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F. Carrasco
Department of Chemical Engineering
Universite du Qukbec a Trois-Rivihes
Trois-Rivikres, Quebec G9A 5H7
(Received February 1992)


The production of furfural via dilute-acid hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials has been under
study for many years. Furfiural yield values have been reported to be 4 0 4 0 % of the theoretical value
in closed systems and 50-80s when furfural is rapidly removed from the reaction medium. Furfural
yield calculations are simple in batch systems since the mass of wood charged is known. However,
when continuous units are used, these calculations become difficult because the mass flow of material
that is fed to the reactor is often unknown, or not measurable. To overcome this problem, two estimating
methods have been developed: 1) an experimental approach based on output streams mass balance
and assuming that input = output, and 2) a mathematical methodology leading to the estimation of
feed mass flow. Results obtained by means of these methods have been compared with precise values
resulting from complete mass balances. To validate the different computing methods proposed, ex-
periments were camed out in a process development unit. The operating conditions within the tubular
reactor were: H,SO, concentration: 0.6%; sluny consistency: 6.0-6.6%; reaction temperature: 200-
230 C; residence time: 95-105 sec. Results have shown that calculations based on output streams are
incorrect. However, those obtained by mathematical estimation are relatively accurate and require
short periods of experimental manipulations.
Keywords: Furfural yield, estimating methods, continuous unit, steam heating, mass balance. ther-
mal balance, yield divergence.

1982). On the other hand, cellulose is simul-
Finite world reserves of petroleum have gen- taneously hydrolyzed to produce glucose, but
erated great interest in the development of at a lower rate than hemicellulose. Glucose is
physico-chemical processes for the production converted to levoglucosan via thermally acti-
of chemicals and fuels. Many forms of ligno- vated reactions, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
cellulosic biomass, such as agricultural and (HMF) by further hydrolytic action. The final
forest-processing residues as well as hardwood decomposition products from glucose in an
trees, are overproduced and underutilized. The acidic medium are levulinic acid and formic
hemicellulose contained in these raw materials acid (McKibbins et al. 1962).
can be hydrolyzed easily, using mineral acids, Furfural was discovered by Dobereiner as
to produce xylose and arabinose, which yield early as 1832 when he was trying to synthesize
furfural on further hydrolytic attack. More- formic acid from sugar by means of the cata-
over, it has been reported that furfural might lytic action of H,SO, and MnO,. It was only
arise from anhydroglucose units present in cel- about a century later, in 1920, that the first
lulose by means of an oxidation-decarboxyl- systematic research was conducted in order to
ation-hydrolysis sequence (Garves 1981). Be- produce furfural from corn cobs. In 1922,
cause of the ether nature of the furan ring, Quaker Oats undertook the industrial produc-
furfural is destroyed by dilute acids, thus pro- tion of furfural from oat husks (Cronert et al.
ducing formic acid and black resin (Sain et al. 1972). Over the past fifty years, research has
Wood and Ftbrr .S<IPIICE,25(1), 1993, pp. 91-102
(9 1993 by the Society of Wood Sclence and Technology

been carried out to better understand the ada). This PDU is composed of the following
chemical reactions involved in the overall pro- elements:
cess and to improve furfural yields. However, a) Feed vessel. -In order to achieve a com-
these studies were up against important diffi- plete mass balance, the feed vessel was charged
culties, such as the heterogeneous nature of the with a precise quantity of wood of known
reactions, the chemical and structural com- moisture content (approximately 5%). Water
plexity of raw materials, the importance of side was added to obtain initial consistencies of
reactions in addition to the large number of about 10%.
parameters that had to be considered to con- b) Recirculation value. -The aqueous slurry
duct systematic work. in the feed vessel (Rl) was recirculated through
When continuous units are used, furfural a homogenization valve (Vl) (AP,,, = 7.0
yield calculations become difficult to make be- MPa) to mix the wood in order to obtain a
cause the mass flow of material that is fed to homogeneous slurry. This operation also
the reactor is often unknown or not measur- caused a certain wood solubilization, decreas-
able. The main objective of the present study ing the viscosity and thus improving the slurry
consists of proposing two methods for esti- pumpability.
mating the mass flow of wood fed to the re- c) Steam injector. -The slurry was heated
actor, thus allowing furfural yields to be de- by direct injection of live steam (S 1) produced
termined. The results thus obtained are in an electric boiler (R3). The desired temper-
validated by comparing them to absolute val- ature was attained almost instantaneously,
ues derived from complete mass balances. which proved to be an advantage over the typ-
Moreover, this paper presents an extensive ical long preheating periods necessary in elec-
bibliographic study on furfural yields obtained trically-heated batch reactors. However, steam
under different operating conditions and op- injection diluted the wood slurry. The evalu-
erational modes using various lignocellulosic ation of steam flow rate was necessary to
raw materials in order to define maximum achieve mass balances calculations as well as
yields that can be reached. to estimate the actual sluny concentration at
the beginning of the hydrolytic treatment.
EXPERIMENTAL Slurry consistency dropped from 9.4% to 6.0-
6.6% after steam injection.
Raw material d) Shear valve. -The heated slurry was rap-
The raw material used in the experiments idly pumped at high pressure (1 8-20 MPa) by
was a mixed hardwood sawdust. The mixture a piston pump (P2) and then was discharged
was ground and screened, and only the small- through a homogenizing valve (V2) to mod-
est particle size fraction (<0.25 mm) was used. erate pressure (3.5 MPa). Remark: controlled
It should be noted that since grinding is a phys- sudden expansion through an orifice induces
ical pretreatment that enhances the accessi- structural changes (i.e., defibratioddefibrilla-
bility to the lignocellulosic complex, the gly- tion) in the lignocellulosic matrix.
cosidic bonds become more accessible to d) Acid injection system. -Sulfuric acid (9-
hydrolytic action. The hardwood sawdust con- 10%wt/wt) was pumped (P5) at approximately
tained 20.5% of pentosans, as determined by 60 ml/min. This provided a concentration of
standard methods from extractive-free wood 0.6% wt/wt in the slurry entering the tubular
(Browning 1963). reactor.
e) Tubular reactor. -The reactor was a stain-
Process development unit (PDU) less steel coil (inner diameter = 1.O cm, thick-
The acid hydrolysis experiments were per- ness = 1.1 mm, length = 17.2 m). Residence
formed in a process development unit (Fig. 1) time (98-104 sec) varied with reaction tem-
located at the Universiti de Sherbrooke (Can- perature (200-230 C ) because of changes in



FIG. 1. Rowsheet of the process development unit (PDU).

steam flow rate and slurry specific volume. sate from the cooling tower was absorbed in
During this period, chemical reactions, mainly cold water.
acid hydrolysis, resulted in the partial solu- Before beginning an experiment, the whole
bilization of wood and subsequent dehydra- system was thermally stabilized by pumping
tion reactions leading to the formation of fur- water (P4). When the prescribed values of
fural. Turbulent regime characterized the flow physico-chemical properties, such as temper-
of the wood slurry through the tubular reactor. ature and pH were reached, the source of water
f) Base injection system. -An aqueous was switched off and the slurry was admitted
NaOH solution (8-996 wt/wt) was pumped (P6) to the system.
at about 50 ml/min at the outlet of the tubular The treated sluny was finally filtered and
reactor in order to neutralize the acidic slurry. the resulting filtrate kept for further analysis.
This addition instantaneously stopped the hy- It was very important to clean the system prop-
drolytic reactions. erly between two trials using hot acid and al-
g) Expansion vessel. -The slurry was ex- kaline reagents. This operation was required
panded to atmospheric pressure through a ho- in order to dissolve solid build-up on reactor
mogenization valve (V3). This flash vaporiza- walls. If this operation were not performed,
tion was carried out: 1) to cool down the slurry the residence time would have varied from one
rapidly; and 2) to separate volatile products in experiment to the other. In addition, washing
the vapor phase, which were condensed using was necessary to achieve correct integral mass
a cooling coil. Apart from water, the conden- balances. More details about the process de-
sate contained acetic acid, formic acid, meth- velopment unit are available elsewhere (Car-
anol, terpenes, furfural, and HMF. Among the rasco 1988; Abatzoglou et al. 1990).
noncondensable gases, there was probably car- The process development unit was con-
bon dioxide resulting from a thermally acti- nected to a data acquisition system taking
vated decarboxylation reaction. In order to readings at intervals of 10 sec. The most im-
avoid losses of volatile products, the conden- portant measured variables recorded were:

pressure and temperature at pumps P 1 and P2 NaOH was also found to be present. When the
as well as pressure and temperature in the tu- solution contained more than one salt, it was
bular reactor. Control of the PDU was achieved impossible to determine the total weight of salt
via PID and on/off controllers. since the molecular weights of the various salts
were different.
Product analysis
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
(HPLC) was used for the quantitative deter- An extensive bibliographic study was con-
mination of soluble products in the condensate ducted in order to compile furfural yield results
and filtrate. This technique was chosen for rou- reported during the last forty years. Table 1
tine analysis because of its rapidity of execu- contains the best furfural yield values found
tion compared to silylation and GC analysis. in each work. Raw materials used were xylose;
Reproducibility tests appeared to be satisfac- agricultural residues such as bagasse, rice husks,
tory (<3-9%). The chromatograph had a and corn stalks; black liquor; and hardwoods.
BioRad HPX-87P column equipped with a The most frequently used acid was H2S04at
Gilson #302 pump and a Rheodyne 9 125 in- concentrations ranging from 0.08 to 5% wt/
jection system. A BioRad protection column wt. Slurry consistencies ranged between 5 and
retained the ions present in the sample. The 20%. Reaction temperature generally varied
integration of peaks was achieved by means of between 150 and 250 C. Reaction times varied
an HP-3392A integrator. The following sub- in a very large interval (30 sec-5 h) depending
stances were detected and quantified in the on the other operating conditions. Reactors
filtrate: monosaccharides (glucose, mannose, used were either autoclaves (with or without
xylose, and arabinose) and dehydration prod- continuous distillation of vapors formed) or
ucts (levoglucosan, 5-hydroxy-methylfurfural, continuous reactors, such as continuously
and furfural). No oligomers were detected. Only stirred tank reactors (CSTR) or plug flow re-
small peaks remained unidentified. The con- actors (PFR). Processes were canied out under
densate contained mainly furfural (methanol pressure or at atmospheric pressure. In certain
was also identified, but its quantitative deter- cases, a co-catalyst was added tie., sea salt).
mination was difficult because of its high vol- Apart from the work of Sproull et al. (1985),
atility). Sorbitol was used as internal standard. all experiments were conducted with either
Solids content in slurries was determined by continuous steam or water. Almost all hydro-
lyophilization. Since volatile products were re- lyses were achieved in one single stage. In spite
moved using this technique, a correction had of these large intervals of operating conditions,
to be made to evaluate the total solids content. furfural yield mostly ranged between 40-60%
This method was preferred to the conventional (percent of the theoretical) when furfural re-
vacuum-evaporation method since the latter mained in the reacting mediurr~and 50-80%
was not able to remove water completely at when furfural was removed from the reactor
low temperature. At higher temperatures, sug- (with either continuous steam or by transfer-
ar degradation reactions could occur. ring it into an organic phase in which there
Sodium sulfate, formed by the neutraliza- was no acid). These results indicate that fur-
tion of H2S04and NaOH, was quantified by fural has to be separated from l.he acidic me-
atomic absorption (Na+). Since this salt was dium if high yields are hoped for. Industrial
found in large quantities, it was very important processes, like Quaker Oats, Savo-Rosenlew,
to evaluate accurately its content in order to and Agrifurane, provided yields of 49,47, and
make precise mass balances. The neutraliza- 65%, respectively (Campana and Alves 1987).
tion of H2S04had to be camed out to obtain These results are in agreement with those ob-
a pH = 3-4. At higher pH, sodium acetate and tained in laboratory experiments.
other organic salts were formed. At pH >7, Furfural produced in the continuous unit de-
1. Schematic review of maximum furjiural yields obtained by acid hydrolysis of either xylose or lignocellulosic materials.
Raw matenal Catalyst Temp. Time Slurry concent. Reactor (% of theor.) Reference

Rice husk CH,COOH, 0.5% 195 C 40 min Autocl. 39% Sharma and Sahgal 1983 2
Xylose H2S04,0.1 N 300 C 1-2 sec 5% wt PFR 60-709'0 Medeiros and Burnet 1983 a
Corn stalk 180 C 45 min L/S = 8/1 Autocl. 60-80% Mital and Biswas 1977 8I
Bagasse H2S04,0.5% 170 C 50 min L/S = 16/1 Autocl. 41% Nee and Yse 1975 2
Bagasse pith H,S04, 0.5% 170 C 20 min L/S = 13/1 Autocl. 54% Nee and Yse 1975
Xylose H2S0, + Salt 2h 2.5% wt Autocl. 1242% Milov. and Corona 197 la
Bagasse H2S04+ Salt 5h Autocl. 55-82% Milov. and Corona 197l a
Bagasse pith H,S04, 3% 150 C Ih L/S = 10/1 Autocl. 57% Heikal et al. 1980
Bagasse H2S04,1.3% 170 C 45 min L/S = 1011 Autocl. 60% Ramos 1972 ?
Xylose H2S04,4.5% 180 C 70 min 20% wt CSTR 75% Sproull et al. 1985 u
Rice straw
Rice straw
130 C
180 C
L/S = 4/1
L/S = 4/1
Chawla et al. 1980
Bains et al. 1977
Corn stalk H2S04,1.6% 180 C 2h L/S = 4/1 Autocl. 26% Bains et al. 1977 F
Rice hull
Agricult. resid.
H,S04, 0.5 M
H2S0,, 0.2-2%
185 C
150-250 C
30-200 sec
L/S = 10/1
5-20% wt
Sharma and Sahgal 1982
Campana and Alves 1987
Corn stalk H2SO4,8% 150 C lh L/S = 10/1 Autocl. 60% El-Shinnawy 1985 3
Black liquor H2SO4 40% wt 30% Maurice 1987
180 C
210 C
70 min
L/S = 1/0.3 Autocl. 69%
Milov. and Corona 1971b
Singh et al. 1984a
Bagasse H,SO,, 0.4% 200 C 115 min L/S = 15/1 Autocl. 62Vo Singh et al. 1984b
Rice hull H2S04,0.4% 200 C 115 min L/S = 15/1 Autocl. 70% Singh et al. 1984b
Hardwood H2S04,0.4% 220-230 C 2 min 10% wt PFR 52% Abatzogiou et al. 1990
Hardwood H,S04, 0.8% 220-230 C 2 min 10% wt PFR 4045% Abatzoglou et al. 1990

scribed in this work remained in the reactor TABLE2. Operating conditions ofthe two typical dilute-
once it was formed. Thus, expected furfural acid hydrolysis experiments chosen to test d%ferentmethods
yields had to range, in the best conditions, from for calculating furfural yield.
40 to 60%. Some preliminary results showed Exp. MBI Exp. MB2

that furfural yields were 70-80% (percent of Wood consistency in the 9.4 9.1
the theoretical value) or higher when calcula- feed vessel (% wt/wt)
tions were made by considering that solids out- Pressure at the inlet of 18.7+-0.1 19.2f0.1
put = solids input (this argument will be dis- shear valve (V2)
cussed later). Because ofthese suspicious results Pressure at the inlet of 3.4 3.4
(when compared to those generally accepted tubular reactor (MPa)
in the literature), it was necessary to achieve Mixing temperature 200.2 -+ 0.8 225.9 + 0.9
complete mass balances in order to confirm or (slurry fed + steam)
reject these values. Only two representative ("C)
experiments were considered in this paper in Reaction temperature *
200.2 0.5 230.3 f 0.5
order to analyze the different methods devel- Residence time in the 98 104
oped for calculating furfural yields and to dis- tubular reactor (sec)
cuss divergences observed when comparing Mass flow of treated 808.1 718.4
them to the precise values obtained by means sluny (g/min)
of an absolute method, which is based on the Mass flow of condensate 143.4 179.5
exact quantity of wood fed to the tubular re- Total mass flow (g/min) 951.5 897.9
actor. 9.2% H,SO, mass flow 62 62
The operating conditions of two complete (dmin)
typical experiments are shown in Table 2. Res- H,SO, concentration in 0.6 0.6
the reactor (% wt/wt)
idence time increased slightly as the reaction 8.8% NaOH mass flow 52 52
temperature increased because of the variation (dmin)
in the flow of steam injected as well as the
change in slurry specific volume. These two
temperature-dependent variables affected the
total mass flow. The fluid dynamic regime of to be technically viable in most of PDUs due
the slurry within the tubular reactor was tur- to high pressure, geometrical constraints,
bulent (Re = 1.2-1.4 x 104, assuming that the pumping oscillations, etc. In order to solve this
slurry physical properties were those of water). problem, three alternatives can be considered.
Moreover, the length/diameter ratio was high Two are based on integral mass balances while
(L/D = 1,720). Therefore, the tubular reactor the third one is based on a combination of
behaves as a plug flow reactor, with all the fluid differential mass balance and thermal balance.
elements having the same residence time. Mass
flow of condensate was 15 and 20% of the total Complete integral mass balance (MBZ)
mass flow at 200 and 230 C, respectively (equi- The exact amount of wood that went through
librium flash calculations, by considering the the system is achieved by calculating the dif-
slurry as pure water, yielded 20 and 25% vapor ference between the mass of wood initially put
fraction, respectively). into the feed vessel and the mass of wood re-
Furfural yield is commonly expressed as a maining in it after the experiment. The latter
percent of the theoretical value (i.e., g of fur- was measured by lyophilization in order to
fural produced/100 g of potential furfural in take into consideration solids as well as sub-
wood fed). Thus, it is absolutely necessary to stances solubilized during the recirculating ac-
know the exact quantity of wood fed into the tion through the homogenization valve V1 (see
reactor to obtain precise results. However, in- Fig. 1). It is obvious that this technique is te-
stalling stable flowmeters was often found not dious and costly because of long time manip-

ulations (i.e., washing of feed vessel, filtration,

and drying of large samples). However, this
method leads to precise furfural yield values
and will serve as reference for comparison pur-
poses. The percent of theoretical furfural yield
was calculated as the ratio between the weight
of furfural produced and the weight of poten-
tial furfural fed. The furfural produced comes
from three streams: condensate, filtrate from
treated slurry, and filtrate from slurry recov-
ered by washing the PDU. Quantitative de-
termination of furfural in these solutions was
achieved by HPLC (see Table 3). The potential
furfural fed was evaluated by multiplying the
weight of wood fed by two coefficients: 0.205
(pentosan content in wood) and 0.727 (weight
conversion factor from pentosan to furfural).

Integral mass balance based on

output streams (MBO)
This method consists of taking small Sam-
ples within the whole condensate, treated slur-
ry, and slurry recovered by washing the PDU.
The MBO method assumes that soluble sub-
stances and insoluble residue in output streams
are equal to those in input streams (i.e., wood
fed). However, weight corrections are needed
for the output streams in order to take into
consideration the gain or loss of weight due to
hydration/dehydration reactions (i.e., addi-
tion/removal of water molecules) for all the
identified soluble solids (sugars and levoglu-
cosan), furfural and HMF. By means of mo-
lecular weights, it is possible to find out the
weight of wood generating a given weight of
soluble substances, such as sugars (xylose,
arabinose, glucose, and other hexoses) and de-
hydration products (furfural, levoglucosan, and

Xylose or arabinose (M, = 150.1 g/mol)
Pentosan (Mw = 132.1 g/mol)

Furfural (M, = 96.1 g/mol)
Pentosan (M, = 132.1 g/mol)

Glucose or mannose (M, = 180.2 g/mol)
Hexosan (M, = 162.1 g/mol)

Levoglucosan (M, = 162.1 g/mol)
Hexosan (M, = 162.1 g/mol)

HMF (M, = 126.1 g/mol)
Hexosan (M, = 162.1 g/mol)
TABLE 4. Complete integral mass balance (MBZ): Fur-
fural yields obtained from an absolute method.
Exp. MB1 Exp. MB2
From this reaction scheme, it is easy to eval- (T, = (T. =
200 C ) 230 C )
uate the weight of soluble product resulting
from a given weight of polymer in wood. For Wood put into the feed
example, 100 mg of xylose are produced from vessel
w o (g) 328.2 329.9
88 mg of xylan or 100 mg of HMF originates Wood remaining in the feed
from 128.5 mg of hexosan. vessel at the end of
Quantitative determination of all soluble experiment
products was achieved by HPLC (see Table 3). wr (g) 141.6 151.8
No oligomers were present. Unidentified peaks Wood actually fed
Wf (g) 186.6 178.1
were only at the trace level. Complete integral Potential furfural
mass balances are depicted in Table 4 for ex- F, (g) 27.8 26.5
periments having lasted approximately 220- Furfural produced
225 sec. F, (g) 3.1 12.9
O/o of theoretical furfural yield
The percent of theoretical furfural yield was
calculated as the ratio between the weight of (FdFt) 11.1 48.7
furfural produced and the weight of potential
furfural fed. The furfural produced comes, as
previously indicated, from three streams: con- trate contains also furfural and HMF, which
densate, filtrate from treated slurry, and filtrate has to be added to the lyophilized residue
from slurry recovered by washing the PDU. after weight conversion to equivalent wood.
The potential furfural fed has to be evaluated Slurry recovered by washing the PDU. The
from the weight of wood fed, as indicated in same experimental procedure as for the
the previous section. Since the weight of wood treated slurry was applied.
fed is unknown, the MBO approach is based
on the following hypothesis: input = output, This technique (MBO) requires less time
so that the weight of wood fed is calculated manipulations than the method based on com-
from the weight (expressed in terms of weight plete mass balance (MBI), but as will be dis-
of wood) of insoluble and soluble products cussed later, leads to erroneous furfural yield
contained in output streams: results. Integral mass balances following the
MBO approach are detailed in Table 5.
Condensate,which contains only furfural and
Dzflerential mass balance in conjunction
Treated slurry. Two samples were taken: one with thermal balance (MBT)
was lyophilized and the other filtered. The
residue obtained by lyophilization contains The objective of this approach is to math-
insoluble solids, soluble solids (sugars and ematically evaluate the mass flow of slurry fed.
levoglucosan) as well as sodic salt. From the A thermal balance on the steam injector (i.e.,
filtered sample, it was possible to quantify sensible heat is transferred to the slurry fed by
the soluble products (sugars and levoglu- steam condensation) gives the following equa-
cosan), which allows correcting the lyophi- tion:
lized residue by adding/subtracting the
weight due to hydratioddehydration reac-
tions. On the other hand, the filtrate con-
tains the salt obtained by neutralization with
NaOH. This amount has to be subtracted
from the lyophilized residue. Finally, the fil-

C, = heat capacity
mf = mass flow of slurry fed
m, = mass flow of steam injected
To = initial slurry temperature
T, = slurry temperature after mixing with
x = slurry consistency (wt/wt)
X = evaporation heat of water
A differential mass balance on the entire
PDU (see Fig. 1) enables the singling out of
steam mass flow as follows:

m, = total mass flow = m, (condensatemass
flow) m, (treated slurry mass flow)
ma = acid mass flow
m, = base mass flow
From these two equations, the mass flow of
slurry fed is expressed by the following equa-


Once the mass flow of the slurry fed is known,

furfural yield calculations follow readily (Table
At 200 C, the furfural yield is 11.1% of the
theoretical value, as obtained by rigorous com-
plete mass balance based on input stream
(MBI). The values determined by using two

estimating methods are 16.7% (mass balance TABLE6. D~ferentialmass balance in conjunction with
based on output streams, MBO) and 9.6% (dif- thermal balance (MBT): Furfural yields obtained from a
ferential mass balance with thermal balance, mathematical estimating method.
MBT). Therefore, the MBO method provides Exp. MBI Exp. MB2
(T, = (T. =
a value 45% higher than the real one, whereas 200 C ) 230 C )
the MBT method leads to a value only 14% Mass flow of treated slurry
lower. At 230 C, the real value is 48.7%, and (g/min) 808.1 718.4
the estimated values are 74.8% using the MBO Mass flow of condensate
method (i.e., 54% higher than the expected (dmin) 143.4 179.5
Total mass flow
value) and 4 1.4% with the MBT method (15%
lower). Consequently, furfural yield results de-
riving from integral mass balance based on
Mass flow of slurry fed


output streams are not acceptable. This is due
to the following fact: the total weight of solids
and soluble products in all the product streams
Mass flow of steam
Steam consumption (g of steam/
202.1 220.5 i
100 g of slurry fed) 31.8 39.1
are significantly less than the weight of solids Mass flow of potential furfural
fed to the reactor. It implies a net weight loss (dmin) 8.90 7.90
in the system. Tables 4 and 5 confirm this Mass flow of furfural produced
assertion. At 200 C, only 125.0 g are found in (dmin) 0.85 3.27
% of theoretical furfural vield 9.6 41.4
the output stream from 186.6 g actually fed
(i.e., weight loss of 33%). At 230 C, 115.8 g
are retrieved in products compared to 178.1 g A solid build-up on the tubular reactor walls,
of wood fed. Several reasons may be consid- due to recondensation reactions between in-
ered in order to explain the weight loss: termediate products formed during dehy-
dration reactions and furfural, HMF or sol-
Thermal decomposition reactions leading to
ubilized lignin fragments. Abatzoglou et al.
the formation of noncondensable gases.
(1990) reported that solid build-up can reach
Carrasco et al. (1987) reported the produc-
16-48% of the total wood fed. In the present
tion of 2-3% of C 0 2 when pretreating wood
work, solids build-up remaining in reactor
in autohydrolytic conditions.
walls was minimized by thoroughly washing
Extractive content. Some of these sub-
the reactor at the end of the experiment until
stances are volatile and must be found in
the stream collected appeared to be clear.
the condensate.
The liquor recovered was added to output
Organic acids. Acetic acid and uronic acids,
streams for mass balance calculation pur-
formed by thermally-activated reactions, can
poses. Consequently, the weight difference
reach 8-1 0% in hardwoods.
between input (i.e., wood fed) and output
Degradation reactions of furfural and
(i.e., soluble products and insoluble solids)
5-hydroxymethylfurfural. The opening of a
streams was due to insoluble sticky material
furan ring in acidic conditions leads to the
remaining within the reactor after washing,
formation of levulinic acid and formic acid
noncondensable gases and mainly to un-
(McKibbins et al. 1962).
identified soluble substances in output
Products deriving from lignin. The hydro-
streams. However, even if a solid build-up
lytic action can be responsible for the scis-
cannot explain the difference between out-
sion of certain groups attached to aromatic
put and input weights, their formation is the
rings, thus increasing volatiles. On the other
major cause of the drop in furfural yields.
hand, acid-catalyzed condensation reac-
tions lead to the formation of dehydration A sophisticated and extensive analytical
products, thus providing a weight loss. procedure is required to find out missing ma-

terials in output streams when the MBO meth- 1) Experimental approach (MBO).-Insol-
od is used to calculate furfural yields. How- uble solids and soluble products in output
ever, the evaluation of furfural yield by the streams were evaluated and assumed equal to
MBT method appears to be very simple and solids fed to the reactor. Experimental results
relatively accurate. Furfural yield is slightly showed net weight losses equivalent to 30-
underestimated, thus providing a conservative 35% of wood fed to the reactor. These losses
criterion. The mass flow of slurry fed is slightly were mainly due to unidentified gases and sol-
overevaluated, which in turn implies that steam uble products. The expected solid build-up on
mass flow is lower than the actual value, the reactor walls was minimized by washing the
difference being probably accounted for by heat reactor. The liquor obtained was added to out-
losses and uncondensed steam. put streams. Unidentified products could have
been noncondensable gases, volatile extrac-

Studies on furfural production were con-

tives, organic acids, degradation products, and
small molecules deriving from lignin. Conse-
ducted over the past forty years by using var- quently, the output = input assumption re-
ious raw materials and different operating con- quired an extensive analytical identification
ditions. The most representative substrates and quantitative determination within the out-
were xylose, agricultural residues (i.e., bagasse, put streams to be satisfied. This approach was
corn stalks), black liquor, and hardwoods. The thus unacceptable. In this work, it was shown
processing conditions varied over very large that the application of the MBO method leads
ranges and characteristic values were as fol- to furfural yields 45-55% higher than real val-
lows: H,SO, concentration = 0.08-5%; slurry ues obtained by complete integral mass bal-
consistency = 5-20%; reaction temperature = ance.
150-250 C; reaction time = 30 sec-5 h; pres- 2) Mathematical approach (MBT).-This
sure: atmospheric or higher; reactor: batch, approach consists of singling out the mass flow
PFR or CSTR; operation mode: with or with- of slurry fed from two equations: i) differential
out continuous steam distillation. In spite of mass balance around the entire PDU; ii) ther-
these large ranges of operating conditions, fur- mal balance at steam injector. This method
fural yield was in most of the cases 40-60% avoids experimental manipulations. The re-
(percent of the theoretical) when furfural re- sults obtained indicated that estimated values
mained in the reacting medium, and 50-80% are only 15% lower than real values, thus pro-
when furfural was removed from the reactor. viding a simple, rapid and conservative way
These results clearly indicate that furfural must to evaluate furfural yields.
be separated from the acidic medium to reach
high reaction selectivity. This can be achieved ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
by either steam distillation or two-phase re- Thanks are due to the Natural Science and
action (i.e., furfural transferred from an aque- Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
ous phase to either a vapor phase or an organic Canada and the "Fonds pour la formation de
liquid phase). chercheurs et I'aide B la recherche (FCAR)" of
The quantity of wood fed to the reactor has Quebec for their financial support. The author
to be known to calculate furfural yields. How- wishes to express his gratitude to the Universi-
ever, it is often difficult to measure the mass t t de Sherbrooke (Canada) where experimental
flow of slurry fed to continuous units. In such trials were camed out.
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