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There are many well-known places in the world which has already being branded already.

example, In Thailand cities have been branded based on their unique environment, Bangkok is
known as a shopping destination, Pattaya as a party destination with beach related activities and
Chiang Mai and Pai is know for mountains and nature. For this assignment task, I will be selecting a
hill side city in Sri Lanka called “Ella” which is my home town.

Brand Positioning

Ella is an under developed small town in the heart of Sri Lanka which has number of natural scenic
places such as waterfalls, mountains, lookouts, rivers. Major benefits in Ella is that the
accommodation cost is relatively cheaper compared to other places with similar features. Secondly
train station and a bus service which directly operates from the main airport to Ella makes it
convenient for transportation. Therefore, looking at attributes Ella would be branded as a tourist
destination according to the branding strategy decision process (Armstrong et al 2018, p. 220).

Brand Name Selection

Meaning of “Ella” in our home language Sinhala is “Waterfall”. As the name suggests there are
number of waterfalls around the area. As a tourist destination a slogan for “Ella” branding campaign
should be selected. A phrase which elaborate the activities, nature and environment would be ideal
as a slogan example. “Ella the natures kingdom”. When selecting colours and fronts green would be
most suitable because it symbolises the “nature” to its viewers.

Brand Sponsorship

With the facilities and activities around “Ella” it would attract mostly “backpakers” segment in the
tourism market. Who seek for less comfort and more adventurous activities to experience for a
cheaper price. When the brand develops with time facilities such as villas, resorts could be built to
cater the tourists who wish to spend higher prices for luxury & comfort.

Brand Development


Accomadation activities Resturants Destinations

Figure 1. Areas to develop in Ella

With more tourists coming to visit, there are many services and projects that could generate profits
for the national tourist board as well as local businesses in the area. Accommodation for tourists can
be developed and marketed using Airbnb, With the use of the rivers and caves,
adventure activities such as rafting, mountain tracking, cycling rock climbing programs can be
created for tourists. Opening new restaurants in the area will cater travellers with food and
refreshments. Lastly access, security and other services at the destinations could be improved

without harming the surroundings. Buy developing these Line Extensions brand of “Ella” would be a
famous tourist destination among other places.

With the use of internet, many programs can be created to increase the brand awareness of “Ella”.
For example, with the use of social media such as Facebook & Instagram pictures could be posted
with tag lines such as #exploreella, # WonderofAsia etc. Furthermore, Youtube, short documentaries
and reviews could be made which can be shared among people.


Armstrong, G, Adam, S, Denize, S, Volkov, M & Kotler, P 2018, Principles of Marketing, 7th edn,
Pearson, Melbourne

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