now.

Rabbit holes are hidden all over the internet waiting for somebody to discover them. The very
structure of the internet makes its especially conducive for these information sinkholes to form.
Everything and everyone has a story. All human information melds together to create grand
narratives each as unique as a snowflake. An infinite chain of hyperlinks keep driving you deeper
and deeper. A stream of never ending data whizzes by you as wonder if you will get to the bottom of
whatever you are reading about.

Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland, has given us far more than a few wacky movies. When Alice
tumbled through the rabbit hole her world changed forever. A quick peek out of curiosity turned
into a journey through a never ending void. Lewis Carrol’s rabbit hole has now transcended the
pages of its book and proliferated throughout the digital realm. While many dismiss it as a flight of
fancy, rabbit holes are hiding just behind the corner waiting to be discovered, just ask Alice…

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