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 YOLO [acronyms] = you only live once (Taken from Drake music)
 Diss (or dis) [clipping] = disrespect (Taken from Hip Hop music)
 S.H.I.E.L.D [acronyms] = Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage and Law-
Enforcement Division or Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate
(Taken from MC movies)
 SPECTRE [acronyms] = Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and
Extortion (Taken from James Bond)
 WALL•E [acronyms] = Waste Allocation Load Lifter · Earth Class (Taken from WALL•E)


 Jig [n] + -(g)y (suffix) (Taken from Gettin' Jiggy wit It by Will Smith)
 Harvest [n] + -ing (suffix) = harvesting [adj] (Taken from Dr. Strange1)
 un- (prefix) + treat [v] + -able (suffix) = untreatable [adj] (Taken from Dr. Strange)
 trans- (prefix) + form [n] + -er (suffix) = Transformer [noun] (Taken from Transformers)
 boy [n] -hood (suffix) = boyhood (Taken from Boyhood)


 Mic drop = Microphone + drop (Taken from Stand-up comedy and rap singers)
 Bootylicious = booty + (de)licious (Taken from Bootylicious by Destiny's Child)
 Muppet = m(arionette) + (p)uppet (Taken from The Muppets)
 Bionic = bio(logy) + (electro)nic (Taken from Bionic by Christina Aguilera)
 Bollywood = Bo(mbay) + (Ho)llywood (Taken from Slumdog Millionaire)


 Beignets [French word] (Taken from The Princess and the Frog)
 Chimichanga [Mexican word] (Taken from Shrek 4)
 Emoji [Japanese word] (Taken from Emoji Movie)
 Kindergarten [German word] (Taken from Kindergarten Cop)
 Karate [Japanese word] (Taken from The Karate Kid)


 Superman [from Ubermensch in German] (Taken from Superman)

 Bag End [from cul-de-sac in French] (Taken from The Lord of the Rings)
 Stormtroopers [from Sturmtruppen in German] (Taken from Star Wars)
 The Devil's Advocate [from advocātus diabolī in Latin] (Taken from The Devil's Advocate)
 Gospel [from εὐαγγέλιον (evangelion) in Greek] (Taken from The Gospel)

 Krump = a dance style (Taken from Ceasare Willis and Jo'Artis Ratti Hip Hop dancers)
 Muggle = a person without magic (Taken from Harry Potter)


 Overdue = over + due (Taken from Dr. Strange)

 Batman = bat + man (Taken from Dr. Strange)
 Birdcage = bird + cage (Taken from The Bircage)
 Moonlight = Moon + light (Taken from Moonlight)
 Honeymoon = Honey + moon (Taken from Honeymoon by Lana Del Rey)

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