TO HAVE-past Tense

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The Past Tense

Timpul trecut

The Affirmative

I had Eu am avut
You had Tu ai avut
He had El a avut
She had Ea a facut
It had El/ea a facut
We had Noi am facut
You had Voi ati facut
They had Ei/ele au facut

The Interrogative
Se formeaza prin inversiune !

Had I ?
Had you ?
Had he ?
Had she ?
Had it ?
Had we ?
Had you ?
Had they ?

The Negative
Se formeaza adaugand cuvantul not (n’t) dupa verb !

Forme lungi (in scriere) Forme scurte (in vorbire)

I had not I hadn’t
You had not You hadn’t
He had not He hadn’t
She had not She hadn’t
It had not It hadn’t
We had not We hadn’t
You had not You hadn’t
They had not They hadn’t

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