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The new trend

29 DE ABRIL DE 2019
Andrea Herrera

The stigma that has accompanied tattoos throughout history has changed
and opened a new look to current generation. The tattoo is a form of contemporary
art even though it exists a long time ago. Favors the freedom of expression of
person. Are a definitive element to commemorate important events.

The first sample of tattoos dates back to ancient Egypt, the birthplace of henna
pigments; were used in women to represent their social status and to mark the
mummies. The Japanese tattooed mud figures that accompanied the deceased on
their way to paradise. According to this the tattoo was used as a symbol of wealth
and religion. In the present day traditional people, see this art form as a taboo,
something that is not well seen and that encourages people to express themselves
in their own body.

20 years ago or more, the tattoo was seen as something exclusive for convicts or
sailors; nowadays it is seen as a form of self-expression. The current generation
have been a starting point to eliminate the stigma that has accompanied the tattoo
for many years, it become a trademark for many teenagers and adults of our
society, the cultural evolution in these times opens the way of the tattoo allowing to
see it as the free expression of body and art.

The tattoo, as indicated, is a form of expression of art, which also allows the
person to remember or keep precious moments for a lifetime. For many the tattoo
is an artistic method; however there are people who consider it a fashion. The
meaning of tattoos is different for each person as well as the reason for it.

Finally, the old tattoo has a lot in common with the current tattoo. This art is
accepted as part of the lives of many people and we could say that occupying
growing spaces in society.

history . (16 de julio de 2014). Obtenido de

monica. (12 de enero de 2012). Obtenido de


wikipedia. (s.f.). Obtenido de

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