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Abraham & Lot Free Bible lesson for under 5s © 2019 Grown-uos Video playlist Lesson Outline This week's lesson comes from Genesis 13:2-18. It is the account of Abraham and Lot separating and going different ways. The key lessons this passage teaches us, and our children are: 1. Make careful and Godly choices because they have consequences. 2. Putothers first. Abraham let Lot choice first. Lot did what was best for Lot. 3, _,Gad ways are more important than how things physically look. 4, ~ Weneed to be careful who we get close to. Lesson introduction Before reading Genesis 13:2-18 with your child, sit down with them and have a small snack. On a plate, put a selection of biscuits, some whole and some broken. (alternately you can use some fruit, some that look perfect and others that look bruised.) Offer the plate to your child first and ask them to pick the best snack. Likely they will choose the whole or best-looking snack. It's now time to read Genesis 13:2-18 or to paraphrase it in a way your child understands. Point to discuss: * Reflect on why Abraham and Lot's men argued - They all wanted what wos kest for themselves. * Who had the first choice? Why did he choose that land? Because it looked best. Explain that while it looked 00d, it, was near bad people who did bad things. We will iscuss more on Sodom and Gomorrah in next week's lesson. * Talk about how some things that may look good but can cauise harm. (Running off to play with something away froma grown-up, taking sweets from someone you don't know, etc.) Thank You Thank you once again for joining us for this weeks lesson. There will be a new added each Friday covering the Old Testament in 2019. Please give me feedback, so that | can adjust the lessons over the next weeks to best meet your needs. Do you need more of something? Colouring pages, crafts, actives sheets, instructions. If you have any friends who would benefit from these lesson, feel free to share it with them. Games and Activities Sharing Have a selection of okjects and ask your child to share them out equally. You could use toy blocks, toy cards, fruit or anything Garden or Farm visit IF you have a garden or farm near to your home, take your child there for a visit. Notice the land that looks the best. Where is the green grass. Where to the animals like to live and plants to grow? What is best This game is so simple it can be . played anywhere. Simply ask your | Gg child to choose their favourite or best? For example: What is best chocolate or strawberry ice cream? dark Blue or pink? Light or dark? 7 Riding a bike or running? © 2019

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