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I. Banerjee, A.K. Mahendra, B.G. Chandresh, M.R. Srikanthan and T.K. Bera
Chemical Technology Group




I. Banerjee, A.K. Mahendra, B.G. Chandresh, M.R. Srikanthan and T.K. Bera
Chemical Technology Group




(as per IS : 9400 - 1980)

01 Security classification : Unclassified

02 Distribution : External

03 Report status : New

04 Series : BARC External

05 Report type : Technical Report

06 Report No. : BARC/2010/E/002

07 Part No. or Volume No. :

08 Contract No. :

10 Title and subtitle : CFD simulation of flow through single and multi vane spiral pump for
low pressure application using moving node unsteady computation

11 Collation : 47 p., 5 figs., 2 tabs., 2 ills.

13 Project No. :

20 Personal author(s) : I. Banerjee; A.K. Mahendra; B.G. Chandresh; M.R. Srikanthan;

T.K. Bera

21 Affiliation of author(s) : Chemical Technology Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,


22 Corporate author(s) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,

Mumbai - 400 085

23 Originating unit : Chemical Technology Group,

BARC, Mumbai

24 Sponsor(s) Name : Department of Atomic Energy

Type : Government


30 Date of submission : December 2009

31 Publication/Issue date : January 2010

40 Publisher/Distributor : Head, Scientific Information Resource Division,

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai

42 Form of distribution : Hard copy

50 Language of text : English

51 Language of summary : English, Hindi

52 No. of references : 27 refs.

53 Gives data on :

60 Abstract : A spiral pump uses two interleaved spirals (it can be involutes of a circle, involutes of a
square, hybrid wraps, Archimedean spiral, logarithmic spirals and so on). Interleaved spiral orbits
eccentrically without rotation around a fixed scroll, thereby trapping and compressing pockets of fluids
between the spirals. Another method of providing the compression motion is by virtue of co-rotating the
spirals synchronously with an offset in centers of rotation thereby providing relative motion similar to
orbiting. Recently spiral pumps for low-pressure application have become popular. Since spiral pumps
contain gas volumes, whose shapes and size change continuously, the flow fields inside the pumps is time
dependent. The unsteadiness controls the mechanisms responsible for the behavior of the spiral pump
components. To improve the spiral pump design for better performance as per our process requirement
and reliability, information is required to understand the detailed physics of the unsteady flows inside the
spiral pumps. The unsteady flows in a pump are studied numerically. The system simulated includes one
side gap between fixed and moving spirals as the other side lies just in the reverse symmetry of the one
side. Heavy molecular weight, condensable gas is used as the moving fluid. The mesh free Least Square
Kinetic Upwind Method (LSKUM) for moving node is applied for numerical analysis of wobbling spiral.
Nodes and boundaries change their positions, for every real time step hence at every iteration nodes take
new coordinates. Our work consists of identifying various spiral dimensions and geometry, geometric
modeling of suction process, identifying the eccentric orbiting motion of the moving spiral, formation of
variable velocity moving nodes. Flow analysis of the spiral pump is done with a view to design and
develop new pump as per our requirement. Experimental data from an existing spiral pump is used to
carryout validation of the code.

70 Keywords/Descriptors : UNSTEADY FLOW; REAL TIME SYSTEMS;


71 INIS Subject Category : S42

99 Supplementary elements :
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A Spiral pump uses two interleaved spirals (it can be involutes of a circle, involutes of
a square, hybrid wraps, Archimedean spiral, logarithmic spirals and so on).
Interleaved spiral orbits eccentrically without rotation around a fixed scroll, thereby
trapping and compressing pockets of fluids between the spirals. Another method of
providing the compression motion is by virtue of co-rotating the spirals
synchronously with an offset in centers of rotation thereby providing relative motion
similar to orbiting. Recently spiral pumps for low-pressure application have become
popular. Since spiral pumps contain gas volumes, whose shapes and size change
continuously, the flow fields inside the pumps is time dependent. The unsteadiness
controls the mechanisms responsible for the behavior of the spiral pump components.
To improve the spiral pump design for better performance as per our process
requirement and reliability, information is required to understand the detailed physics
of the unsteady flows inside the spiral pumps. The unsteady flows in a pump are
studied numerically. The system simulated includes one side gap between fixed and
moving spirals as the other side lies just in the reverse symmetry of the one side.
Heavy molecular weight, condensable gas is used as the moving fluid. The mesh free
Least Square Kinetic Upwind Method (LSKUM) for moving node is applied for
numerical analysis of wobbling spiral. Nodes and boundaries change their positions,
for every real time step hence at every iteration nodes take new coordinates. Our work
consists of identifying various spiral dimensions and geometry, geometric modeling
of suction process, identifying the eccentric orbiting motion of the moving spiral,
formation of variable velocity moving nodes. Flow analysis of the spiral pump is done
with a view to design and develop new pump as per our requirement. Experimental
data from an existing spiral pump is used to carryout validation of the code.

The authors would like to acknowledge Fabrication & Maintenance Section of RMP,
Mysore for performing critical indigenous assembly of spiral pump. The authors are
highly grateful to Shri S. Sarkar, Project Manager process and Shri K. C. Guha, Head
DF of R.M.P, Mysore to provide experimental support and conduct experimental trial
for validation of theoretical work. The authors would like to acknowledge Shri G.
Gouthaman, Head MDD and Shri A. Sanyal, Head PDS to give technical support and
encouragement for this work.
Geometry of spiral pump
r0 Outer radius of spiral
ri Inner radius of spiral
N Number of wraps of the scroll
NS RPM of the eccentric shaft
θ Orbiting angle
φ Any arbitrary polar angle of smooth regular curve
α Angle of crank rotation
c1 , c 2 Are the constants in equation of stationary Archimedean spiral
c1′ , c 2′ Are the constants in equation of moving Archimedean spiral
b1 ,b2 Are the constants in equation of stationary Logarithmic spiral
b1′,b2′ Are the constants in equation of moving Logarithmic spiral
rm Radius of curvature of moving spiral
rs Radius of curvature of stationary spiral
xm , ym (X, Y) Coordinate of points on moving spiral body
xs , ys (X, Y) Coordinate of points on stationary spiral body
As Area subtended by two spirals for suction gas pocket
H Radial offset of moving and fixed spiral when they are concentric
D Depth of spiral along Z-axis
ec Radial eccentricity of the crankshaft i.e. eccentricity of moving spiral
Vs Suction volume of pump
Computational fluid dynamics
f Velocity distribution function
F Maxwellian distribution function
f boundary Velocity distribution function for the boundary
FI Maxwellian distribution function of incident particles at the boundary
FR Maxwellian distribution function of reflected particles at the boundary
v1 ,v 2 X, Y component of molecular velocities
J( f , f ) Collision function
ρ Density of the fluid
u1 ,u 2 Cartesian components of the fluid velocity
β = 2RT Compressibility
I Internal energy variable
I0 Internal energy due to non-translational degree of freedom
γ Ratio of specific heat
R Universal gas constant
w1 , w2 Cartesian components of the velocity of any moving node.
v1 ,v 2 Components of the particle velocity relative to the moving node
ψ Moment vector for Boltzmann equation
U State vector
A Conversion matrix
Δt Time step
GX ± ,GY ± Inviscid split fluxes
GX m+ ,GX m− Inviscid moving split fluxes
GX V ,GYV Full stencil viscous fluxes
± ±
IV IV Cartesian component of Inviscid and viscid split fluxes
τ XX ,τ XY ,τ YY Component of fluid shear stress and normal stress
q X ,q Y Heat flux component in X and Y direction
μ Coefficient of viscosity of fluid
λ Second coefficient of viscosity
k Thermal conductivity of gas
kn Knudsen number
σv Tangential momentum accommodation coefficient
β0 Rarefied coefficient of viscosity
T Temperature
Chapter 1

The working principal of a spiral machine has been known since Creux invented it.
But it was not fully in vogue until in the mid 1970 when it was possible to
manufacture a working pair of spirals due to very small tolerance required. Since then
the spiral pump gained immense popularity because of it’s inherent characteristics
such as few moving parts, low level of noise and vibration, high efficiency and high
reliability. Today spiral pump is applied primarily in small and medium sized air-
conditioning units. In our special low-pressure application geometric features and
clearances are more critical as compared to conventional spiral machine. In a spiral
pump, the working process consists of continuously compressing gas pockets in
crescent-shaped volumes. These gas pockets inside the pump move along a spiral
profile. The geometry of the gas flow path through the pump is complicated. The
shape of volume occupied by the gas moves and deforms continuously as the spiral

The complexity of the spiral pumps geometry poses significant challenges for
numerical simulation of the flow and heat transfer inside the spiral pumps. In our
attempt we have modeled two-dimensional flow through spirals and thus pressure,
temperature and velocity distribution of the gas pocket are obtained under un-steady
real time flow scenario. The shapes of the spiral wraps include involutes of a circle,
involutes of a square, hybrid wraps, Archimedean spiral, logarithmic spirals and so
on. Many researchers have worked with involute wrap spirals. The wraps of spirals
directly affect the built-in compression ratio and the performance of the pump.
Liu et al. [26] presented a graphic and mathematical method for the modified design
of scroll wraps. The perfect meshing profiles of a scroll compressor, Hirano et al. [23]
and Lee et al. [24] proposed a design with zero clearance volume. Ye Chen, Halm and
Groll [5] presented mathematical modeling of compression process of involute.
Wang, Li [4] researched on a general geometrical model of involute scroll based on
directional initial angles.

Other work involved geometrical model of spiral pump and geometric relationship
between the pumping chamber volume, leakage areas and the orbiting angle.
Morishita et al. [13] first advanced to find chamber volume expression of the
compression process and discharge process. Lee and Wu [25] studied planar orbiting
mechanism and its application in designing geometry of scroll fluid machinery.

Most of the researchers worked on scroll geometry of involute profile for refrigeration
application. The geometric modeling involves calculation of suction volume,
compression volume, discharge volume, leakage volume etc. These studies help
researchers to learn ideal volumetric capacity and compression ratio of particular
spiral wrap geometry. In actual practice gas undergoing gradual compression process
in various pockets encounters tangential and radial leakage. The leakage dilutes the
effect of compression, which in turn reduces the compression ratio and volumetric
pumping capacity. Evaluation of leakage volume in the entire compression process is
a tedious task by geometric and kinematic modeling. Tangential leakage is the
function of many factors viz. tangential pressure gradient, tangential velocity

component of the moving spiral, area of sealing etc. To capture volumetric flow and
leakage accurately it is essential to use numerical tool or computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) technique along with the geometric model.

Figure 1.1 Outline of the assembled spiral pump showing radial and axial clearances

The present endeavor is towards CFD simulation with the following aspects:
1) We like to study here the volumetric suction gas pockets of the Archimedean and
logarithmic spirals assuming perfect sealing that is no leakage is permitted radially or
2) CFD study of flow through these spirals, which in turn help us to study the leakage
through the sealing.
3) Pressure and temperature distribution which in turn help us to draw conclusion on
the efficient pumping of heavy molecular weight condensable process gas
4) Initial experimental validation of CFD codes for volumetric pumping, temperature
and pressure using Air- Nitrogen. Finally plot of pumping characteristics for air.

Parameters of the spiral pump are evaluated based on ratio of the outer peripheral
dimension of the pump. Outer peripheral dimension is the indication of the size of the
pump. Our aim is to improve performance of the pump by virtue of changing the
spiral design with in the existing floor area i.e. size of the single vane pump.

Sr No. Parameters Dimensionless scale

1 Radius of the gas intake 0.8
2 Thickness of the scroll wrap 0.08
3 Total Number of scroll Wrap 2.5-3.0
4 Flank gap 0.005
5 Radial clearance 0.0045
6 Radial eccentricity 0.036

Table 1.0 Dimension less parameters of Spiral Pump

Chapter 2
Geometric Modeling

The most important purpose of a planer orbiting mechanism is to change the fluid
volume it encloses. Therefore it can be applied to the spiral vacuum pump. Since the
invention of the orbiting spiral type of fluid machine, many geometric shapes have
been proposed. Amongst them extensive studies have been done on involute spiral for
refrigeration application. General law governing the design of planer orbiting
mechanism can be used to study spirals that may be perfectly meshed, existing in
different orbiting plane relative to each other or having different initial phase angle.
Our study will be limited to co-planer spiral shapes having zero initial phase angle in
a view to evaluate approximate suction volume.

Depending upon the number of wraps, working of spiral pump is divided into suction
chamber, compression chamber and discharge chamber. For less than two wrap there
exists only suction chamber and discharge chamber. When numbers of wraps are
more than three, number of gas pockets will increase i.e. number of compression
chamber will increase. Figure 2.1 shows a schematic of different numbers of control
volumes/ chambers as a function of spiral wrap of spiral pump

Suction Discharge

Only suction and discharge gas pockets for less than two wrap
spiral pump

Suction Compression Discharge

Three different gas pockets for two to three wrap spiral pump

Suction Compression Compression

Stage-1 Stage-n


Three and more different gas pockets for more than three wrap
spiral pump
Figure 2.1 Different numbers of control volumes/ chambers as a function of spiral
wrap of spiral pump

2 3 ri r0

Figure 2.2 Two spiral meshing, showing volume of various gas pockets

The volumes of various gas pockets denoted by 1, 2 and 3 are the function of starting
outer radius r0, number of scroll wrap N and inner discharge radius ri.
We have carried out studies with basically two types of spirals i) Archimedean spiral
ii) Logarithmic spiral

2.1 Archimedean spiral

For an Archimedean spiral the equation may be represented in various forms.
Basic Archimedean spiral equation is
r = aθ . (2.1)
The curvature of the spiral is
2 +θ 2
ρ (θ ) = 3
. (2.2)
a (1 + θ )
2 2

The arc length is

s (θ ) = a θ 1 + θ 2 + sinh −1 θ
[( ) ( )]
= a θ 1 + θ 2 + ln θ 1 + θ 2
This has the series expansion given by
⎧ 1 ∞ ⎡ n+1 ⎤ ⎫
s(θ ) = a⎨θ + ∑ ⎢p n−3 (0 ) + p n−1 (0)⎥ θ k ⎬
⎩ 2 k =3 ⎣ n ⎦ ⎭
⎛ 1 1 5 1 7 5 ⎞
= a⎜ θ + θ 3 − θ + θ − θ 9 + .... ⎟
⎝ 6 40 112 1152 ⎠

Where p n (x) is Legendre’s polynomial.

When Archimedean spiral is written as


r = aθ . t
The curvature of the spiral is given by
tθ t
(t 2θ 2 + t + 1)
ρ (θ ) = 3
a (1 + t θ ) 2 2 2

The most important parts of spiral fluid machines are the two spirals execute
planetary motion relative to each other. The geometric equations for one spiral can be
given as
r = c −c θ (2.7)
1 2
(r − r )
Where c1 = r0 and c 2 = 0 i
Now let us denote moving spiral radius in (x, y) coordinate by a subscript m and
stationary spiral by a subscript s
Hence for moving spiral radius rm
rm = c 1′ − c ′2θ (2.8)
And for stationary spiral
rs = c 1 − c 2θ (2.9)

Axiom: Any simple and smooth regular curve has continuous derivatives at least up to
the second order and can be expressed in terms of its polar angle, center and radius of
curvature as follows:
x = x c (φ) + ρ(φ) cos(φ),
y = y c (φ) + ρ(φ) sin(φ)
Where φ is the polar angle given by φ = tan −1 ( ), (2.11)
dy / dx
⎡ ⎛ dy ⎞ 2 ⎤
⎢1 + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎢ ⎝ dx ⎠ ⎦⎥
The radius of curvature is given by ρ( φ ) = ⎣ (2.12)
dx 2
( x c (φ), y c (φ)) is the center of curvature given by
dy ⎡ dy ⎤
⎢1 + ( )2 ⎥
dx ⎣ dx ⎦
xc (φ ) = x − (2.13)
d y / dx 2

⎡ dy 2 ⎤
⎢⎣1 + ( dx ) ⎥⎦
y c (φ ) = y + 2 (2.14)
d y / dx 2

If we convert the moving spiral equation in (X-Y) coordinate then the moving spiral
equation can be expressed as a function of orbiting angle θ assuming co-ordinate of
the center is independent of θ .
x m = xc + (c1′ − c ′2θ ) cos(θ ),
y m = y c + (c1′ − c2′θ ) sin(θ )
Now for stationary spiral, equation in (X-Y) coordinate can be written as
x s = x c + (c1 − c 2 θ) cos(θ),
y s = y c + (c1 − c 2 θ) sin(θ)

The coordinate of the center for the orbiting spiral can be written as
xc = ec cos(α ) x ′c = 0.0
y c = ec sin(α ) y ′c = 0.0
Where α is the time dependent angle of rotation of crank and ec is the eccentricity of
the crankshaft.
Therefore equation of moving and fixed spiral can be represented as
x m = ec cos(α ) + (c1′ − c 2′θ ) cos(θ )
y m = ec sin(α ) + (c1′ − c 2′θ ) sin(θ )

x s = (c1 − c 2θ ) cos(θ )
y s = (c1 − c 2θ ) sin(θ )

The volume of the suction process can be evaluated by the volume of gas pockets 1
denoted in figure 2.2 showing outer moving spiral execute orbiting motion with radial
eccentricity e
Area subtended by moving to fixed spiral for suction gas pocket at a particular crank
angle can be given by

As = I m − I s

I m = − ∫ {ec sin(α ) + (c1′ − c 2′θ ) sin(θ )}{(c1′ − c ′2θ ) sin(θ ) + c ′2θ ) cos(θ )}dθ (2.19)

I s = − ∫ {(c1 − c 2θ ) sin(θ )}{(c1 − c 2θ ) sin(θ ) + c 2θ ) cos(θ )}dθ
Based on the values of constants and we finally arrive at suction volume, Vs

Vs = πH (c1 + c1′ − 2c2π ) D (2.20)

Where H is radial offset between two spirals at zero eccentricity and D is the depth of
the pump.
The volume calculated in this fashion is limited to the limit of integration ±nπ. It is
also true for perfectly meshed spirals. In our problem the spirals are not perfectly
meshed. It contains sealing areas that permits considerable amount of leakage. Figure-
2.3 shows sealing zone A, B and C through which leakage of gas occurs in pocket-1
suction towards the suction inlet as well as outlet towards pocket-3 and pocket-2. The

leakage is the function of many parameters viz. tangential pressure gradient,
tangential velocity component of moving spiral, sealing area.
During the process of suction leakage is unavoidable through A, which in turn cause
suction gas dilution or suction volume loss. At the same time compression and
discharge gas pockets pressure and temperature reduce due to leakage and mixing of
gas through various pockets. The evaluation of leakage phenomenon is difficult to
calculate through analytical technique. CFD is one of the tools that can handle such
Alternatively, approximate analysis can be done using integration in r-θ co-ordinates.

Figure 2.3. Location of sealing zone at an intermediate crank angle for various gas
pockets location

2.2 Logarithmic spiral:

Volume of suction pockets can be evaluated for logarithmic spiral for similar
geometric parameter. There are two possible design approaches
a) Both the spirals are of logarithmic type. Here radial separation distance
between spirals may not be uniform. The spirals are having non-uniform vane
thickness and radial clearance. A lot of practical difficulty may arise in
assembly and performance.
b) Moving spiral is of logarithmic type separated from stationary spiral by a
constant separation distance. It is basically a semi logarithmic spiral. It is
simple in construction as Archimedean spiral. Parametric comparison with
Archimedean spiral can be easily drawn.
For first type of logarithmic spiral if we convert the moving spiral equation in (X-Y)
coordinate then the moving spiral equation for logarithmic spiral will be represented
b′ θ
x = x + (b ′ e 2 )cos(θ )
m c 1 (2.21)
b′ θ
y = y + (b ′ e 2 )sin(θ )
m c 1

where b1′ and b2′ are the constants depend on r0 , N and θ

Now for stationary spiral, equation in (X-Y) coordinate can be written as

b θ
x = x + (b e 2 ) cos(θ )
s c 1 (2.22)
b θ
y = y + (b e 2 ) sin(θ )
s c 1

The coordinate of the center can be written as

xc = ec cos(α ) x ′c = 0.0
y c = ec sin(α ) y ′c = 0.0
Where α is the angle of rotation of crank, which is dependent on time and ec is the
eccentricity of the crankshaft.

Therefore equation of moving and fixed spiral can be represented as

b′ θ
x = ec cos(α ) + (b′ e 2 )cos(θ )
m 1 (2.23)
b′ θ
y = ec + (b′ e 2 )sin(θ )
m 1

b θ
x = (b e 2 ) cos(θ )
s 1 (2.24)
b θ
y = (b e 2 ) sin(θ )
s 1

Area subtended by moving to fixed spiral for suction gas pocket at a particular crank
angle can be given by

As = I m − I s

⎧⎪ b′ θ ⎪⎫⎪⎧ b ′ θ ⎫⎪
I m = − ∫ ⎨ec sin(α ) + (b ′ e 2 ) sin(θ )⎬⎨e 2 (b ′ b2′ sin(θ ) + b ′ cos(θ ))⎬dθ (2.25)
0 ⎪ ⎪⎭⎪⎩ ⎪⎭
1 1 1

2π b′ θ ⎧⎪ b ′ θ ⎫⎪
I s = − ∫ (b ′ e 2 ) sin(θ )⎨e 2 (b ′ b2′ sin(θ ) + b ′ cos(θ ))⎬dθ
1 ⎪⎩ 1 1 ⎪⎭

Suction volume of the logarithmic spiral under similar outer and discharge radius will

⎡ b′ 4b ′π b 4b π ⎤
V = ⎢ 1 (e 2 − 1) − 1 (e 2 − 1)⎥ D (2.26)
s ⎣ 4b2′ 4b2 ⎦

For second type of spiral pump where moving spiral is of logarithmic type separated
from stationary spiral by a constant separation distance H
Rewriting equation (2.23) and (2.24) for moving and stationary spirals in (X-Y)

b′ θ
x = e c cos( α ) + ( b ′ e 2 )cos( θ )
m 1 (2.27)
b′ θ
y = e c + ( b ′ e 2 )sin( θ )
m 1

b θ
x = (b e 2 − H ) cos(θ )
s 1 (2.28)
b θ
y = (b e 2 − H ) sin(θ )
s 1
Where H is radial offset between two spirals at zero eccentricity.

Suction volume under similar parametric conditions with Archimedean spiral can be
given as
⎡ b ′H 2b ′π − 1 ⎤
V = ⎢ 1 ⎛⎜ e 2 − πH 2 ⎞⎟ ⎥ D (2.29)
s ⎣ b2′ ⎝ ⎠⎦
D is the depth of the pump

2.3 Comparison between Archimedean and semi-logarithmic spiral

It is evident from the above analysis that under similar parametric condition viz. inner
radius, outer radius, zero eccentricity separation distance and depth of the pump
Archimedean spiral shape is having superior volumetric capacity to that of semi-
logarithmic spiral shape. Table 2.0

Non dimensional
Non Non dimensional suction
suction volume of
dimensional volume of perfectly
No. of perfectly meshed
intake radius meshed Archimedean
Sr RPM. scroll semi-logarithmic
with respect spiral with respect to
No N S wrap spiral with respect to
to Outer pumping capacity of
(N) pumping capacity of
peripheral existing single vane
existing single vane
dimension pump
1 1400 0.8 2.5 1.16 1.07
2 1400 0.72 2.5 1.05 0.95
3 1400 0.68 2.5 0.99 0.91

Table 2.0 Suction Volume of two types of spiral pumps at various intake dimensions

Chapter 3
Computation Methodology

Many researchers had tried to solve the spiral pump or similar type of problems by
various methods viz. geometric and thermodynamic modeling, leakage flow through
clearances and heat transfer modeling, Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow through
involute refrigeration spiral compressor etc.

3.1 Brief Description of the different approaches

One of the approaches was by Ooi and Zhu [15] to attempt refrigeration compressor
problem using moving and deforming grid to calculate heat transfer through spirals.
The analysis did not include specific leakage flow modeling. Another approach by
Zeyu, Li, Zhao [26] modeled leakage and heat transfer using analytical expressions
for rarefied gas flow through clearance. The volumetric flow rate is given by function
of Knudsen number.

h ∂p ⎛ 2 - σ v 6 k n ⎞

Q& = − c ⎜1 + ⎟(1 + β 0 k n ) (3.01)

12 μ 0 ∂x ⎜⎝ σ v 1 − bk n ⎟⎠
Where β 0 Rarefaction coefficient of viscosity, k n is the Knudsen number, b is slip
And temperature change of gas as a function of orbiting angle can be written from
first law of thermodynamics as

⎡ 1 ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ⎛ ∂p ⎞ ⎤ ∂v ⎡ 1 ⎛ ∂m i ⎞ ∂Q ⎤
⎢ ⎜ ⎟ −⎜ ⎟ ⎥ − ⎢ ∑⎜ ⎟(h i − h ) + ⎥
∂T ⎣ v ⎝ ∂v ⎠ T ⎝ ∂v ⎠ T ⎦ ∂θ ⎣ v c ⎝ ∂θ ⎠ ∂θ ⎦
=− (3.02)
∂θ ⎛ ∂p ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂h ⎞
⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ∂ T ⎠ v v ⎝ ∂T ⎠ v
Where h is the enthalpy, mi is the mass flow rate.
Cui et al. [6] had done numerical analysis of flow through compressor for refrigerant
fluid in which he analyzed using fixed grid type control volume in three-dimensional

We have modeled governing flow equation using kinetic flux vector splitting of the
Boltzman equation and mapped the equation to euler level considering moving
boundary and moving nodes. The equation is discretized using least square technique
which is capable of working on any type of mesh. The equation is further modified for
capturing node movement under viscous flow scenario.

3.2 Kinetic theory based approach

There are many approaches in computational fluid dynamics to solve such a problem.
We have chosen kinetic theory based method. Mandal and Deshpande [20] introduced
Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting (KFVS) to solve Euler equation for aerodynamic
problem. Later Ghosh and Deshpande [14] extended the KFVS for mesh free scheme
known as least square kinetic upwind method (LSKUM) for 2D Euler equation.
Ramesh and Deshpande further worked on the scheme and extended LSKUM for 3D.

Mahendra and Deshpande [18], [19] had further expanded LSKUM 2D/3D for
viscous flow for aerodynamic problem and also solved for problems related to
strongly rotating flow using LSKUM 2D.
Kulkarni and Deshpande[16] extended the LSKUM to solve moving node Euler
equation for pitching motion of aerofoil known as LSKUM-MN solver. Ramesh and
Deshpande[22] further carried the work on LSKUM-MN.
In the present study we have solved the current problem of flow through spiral pump
we are trying to extend moving node LSKUM for viscous flow application.

Computation of unsteady flows is an important problem in the field of aerodynamics

and gas dynamics. Prediction of aero-elastic behavior in industrial applications needs
an accurate prediction of the unsteady pressure loads. Helicopter rotor load
aerodynamics is one example where unsteady flow computations are essential. Flow
through turbine blades involving stators and rotors is another typical case where
unsteady flow computation is needed. All such applications in general involve moving
boundaries. Computation of flow involving moving boundaries in general involves
moving grids. Some of the approaches involving moving grids transform the
equations of motion to a moving frame. Also the boundary condition is treated in the
moving frame itself. But these methods generally require interpolation of solution
from the moving grids to background static grids.

In the present approach using least squares kinetic upwind method (LSKUM) we
address these issues in different way where many of the difficulties faced by the
conventional methods are circumvented. LSKUM is a kinetic theory based upwind
Euler solver. This method has the capability to work on any type of mesh or even on
an arbitrary distribution of points or nodes. The motivation of the present work was to
extend the method to moving node without involving any transformation of equation
of motion to a non-inertial frame. Also general formulation is required in the sense if
there is no node movement, it must automatically reduced to that of stationary nodes.
Such a type of formulation could then work on any grid in which each grid point
would have arbitrary grid velocity. The method can be applied to multi moving
surfaces and alternatively compressing and expanding flow domain viz. pumps,
compressors without interpolating the solution from moving grid to background
stationary grids.

To obtain best predictability mesh free Least Squares Kinetic Upwind Method for
moving grid developed by Ramesh and Deshpande [6] is employed to solve
accurately for a given geometry with variable node velocity. The viscous part is
treated with full stencil manner. The first part of the simulation is to prepare the
domain, generate mesh, model fluid properties, and define boundary condition. For
every real time, the flow domain and velocities change continuously. The code is
tested with the experimental result for pumping speed, temperature and pressure
distribution of existing spiral pump.
In the present work; flow simulation has been done for existing spiral geometry with
radial clearances under operating compression ratio. The study was further extended
to various spiral geometries at different compression ratios. Node velocities from
stationary to moving spiral can be varied linearly or exponentially. The study can be
further extended for varying radial clearances

3.2.1 Least Square Kinetic Upwind Method
The present work uses least squares kinetic upwind method (LSKUM), which is a
meshless or grid free method. We know briefly describe LSKUM. In case of finite
difference methods the above equation is solved by discretising the various
derivatives along the co-ordinate directions. Finite volume method is based on
integral form of governing equations. However, if we are given an arbitrary
distribution of points without any grid structure associated with these points, it will be
difficult to discretise the derivatives. With the least squares approach of Ghosh [14],
spatial derivatives fx, fy of f can be discretised in terms of the data at the neighbouring
points or nodes. Consider arbitrary n points surrounding a point Po as shown in Fig

Po f1 X
fi fn

Figure 3.1: Typical connectivity around point Po

We give briefly the analysis due to Ghosh and Deshpande [14]. Taylor series around
“Po” for any quantity f gives us
Δf i = Δxi f xo + Δyi f yo + h.o.t., i = 1,..., n , h.o.t. = higher order terms (3.03)

where, Δyi = yi − yo and Δf i = f i − f o . Minimizing the square of error E, defined by

E = ∑ (Δf i − f xo Δxi − f yo Δy i ) ,
i =1

gives the following first order accurate least squares formulae for the gradients

f xo(1) =
∑ Δy ∑ Δx Δf − ∑ Δx Δy ∑ Δy Δf
i i i i i i i

∑ Δx ∑ Δy − (∑ Δx Δy )
2 2 2
i i i i
f yo(1) =
∑ Δx ∑ Δy Δf − ∑ Δx Δy ∑ Δx Δf
i i i i i i i

∑ Δx ∑ Δy − (∑ Δx Δy )
2 2 2
i i i i

Where Σ represents the summation over all points in the neighbourhood N(Po) of Po.
The formulae given in equation (3.05) can now be used to obtain the point values of
fxo and fyo throughout the field.
Let us now study how upwinding is enforced in LSKUM by stencil subdivision.
Consider a 2-D linear hyperbolic partial differential equation for scalar f .

∂f ∂f ∂f
+ v1 + v2 =0 (3.06)
∂t ∂x ∂y

The exact solution to this equation is given by

f (t + Δt , x, y, v1 , v2 ) = f (t , x − v1Δt , y − v2 Δt , v1 , v2 )







Figure 3.2: Stencil Splitting for LSKUM

The propagation of information to node Po depends upon location of node Pi relative

to Po and the signs of v1 and v2 . If v1 > 0 then only the nodes to the left of Po will
influence the solution at Po. Similarly if v1 < 0 then only the nodes to the right of Po
will influence the solution at Po. Similar arguments show that for v2 > 0 the node
below Po and for v2 < 0 the node above Po will influence the solution at Po. For
developing any upwind scheme this signal propagation property should be taken into
The Courant split Boltzmann Equation for f is

∂f v1 + v1 ⎛ ∂f ⎞ v1 − v1 ⎛ ∂f ⎞ v 2 + v 2 ⎛ ∂f ⎞ v 2 − v 2 ⎛ ∂f ⎞
+ ⎜ ⎟+ ⎜ ⎟+ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 0 (3.07)
∂t 2 ⎝ ∂x ⎠ 2 ⎝ ∂x ⎠ 2 ⎝ ∂y ⎠ 2 ⎝ ∂y ⎠

Replacing the spatial derivatives by discrete least square approximation we get

∂f v1 + v1 v1 − v1
{ }
f xo N1 ( P0 ) +
f xo N 2 ( P0 ) { }
v2 + v2 v2 − v2
{ }
f yo N ( P ) +
3 0 2
f yo N ( P ) = 0
4 0
{ }
v1 + v1
The coefficient
{ }
of the term f xo which appears in equation (3.09) is always
positive for v1>0, while it is zero for v1<0. This indicates that least square evaluation
{ }
of derivative f xo at node Po for v1>0 should use data at nodes to the left of Po i.e.
based on the sub-stencil N1(Po) (See Fig.1.3.). The derivative evaluation is based on
N1(Po), N2(Po), N3(Po) and N4(Po) and is represented as f xo N1 ( P0 ) for v1>0, { }
{f }
xo N 2 ( P0 ) for v1<0, {f yo }N
3 ( P0 )
{ }
for v2>0 and f yo N 4 ( P0 )
for v2<0.

Above analysis can be used to obtain state update based on first order
LSKUM. Discretising the time derivative to first order and taking Ψ-moment of the
equation (3.08) we get

U n +1 = U n
⎡⎧ ∂ n

− Δt ⎢ ⎨ GX ⎬ (
+ ⎫
) + ⎨ GX ⎬− ⎫
( ⎥ ) (3.09)
⎢⎣ ⎩ ∂x ⎭ N1 ( Po ) ⎩ ∂x ⎭ N 2 ( Po ) ⎥⎦
⎡⎧ ∂ + ⎫
⎧∂ − ⎫

− Δt ⎢ ⎨
GY ⎬ ) +⎨ GY ⎬ ( ⎥ )
⎣⎢ ⎩ ⎭ N 3 ( Po ) ⎩ ∂y ⎭ N 4 ( Po ) ⎦⎥


n ⎡ ∑ Δy 2 ∑ Δx Δ GX + n − ∑ Δx Δy ∑ Δy Δ GX + ( ) ( ) n

⎨ GX ⎬(
+ ⎫
=⎢ i
i i i i i i i i i i ⎥
⎩ ∂x ⎭ N1 ( Po ) ⎢
⎣ ∑i Δxi2 ∑i Δyi2 − ∑i Δxi Δyi
( ) ⎥
⎦ i∈N1 ( Po )

n ⎡ ∑ Δy 2 ∑ Δx Δ GX − n − ∑ Δx Δy ∑ Δy Δ GX − ( ) ( ) n

− ⎫
⎨ GX ⎬ )=⎢ i
i i i i i i i i i i ⎥
⎩ ∂x ⎭ N 2 ( Po ) ⎢
⎣ ∑i Δxi2 ∑i Δyi2 − ∑i Δxi Δyi
( ) ⎥
⎦ i∈N 2 ( Po )

⎧∂ + ⎫
⎡ ∑ Δx 2 ∑ Δy Δ GY + n − ∑ Δx Δy ∑ Δx Δ GY + ) ( ) n

⎨ GY ⎬( ) =⎢ i
i i i i i i i i i i ⎥
⎩ ∂y ⎭ N 3 ( Po ) ⎢⎣ ∑i Δxi ∑i Δyi − ∑i Δxi Δyi
2 2 2
( ) ⎥
⎦ i∈N3 ( Po )

⎧∂ − ⎫
⎡ ∑ Δx 2 ∑ Δy Δ GY − n − ∑ Δx Δy ∑ Δx Δ GY − ) ( ) n

⎨ GY ⎬( )=⎢ i
i i i i i i i i i i ⎥
⎩ ∂y ⎭ N 4 ( Po ) ⎢⎣ ∑i Δxi ∑i Δyi − ∑i Δxi Δyi
2 2 2
( ) ⎥
⎦ i∈N 4 ( Po )


where Δ GX ± ) = (GX ) − (GX )
± n
± n
and Δ GY ± ) = (GY ) − (GY )
± n
± n
Here Δt is the time step and GX and GY ± represent split inviscid fluxes. The
expressions for the split fluxes are given in Appendix-A.

3.2.2 Formulation of 2D LSKUM for moving node

Least squares kinetic upwind method (LSKUM) is a kinetic theory based grid free
scheme for solving the inviscid compressible Euler equations for gas dynamics.
Recently, it has been demonstrated that KFVS can be extended to numerical
simulation of viscous flows using the Chapman-Enskog velocity distribution. In the
extended KFVS method both inviscid and viscous terms are treated in an upwind
manner through splitting of viscid as well as inviscid fluxes. It is also possible to
discretise the viscous terms using least squares on a full stencil and Chapman-Enskog
splitting is then not required. The method has been applied to compute viscous flow
where viscous flux can be evaluated using full stencil.

Here let us describe the formulation of 2-D LSKUM moving node scheme.
2-D Boltzmann equation can be re-written including collision function from the
equation (3.06)

∂f ∂f ∂f
+ v1 + v2 = J(f, f ) (3.10)
∂t ∂x ∂y

Where f is the velocity distribution function, v1 and v 2 are the Cartesian

components of the molecular velocity. J(f, f) represents the collision term which
vanishes in the Euler limit, when f is a Maxwellian distribution. It is represented by
F, which in two dimensions can be given as

ρ β I
F = exp[ − β(v1 − u1 ) 2 − β(v 2 − u 2 ) 2 − ] (3.11)
I0 π I0

Where β = , ρ is the fluid density, I is internal energy variable, I 0 is the
2 −γ
internal energy due to non-translational degree of freedom, I 0 = RT and u1
γ −1
and u 2 are the Cartesian components of the fluid velocity, R is the gas constant and
T is the absolute temperature of the fluid.
Therefore Boltzmann equation within the euler limit can be written as equation (3.06)
∂f ∂f ∂f
+ v1 + v2 =0
∂t ∂x ∂y
Now let w1 and w2 represent the Cartesian components of the velocity of any
moving node.
In order to deal with problem involving moving nodes we define the derivative of
F along the path of the node as

⎛ ∂f ⎞ ⎛ ∂f ∂f ∂f ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = ⎜⎜ + w1 + w2 ⎟. (3.12)
⎝ ∂t ⎠ mov ⎝ ∂t ∂x ∂y ⎟⎠

⎛ ∂f ⎞
Substituting ⎜ ⎟ from equation (3.09)
⎝ ∂t ⎠

⎛ ∂f ⎞ ∂f ∂f
⎜ ⎟ + (v 1 − w1 ) + (v 2 − w 2 ) =0 (3.13)
⎝ ∂t ⎠ mov ∂x ∂y

let v1 = (v1 − w1 ) , v 2 = (v 2 − w2 ) components of the particle velocity relative to the

moving node. Equation (3.13) can be written as

⎛ ∂f ⎞ ∂f ∂f
⎜ ⎟ + v1 + v2 =0 (3.14)
⎝ ∂t ⎠ mov ∂x ∂y

This is the 2D Boltzmann equation for a moving node. Splitting v1 and v 2 into
positive and negative parts and discretising the time derivative to first order in the
above equation, the update scheme for the distribution F as

⎛ v 1 + v 1 ∂f v 1 − v 1 ∂ f v 2 + v 2 ∂f v 2 − v 2 ∂f ⎞
F n +1 = F n − Δt ⎜⎜ + + + ⎟
⎟ (3.15)
⎝ 2 ∂ x 2 ∂ x 2 ∂ y 2 ∂ y ⎠

where F n +1 represents the updated value of F at the new position of node,

Δt represents time step. The updating of F is now mapped to the updating of the
state vector U at the Euler level by taking ψ moments of the equation (3.15) we
then obtain

⎛ ∂GX m+ ∂GX m− ∂GYm+ ∂GYm− ⎞
U = U − Δt ⎜⎜
n +1 n
+ + + ⎟
⎟ (3.16)
⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ⎠
⎡ v + v2 ⎤
2 2

Where ψ = ⎢1 v1 v 2 I+ 1 ⎥
⎣⎢ 2 ⎦⎥
∞ ∞ ∞
ψ , F ≡ ∫ dI ∫ dv1 ∫ dv 2 ψF ≡ U
0 −∞ −∞

v1 +|v1 |
ψ, F ≡ GX m+
v1 −|v1 |
ψ, F ≡ GX m−
v 2 +|v 2 |
ψ, F ≡ GYm+

v 2 −|v 2 |
ψ, F ≡ GYm−

U is the state vector given by U = [ρ ρu1 ρu 2 ρe ] , GX m± and GYm± represents


the split fluxes for a moving node. The moving split fluxes are given by the following

G m± = AG s± (3.17)

Where Gm± represent the split fluxes for a moving node, G s± represent the split fluxes
which are similar to those for a static node except that the velocity components in this
case are relative to the node velocity and matrix A transforms the fluxes to moving
node. The transformation matrix A is given by

⎡ 1 0 0 0⎤
⎢ w1 1 0 0 ⎥⎥

A=⎢ w2 0 1 0⎥ (3.18)
⎢w 2 + w 2 ⎥
⎢ 1 2
w1 w2 1⎥
⎣⎢ 2 ⎦⎥

The expressions for the split fluxes G s± are as follows. The x-components of split
fluxes are given by

⎡ {
ρ u1 A1± ± B1 } ⎤
⎢ ⎧⎪⎛ P ⎥
⎡GX (1) ⎤
⎢ 2 ⎞ ⎫ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ρ ⎨⎜⎜ + u1 ⎟⎟ A1± ± u1B1 ⎬
± ⎢ ⎪⎩⎝ ρ ⎥
⎢GX (2) ⎥ =⎢
⎠ ⎭

⎢GX ± (3) ⎥ ⎢ { ±
ρ u1u 2 A1 ± u 2 B1 } ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎧⎪ ⎛ 2γ p
⎢⎣GX (4) ⎥⎦ ⎞A ±
⎛ γ +1 p ⎞ B ⎫⎥
⎢ ρ ⎨u1 ⎜⎜ +| u |2 ⎟⎟ 1 ± ⎜⎜ +| u |2 ⎟⎟ 1 ⎬⎥
⎢⎣ ⎪⎩ ⎝ γ − 1 ρ ⎠ 2 ⎝ γ −1 ρ ⎠ 2 ⎭⎥⎦

The y-components of split fluxes are given by

⎡ { }
ρ u 2 A2± ± B 2 ⎤
⎡GX ± (1) ⎤ ⎢

{ ρ u1u 2 A2± ± u1B 2} ⎥

⎢ ± ⎥ ⎢ ⎧
⎪ ⎛ P ⎞ ⎫ ⎥
⎢GX (2) ⎥ = ⎢ 2
ρ ⎨⎜⎜ + u 2 ⎟⎟ A2± ± u 2 B 2 ⎬ ⎥ (3.20)
⎢GX ± (3) ⎥ ⎢ ⎪⎩⎝ ρ ⎠ ⎭ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢
± ⎧
⎢⎣GX (4) ⎥⎦ ⎢ ⎪ ⎛ 2γ p ⎞A ±
⎛ γ +1 p ⎞ B ⎫⎥
ρ ⎨u 2 ⎜⎜ +| u |2 ⎟⎟ 2 ± ⎜⎜ +| u |2 ⎟⎟ 2 ⎬⎥
⎢⎣ ⎪⎩ ⎝ γ − 1 ρ ⎠ 2 ⎝ γ −1 ρ ⎠ 2 ⎭⎥⎦
1 ± erfS1 1 ± erfS 2
A1± = , A2± = ,
2 2

e − S1 e − S2
2 2

B1 = , B2 = , S1 = u1 β , S 2 = u 2 β,
2 πβ 2 πβ
2 2 1
| u |2 = u1 + u 2 , β =

Viscous terms are discretised using least squares on a full stencil hence update
equation (3.13) can be modified for viscous flow scenario as under.

⎛ ∂GX m+ ∂GX m− ∂GYm+ ∂GYm− ∂GX V ∂GYV ⎞
U n +1
= U − Δt ⎜⎜
+ + + + + ⎟
⎟ (3.21)
⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ⎠

Where x-component of full stencil (unsplitted) viscous flux is given by

⎡ 0 ⎤
⎢ − τ XX ⎥
GX V = ⎢ ⎥ (3.22)
⎢ − τ XY ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ − u1τ XX − u 2τ XY + q X ⎦

y-component of full stencil (unsplitted) viscous flux is given by

⎡ 0 ⎤
⎢ − τ XY ⎥
GYV = ⎢ ⎥ (3.23)
⎢ − τ YY ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ − u1τ XY − u 2τ YY + qY ⎦

Where u1 and u 2 are the velocity components in Cartesian frame. The stress terms
and heat flux vectors are defined as

∂u1 ∂u
τ XX = (λ + 2μ ) +λ 2
∂x ∂y
⎛ ∂u ∂u ⎞
τ XY = μ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟
⎝ ∂y ∂x ⎠
∂u ∂u
τ YY = (λ + 2μ ) 2 + λ 1
∂y ∂x

Where λ = −
q X = −k
q Y = −k

3.2.3 Treatment of boundary condition for moving solid wall
Boundary condition at the moving wall can be implemented in different ways. It can
be based on specular reflection principle as suggested by Ramesh and Deshpande
[22]. Alternatively boundary condition can be obtained full stencil manner from
continuity equation. In no slip boundary condition velocities are same as that of
moving solid wall.

Specular reflection base boundary condition.

Velocity distribution function f is the union of two maxwellians FI and
FR corresponding to the incident and reflected particle. That is
f boundary = FI ∪ FR . The incident part corresponds to the particles with relative
velocity normal to the v1 < 0 . The reflected part is constructed from the incident part
as shown below.

FI = FI (v1 ,v 2 ) for v 2 < 0 ,

FI = FI (v1 ,−v 2 ) for v 2 > 0 .

Splitting v1 and v 2 into positive and negative part update formula can be written as

n +1 n +1 n +1
ψ, f boundary ≡ ψ, FI ∪ FR ,
⎛ v + [v1 ] ∂f v1 − [v1 ] ∂f
n +1 n ∂f ⎞
FI = FI − Δt ⎜⎜ 1 + + v2 ⎟ for v 2 < 0 (3.24)
⎝ 2 ∂x 2 ∂x ∂y ⎟⎠
= F I (v1 ,−v1 ) for v 2 > 0 .
n +1 n +1
Final update formula will come from

n +1 ⎛ ∂GX m+ − (l) ∂GX m− − (l) ∂GYm− − (l) ⎞
(l) − 2Δt ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
U boundary (l) = U boundary + + (3.25)
⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂y ⎠
for l = 1,4 ,
= w1 for l = 2
= w2 l = 3

GX m+ − (l) and GX m− − represent x coordinate quadrant wise split moving fluxes

GYm− − represents y coordinate quadrant wise split moving fluxes .
Quadrant wise split fluxes for the moving boundary both in x and y direction can be
expressed as

G m± ± = AbG s± ±

G m± ± represents in a compact form the various quadrant wise split fluxes for a moving

G s± ± represents in a compact form the various quadrant wise split fluxes which are
similar to that of a static node except that the velocity components in this case are
relative to the node velocity and matrix Ab converts the static fluxes to the moving
fluxes. Matrix Ab is given by

⎡ 1 0 0 0⎤
⎢ w1 1 0 0 ⎥⎥

Ab = ⎢ w2 0 0 0⎥
⎢w 2 + w 2 ⎥
⎢ 1 2
w1 w2 1⎥
⎣⎢ 2 ⎦⎥

x coordinate quadrant split fluxes are given by

⎡ { }
ρA 2± u1 A1± ± B1 ⎤
⎢ ⎧ ⎥
⎡GX ± ± (1) ⎤ ⎢ ± ⎪⎛ P 2 ⎞ ±
⎫ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢
ρA ⎨⎜⎜ + u1 ⎟⎟ A1 ± u1 B1 ⎬ ⎥
⎢GX (2) ⎥ = ⎢ ⎪⎩⎝ ⎠ ⎭

⎢GX ± ± (3) ⎥ ⎢ { }{
ρ u1 A1± ± B1 u 2 A 2± ± B 2 } ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎧ ±
⎣⎢GX (4) ⎦⎥ ⎢ ρA ± ⎪⎨u ⎛⎜ 2γ p +| u |2 ⎞⎟ A1 ± ⎛⎜ γ +1 p +| u |2 ⎞⎟ B1 ± 1 u B ± u A ± ± B ⎫⎥
{ }

1⎜ ⎟ 2 ⎜ γ −1 ρ ⎟ 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 ⎬⎥
⎪⎩ ⎝ γ −1 ρ
⎢⎣ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎭⎥⎦


y coordinate quadrant split fluxes are given by

⎡ { }
ρA 2± u 2 A 2± ± B 2 ⎤
⎢ ⎧⎪⎛ P ⎥
⎡GY ± ± (1) ⎤ ⎢ 2 ⎞ ⎫ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ρA 2± ⎨⎜⎜ + u 2 ⎟⎟ A 2± ± u 2 B 2 ⎬
⎪⎩⎝ ρ ⎥
⎢GY (2) ⎥ = ⎢ ⎠ ⎭

⎢GY (3) ⎥ ⎢
± ±
{ }{ }
ρ u 2 A 2± ± B 2 u 2 A 2± ± B 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣GY (4) ⎥⎦ ⎢⎢ ρA ± ⎧⎪u ⎛⎜ 2γ p +| u |2 ⎞⎟ A 2 ± ⎛⎜ γ +1 p +| u |2 ⎞⎟ B 2 ± 1 u B ± u A ± ± B ⎫⎥
{ }

2 ⎨ 2⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ⎬⎥
⎢⎣ ⎪⎩ ⎝ γ −1 ρ ⎠ 2 ⎝ γ −1 ρ ⎠ ⎭⎥⎦


Chapter 4
Application of LSKUM-MN-NS solver for spiral geometry

We have selected two types of geometry of the spiral for our analysis
1) Archimedean spiral
2) Logarithmic spiral
Archimedean spiral geometry has been identified by the mathematical equation
r = c1 + c2 θ (4.1)
Logarithmic spiral geometry has been identified by the mathematical equation
r = C 3 e C 4θ (4.2)

Where C1 , C 2 , C 3 and C 4 are constants evaluated based on initial and final radii of
the spirals and angle of the spirals.

rmax θ max − rmin θ min

c1 = (4.3)
θ max − θ min

r −r
c2 = − max min (4.4)
θ max − θ min

θmax − θmin
c3 = rmax θmax −θmin rmin θmax −θmin (4.5)
⎛r ⎞
− log ⎜⎜ max ⎟⎟
c4 = ⎝ rmin ⎠
θ max − θ min

Geometric characteristics have to be known and thoroughly understood. Great

care has to be taken to select the eccentricity of the moving spiral as it determines
the amount of compression and tangential sealing of the machine. We have
evaluated variable eccentricity based wobble motion of the moving spiral.

x-component of velocity of moving spiral can be given as

w1 = U(ec , Δt) (4.7)

y-component of velocity of moving spiral can be given as

w2 = U(ec , Δt) (4.8)

Where ec is the eccentricity of the crankshaft, Δt is the real time for which spiral
is orbiting and is the function of orbiting angle θ given by Δt =
2πN S

Figure 4.1. Outline of existing spiral pump showing zone of computation

4.1 Grid generation

One of the greatest advantages of LSKUM is its ability to work on cloud of points
obtained from any type of grid (structured, unstructured, prismatic, Cartesian,
chimera, hybrid, dragon etc.). Following are the main difficulties in grid generation in
the spiral domain.
1) Domain is alternatively compressing and expanding due to various gas
pockets movement.
2) Sealing areas are having gap in order of few millimeter to some fraction.
3) Nodes are moving in the direction of node velocities hence clustering or
any adaptation technique would be changed with time.
4) Due to node movement the grids are highly distorted. The amount of
distortion is the function of eccentricity with which spiral is wobbling.

One of the approach by Ooi and Zhu [15] to attempt refrigeration compressor
problem moving and deforming grid system were generated by an algebraic grid
generation by two boundary technique based on transfinite interpolation technique
followed by adaptation with the arbitrary mesh deformation.
Grid free nature of the LSKUM makes it capable of working on distorted or
highly skewed mesh with large variation of cross section area. This coupled with
least square for moving node further enhances the capability to capture the
distorted moving mesh. This advantage of the scheme is suitably utilized to get
point distribution containing 21600 points obtained from a structure grid. There
are 1800 points on the spiral body in theta direction and 12 points in the radial

Sealing zone A

Zone B

Mesh Distortion
Mesh Distortion

Figure-4.2 Grid on computational domain showing distortion of nodes due to node

4.2 Assumptions
Study was carried out with the following assumptions:
1) Since the working chamber has a long and narrow geometry, the main flow
direction is assumed to be along the spiral wobbling direction i.e. the flow can
be simplified as a two dimensional problem.
2) The working gas is assumed to be in a single phase and behaves as an ideal
3) Gas is calorifically perfect i.e. constant pressure specific heat and other
transport property remains constant.
4) Gravity forces are negligible as compared to tangential pressure gradient.
5) Continuum hypothesis prevails

4.3 Treatment of Boundary condition

In CFD framing of meaningful boundary condition that simulates the real physical
world becomes extremely challenging.
1) The two-dimensional flow configuration consists of an orbiting spiral wrap, a
fixed spiral wrap. Gas is entered into the periphery and inflow boundary
condition prevails. In calculation of leakage open boundary condition is
implemented i.e. Pressure and temperature are constants and velocity is
2) Gas is discharged at the center where outflow condition prevails. If pressure
condition is known then back pressure boundary condition is implemented.

3) In order to find leakage flow at various inlet pressure condition; outflow with
back pressure boundary condition and at inlet open boundary condition must
be prevailed.
4) No slip boundary condition exists in the wall.
5) Adiabatic, Heat flux and isothermal boundary condition can be applied to the
wall. When cooling is provided average heat flux boundary condition is
implemented based on experimental data.
For average heat flux, equation can be written as n.Grad( t ) = q&
In designing multi vane spiral pump cooling is inadequate hence as a
conservative approach adiabatic boundary condition is implemented in a view
to check condensable process gas should neither condense in the process of
expansion nor dissociate in the compression process.
For adiabatic condition, equation can be written as n.Grad( t ) = 0

Chapter 5
Results and Discussion
Three types of test cases are studied here;
1) Pumping of process gas through single vane spiral pump under inflow and outflow
boundary condition in order to check the volumetric pumping capacity of the pump.
Heat flux boundary condition is implemented.

2) Pumping of process gas through single vane spiral pump under actual operating
pressure condition i.e. inlet with inflow open boundary condition outlet with outflow
back pressure boundary condition are prevailed in order to validate the solver for
volumetric pumping and gas temperature distribution. Average heat flux boundary
condition is implemented based on practical data.

3) Pumping of process gas through multi vane spiral pump under inflow and outflow
boundary condition in order to predict volumetric pumping capacity and temperature
distribution of the pump. Adiabatic boundary condition is implemented.

5.1 Results:
Case 1)
Spiral pump parameter: Single vane with 3-wrap spiral
Non-dimensional volumetric flow rate: 1.0
Non-dimensional rotational speed: 1.0357
Boundary Condition:
o Inlet: Inflow B.C
o Outlet: Outflow B.C
o Wall: No slip, Heat flux B.C

pr pr
1.14625 1.17589
1.12424 1.15105
1.10223 1.12621
1.08023 1.10137
1.01421 1.002
0.9922 0.977161
0.970193 0.952319

For 0 Degree For 90 Degree

1.16651 1.06985
1.13835 1.04632
1.11019 1.02279
1.08202 0.999261
1.05386 0.97573
1.02569 0.952199
0.997526 0.928668
0.969361 0.905137
0.941196 0.881606

For 180 Degree For 270 Degree

Figure3-5.1 Non-Dimensional Pressure plot inside the spiral pump for crank angles of
0,90,180,270 degree


Figure-5.2 Non-Dimensional Temperature distribution inside the spiral pump for

an inter mediate crank angle 225 Degree

Pressure and temperature rise of the gas pockets due to gradual compression from
inlet to outlet are associated with heat transfer from the spiral to surrounding oil.
Average heat flux boundary condition is implemented in both the spiral walls. Above
figure 5.2 shows the volume changes of the gas pockets as a function of the crank
angle. The temperature with in various gas pockets does not change monotonically
owing to dilution and leakage of gas at various gas pockets. Normally single vane
spiral pump capable of handling high compression ratio owing to presence of multiple
sealing areas inside the orbital spiral. For high compression ratio pumping of process
gas backpressure boundary condition is implemented.

5.2 Results
Case 2):
Spiral pump parameter: Existing single vane 2.5 wrap spiral
Pressure ratio: 100; 5
Non-dimensional volumetric flow rate: 1.0
Non-dimensional rotational speed: 1.0357
Boundary Condition:
o Inlet: Open Boundary
o Outlet: Outflow B.C with backpressure
o Wall: No slip, Heat flux B.C
pr pr
5.35 117
4.86667 104.556
4.38333 92.1111
3.9 79.6667
3.41667 67.2222
2.93333 54.7778
2.45 42.3333
1.96667 29.8889
1.48333 17.4444
1 5

Fig-5.3 Non-Dimensional Pressure plot inside the spiral pump for compression ratio
5.0 and 100.0 respectively at different intermediate crank angle

Sealing A

Sealing B

Zoomed View

Figure-5.4 Stream line plot inside the spiral pump showing leakage at the suction side
and through two sealing areas respectively at intermediate crank angle for a coarse

5.3 Multi-vane spiral pump

Based on the above analysis new indigenous spiral is designed and predicted for its
behavior the outline is indicated in figure 5.4. The predicted temperature and pumping
speed is well matched with our theoretical prediction. Initial spiral is taken as
logarithmic and Archimedean shapes. The result is as follows.

Figure-5.5 Outline of newly designed spiral pump showing the zone of computation
5.4 Result
Case 3):
Spiral pump parameter: Newly designed multi vane-spiral
Non-dimensional rotational speed: 1.0357
Nominal volumetric flow rate: 2.4
Boundary Condition: Inlet-Inflow B.C
Outlet-Outflow B.C
Wall: No slip, Adiabatic wall B.C

1.00219 pr
0.997284 1.05445
0.99238 1.04379
0.987476 1.03312
0.982572 1.02246
0.977668 1.01179

For 0 Degree For 90 Degree

pr pr
1.05125 1.04011
1.04006 1.03257
1.02888 1.02503
1.01769 1.0175
1.0065 1.00996
0.995309 1.00242
0.98412 0.994886
0.972932 0.987348
0.961743 0.979811
0.950554 0.972274

For 180 Degree For 270 Degree

Figure-5.6 Non-Dimensional Pressure plot inside the spiral pump for crank angles
of 0,90,180,270 degree


Figure-5.7 Non-Dimensional temperature distribution inside the spiral pump for

an inter mediate crank angle for logarithmic vane shape

The multi-vane spiral pump is tested with out any cooling medium around the spirals.
Therefore adiabatic wall boundary condition is implemented to test the integrity of
process medium. In practice some amount of heat conduction through spiral is
unavoidable to the surrounding. Maximum Non-dimensional temperature in this
method is obtained 1.06 for any crank angle and pumping speed is twice as that of
single vane pumps and is with good agreement with experimental result.

Pumping speed
Pumping speed at three different suction pressures with in plant operating zone is
predicted via calculation of leakage through suction gas pocket. Initial experiment
was done by air/N2 for validation of theoretical results.

Pumping curve

Non-dimensional 2.4
pumping speed 2.2
1.8 Experiment
0.4 0.9 1.4 1.9
Non-Dimensional Inlet pressure

Figure-5.8 Non-Dimensional pumping speed curve with inlet pressure of multi vane
pump for air

From the Figure 5.7 it is evident that numerical prediction of pumping speed is
slightly higher than that of experimental result. This is due to the assumption of
perfect sealing in the axial direction; Pressure losses during the passage of gas
through pump and various valves are not taken into consideration. Narrow pressure
range is selected due to the narrow operation zone of the plant and also validity of
continuum hypothesis is questionable at lower pressure range.

Chapter 5
Conclusion and further scope of work

Numerical analysis using LSKUM-MN-NS viscous flow solver and geometric

modeling of spiral vacuum pump give a clear insight of variation of flow properties in
the flow domain. The code is tested in existing single vane spiral pump to match the
properties under specific pump throughput. The same code is applied for multi vane
spiral pump in a view to develop a new pump with modified spiral shape for higher
pumping capacity. From the on going analysis following conclusions are made
a. Mesh free technique like LSKUM was established as a good technique
for the capture complex flow feature of highly time dependent
distorted grid of spiral pump.
b. Pumping speed obtained by geometric modeling coupled with CFD is
validates with the experimental pumping speed in existing multi-vane
c. Temperature of the vane undergoing compression process compares
well with the experiment.
d. Pumping speed calculated at a specific through put condition in multi
vane pump comes out to be 2.2 times higher than that of single vane
e. Maximum wall temperature of multi vane spiral pump under adiabatic
wall condition is with in required process range hence design of new
pump does not require external oil cooling.

In spite of many limitations, the main focus of our analysis is to get desired pumping
speed at stipulated temperature range. Temperature distribution is more dependent on
spiral geometry and speed of the moving spiral. The mass flow rate of leakage in
various gas pockets is not enough to alter the temperature distribution significantly.

Future scope of work:

1) Analysis may be improved by grid enhancement technique.
2) Axial leakage can be calculated by suitable assumptions in r-z domain or by
complete three-dimensional analysis.
3) Minimum clearance and throughput are limited to validity of continuum
hypothesis. Analysis can be extended beyond Navier-Stoke equation to
include rarefied region.
4) The change in orbiting speed causes temperature difference in stationary and
moving spirals. Flow solver clubbing with conjugate heat transfer analysis can
evaluate the temperature distribution in vanes, which in turn give proper
estimate of differential thermal expansion at lower clearance zone.


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2D Inviscid KFVS fluxes

The X components of Inviscid KFVS Fluxes

ρ ⎧ B1 ⎫
GX ± (1) = ±
⎨s1 A1 ± ⎬
β ⎩ π⎭
ρ ⎧⎛ 2 1 ⎞ ± B1 ⎫
GX ± (2 ) = ⎨⎜ s1 + ⎟ A1 ± s1 ⎬
β ⎩⎝ 2⎠ π ⎭
ρ ⎧ B ⎫
GX ± (3 ) = s 2 ⎨s1 A1± ± 1 ⎬
β ⎩ π⎭
ρ ⎧ ± ⎛ s1γ ⎞ B ⎛ γ +1 ⎞⎫
GX ± (4 ) = ⎨ A1 ⎜⎜ + s1 s 2 ⎟⎟ ± 1 ⎜⎜ + s 2 ⎟⎟⎬
⎩ ⎝ γ −1 π ⎝ 2 (γ − 1)
⎠ ⎠⎭
2β 2

The Y components of Inviscid KFVS fluxes

ρ ⎧ B2 ⎫
GY ± (1) = ±
⎨s 2 A2 ± ⎬
β ⎩ π⎭
ρ ⎧ B ⎫
GY ± (2 ) = s1 ⎨s 2 A2± ± 2 ⎬
β ⎩ π⎭
ρ ⎧⎛ 1⎞ B ⎫
GY ± (3 ) = ⎨⎜ s 22 + ⎟ A2± ± 2 s 2 ⎬
β ⎩⎝ 2⎠ π ⎭
ρ ⎧ ± ⎛ s2γ ⎞ B ⎛ γ +1 ⎞⎫
GY ± (4 ) = ⎨ A2 ⎜⎜ + s 2 s 2 ⎟⎟ ± 2 ⎜⎜ + s 2 ⎟⎟⎬
⎩ ⎝ γ −1 π ⎝ 2 (γ − 1)
⎠ ⎠⎭
2β 2

1 + erf ( s i ) e − si

Ai± = , Bi = , s i = u i β For i =1,2 and s 2 = s12 + s 22

2 2


Expressions for viscous split fluxes

The expressions for the viscid split fluxes, in terms of the flow variables, are given

B.1 Expressions for the 2-D viscid split fluxes

GX IVand GY IV± are the Cartesian component of inviscid and viscid split fluxes for
2-D. These are in turn written as

GX IV = GX I± + GX V±
GY IV± = GY I± + GYV±

In Appendix A we have given the expressions of the inviscid split fluxes.

The x-component of the viscid split fluxes in 2-D are given by

ρ ⎧ B1 ⎛ τ XX ⎞⎫
GX V± (1) = ⎨± ⎜− − q xηs1 ⎟⎬
β ⎩ π ⎝ 2 ⎠⎭
ρ ⎧ τ xx ± B1 ⎫
GX V± (2) = ⎨− A1 ± q xη ⎬
β⎩ 2 π ⎭
ρ ⎧ τ xy ± B1 ⎛ τ xx q y ⎞⎫
GX V± (3) = ⎨− A1 ± ⎜⎜ − s2 − q xηs1s2 + η ⎟⎬
β⎩ 2 π ⎝ 2 2 ⎟⎠⎭
GX V± (4) = {A1± (− τ xx s1 − τ xys2 + q x )}

2β 2

ρ ⎧⎪ B1 ⎛ ⎛3 − γ ⎞ τ ⎛ 3γ − 1 ⎞ ⎞⎫⎪
+ ⎨± ⎜ − q x s1 ⎜⎜ + ηs22 ⎟⎟ − xx ⎜⎜ + s22 ⎟⎟ + q y s2η ⎟⎟⎬

π ⎝ 2γ ⎝ 2(γ − 1)

2β ⎪⎩
⎝ ⎠ 2 ⎠ ⎠⎪⎭

The y-component of the viscid split fluxes in 2-D are given by

ρ ⎧ B 2 ⎛ τ yy ⎞⎫
GY V± (1) = ⎨± ⎜⎜ − − q yηs2 ⎟⎟⎬
β ⎩ π ⎝ 2 ⎠⎭
ρ ⎧ τ xy ± B 2 ⎛ τ xx q ⎞⎫
GY V± (2) = ⎨− A2 ± ⎜− s1 − q yηs1s2 + x η ⎟⎬
β⎩ 2 π ⎝ 2 2 ⎠⎭
ρ ⎧ τ yy ± B 2 ⎫
GY V± (3) = ⎨− A2 ± q yη ⎬
β⎩ 2 π ⎭
GYV± (4) = {A2± (− τ xys1 − τ yys2 + qy )}

2β 2

ρ ⎧⎪ B 2 ⎛ ⎛3 − γ ⎞ τ yy ⎛ 3γ − 1 ⎞ ⎞⎫⎪
+ ⎨± ⎜ − q y s2 ⎜⎜ + ηs12 ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ + s12 ⎟⎟ + q x s1η ⎟⎟⎬

π ⎝ 2γ ⎝ 2(γ − 1)

2β ⎪⎩
⎝ ⎠ 2 ⎠ ⎠⎪⎭


γ − 1 ± 1 ± erf (si )
e −s i

η= , Ai = , Bi = , si = ui β for i = 1,2
γ 2 2
and s 2 = s12 + s22
τ αβ qα β
τ αβ = , qα = for α , β ∈ x,y
p p


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