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Environmental Orientation

1. Slide Presentation
- Why Coolmate corporation go for ISO 14001
- Clips about Global warming and Climate Change
- Identification of Environmental Aspects within Coolmate Corporation.
- Environmental Programs
o Waste Management
 Introduction of Waste segregation
 Proper segregation of waste material
 Proper disposal
 Setting goals
o Electricity Conservation
 Introduction of Electricity Conservation
 Show data of 2018 Electric Consumption
 Setting goals
 How to achieve those goals.
o Water Conservation
 Introduction of Water Conservation
 Show data of 2018 Water Consumption
 Setting goals
 How to achieve those goals

2. Group Dynamics
a. Matching of Proper signage
b. Arrange the word “WECOOL”

3. Distribution of Environmental Policy ID

4. Boodle Fight (if Possible)


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