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re @i€ sR 2 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY OOO 20 OOOO ® 9 ae pee Seta BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS CONTENTS a FOREWORD 3 1 scope 7 : 2 TERMINOLOGY 7 ‘ 3. FIRE PREVENTION 2 4 LIFE SAFETY n 5 FIRE PROTECTION 2 6 ADDITIONAL OCCUPANCY WISE REQUIREMENTS + 58 ANNEXA CALORIFIC VALUES OF COMMON MATERIALS 68 ANNEX B.” BROAD CLASSIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL OCCUPANCIES 9 IN TO DIFFERENT DEGREE OF HAZARD ANNEX C AVAILABLE DATA REGARDING FIRE RESISTANCE RATING we OF VARIOUS BUILDING COMPONENTS - Oo ANNEX D GUIDELINES FOR FIRE DRILL AND EVACUATION 81 PROCEDURES FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS ‘ ANNEXE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH RISE BUILDINGS 87 r ANNEXF ATRIUM 89 ANNEX G — COMMERCTAL KITCHENS 9 oo ANNEXH CAR PARKING FACILITIES oa ANNEX FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR METRO STATIONS __. 96 5 ANNEX K FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR METRO 103 TRAINWAYS ANNEX M FIRE PROTECTION CONSIDERATIONS FOR VENTING IN 105 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS LIST OF STANDARDS <2 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA 2016 e “suonss Bulging Code Sectional Committee, CED 46 - ‘ae a ea ®eOSCO098@. FOREWORD This Code (Part) deals with safety from fit. léspecifies the demarcation offre zones, restrictions on construction of buildings in each fre zone, classification of buildings based on occupancy, types of building construction According to fre resistance of the structural and non-structural cosiponents and other testrictions ang requirements Code recognise danger to life from fire, smoke, fames or panic before the buildings can be evacuated, The ‘Code recognizes that safety of life is more than a matter of means of egress and accordingly deals with various rats Which are considered essential to the safety of life, The Code therefore covers provisions relating t0 cr access, exit and exit discharge. It also covers Provisions relating to five protection of buildings through portable and fixed fiefightins instanton i : j 5 8 2 i : ae Fare protection techniques have tobe based onthe fire behaviour charnctrisics of different ‘materials and structural fire and life safety measures could be incorporated in the building design right from the beginning, Absolute safety from fire is not attainable in practice. The objective of this Pat is to specify measures that will provide that degree of safety from fire which can be reasonably achieved. The Code endearmnn to avoid ced uments that might involve unreasonable hardships or unnecessary inconvenience or interference ‘with normal 2@eeeed A s : : it é ° i é : 7 i le bung coe anzy ofbuildings, but ints upon compliance with minimum standards of fie safety neon a les building occupants and users. For ensuring compliance of fire protection equipment/installations to the laid down ¥ Mra gematements its desirable to use such equipmeat/nstallacon duly certified under the BIS Canaan Marks Scheme, a aaa pean AERO pe srnie Providing guidelines for minimizing chances of ccurence offre through passive fire protection measures, {his Patt does not intend to cover all aspects of general fte prevention inchuding sources of, ‘ignition. Nor does it Cover the provention of accidental personal injuries during the course of normal ovcupaney” of buildings {Tis Pat while ecognizing that panic in a building on fire may be uncontrollable, ests with the potential panic Heard through measures designed to prevent the development of panic. Experience indieare that panic seldom develops even in the presence of potential danger, s0 long as occupents of buildings are moving towards exits Which they can see within a reasonable distance and with no obstruction or undue ‘congestion in the path of travel. Cede es e & : : 2 5 2 i B & 5 z gs & | i 3 i g E E 2 z Experience has shown that concealed spaces within a building, such as, space between ceiling and false ceiling, pe uZontel and vertical duets and shats, et, tend to actas fles/tunnels during a fire, Provision should, therefore, >be made to provide fire stopping within such spaces. Nothing in this Pert ofthe Code shall be construed to prohibit better types of building construction, more exits or ‘otherwise safer conditions than the mininsum requirements specified in this Part Ce 9° 2 BE Compliance with this Part shall not be construed as eliminating or reducing the necessity for other provisions for safety of persons using « building or structure under normal occupancy conditions, Now ant any provision of this 2 PART 4 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 7 Gos

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