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Jan Moldovean

Currently, graffiti is a general term related to calligraphic inscriptions or pictures
painted or engraved on walls or other public or private surfaces that are not
intended for this purpose. When done without the consent of the owner, it
constitutes vandalism (which is illegal). Graffiti has existed since antiquity, during
ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. The more private, the more illegal the
place is, the more it performs. That's why we'll find a lot of graffiti in the subway /
bus stations. Graffiti is not just a simple text but a drawing that has to be as
complicated and different as possible to attract attention.
I think we could draw on the walls of the high school because it would be beautify
the high school, it would be full of color, the children could to express your
feelings and emotions through graffiti! It could once again show you creativity
Graffiti is merely illicit public art, generally spray-painted murals, writings or
drawings, which does not have the prior permission of the property owner, whereas
vandalism is any wilful destruction of property, which is how many people
perceive graffiti.

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