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Imagine you are looking at a travel website about your

country or city. Write answers to these questions.

 I often travel to your city on business, but generally I do not have

much time. Where can I go and what can I see in a day?
My city has a great variety of tourist places, among them “El Panecillo”
and the Cableway are among the links most visited by tourists when
arriving in Quito.

 I want to visit this summer, but I do not have much money. What can
I do for free?
In Quito there are paid museums and free entry, each is characterized by
its touch of originality.

 Where can I meet local people? What traditional things can I see or
You can meet local and national people visiting half of the world, located
in the north of the city. In that place, you can observe the traditional of my
country, the culture and clothing.

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