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Well, I joined the UNHEVAL university for the modality of CENFOTEC in 2018, it
was not that complicated for me to enter since the first time I ran as a candidate.
My event lived in life at the UNHEVAL:
My career is quite heavy. I study all day Monday through Friday, with the exception
of Thursdays, only that I complete my work and review the topics of the week. The
distance from my house to the university is difficult but it is not a problem.
In my opinion, the heaviest day of the week is Tuesday, since I have classes from
6:30 in the morning until 7 at night.
The truth is that my days in the UNHEVAL are quite heavy and stressful especially
in the exam periods or when they leave the works at the last moment or of several
subjects of study.
The nice thing for me at the university is that I had the opportunity to meet great
people, whom I consider friends.

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