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Annotated Bibliography

Duarte, N., & Soundview Executive Book Summaries. (2011). Resonate: Present visual stories that
transform audiences. Kennett Square, Pa.: Soundview Executive Book Summaries.

Presentations are a communicators asset if they use them right. Nancy Duarte provides ways to connect
with the audience and make presentations more engaging. The authors provides suggestions to bring
the audience into the presentation as if they are part of it.

McChesney, C. (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. Kennett
Square, Pa.: Soundview Executive Book Summaries.

The author provides strategies to assist a new initiative in the mist of continuing day-to-day activities. It
is strategies used with success by hundreds of teams and businesses. It helps businesses and teams
compete in an every changing environment to ensure theirs changes make a significant improvement in
the business and team.

November, A. C. (2012). Who owns the learning? Preparing students for success in the digital age.
Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

The author uses real world experiences with digital learning to create an environment where students
can take ownership of their learning. The book guides teachers to use 21st century technology to direct
students in their own learning.

Patterson, K. (2008). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high. Concordville, Pa.:
Soundview Executive Summaries.

Communication is a key element in an innovation proposal. This book gives communication strategies to
ensure emotions stay in check when conversations may not be that easy. The book provides techniques
to practice the conversations we need to have. Managers and any one in leadership position would
benefit from these communication tools.

Patterson, K. (2011). Influencer: The power to change anything. Willowbrook, IL: Audio-Tech Business
Book Summaries.

The author looks across different cultures at ways people have found to make significant and
sustainable improvements in solving seemingly impossible problems. The author identifies behaviors
and strategies to ensure change is inevitable.
Rose, T. (2015). End of average: The science of what makes us different. Place of publication not
identified: Harper One.

Todd Rose suggests that no student is average and can fit in to a school system that is built around an
average student. He gives many examples how trying to fit people into the average situation can actually
cause harm. He states we need to individualize education for each student and the benefits will help

Sheninger, E. (2014). Digital leadership: Changing paradigms for changing times. Place of publication not
identified: Corwin.

Using technology to engage students, improve communication, and create a positive school culture is
some of the ideas presented in this book. The book provides a change in mindset and behaviors around
technology that will assist with new opportunities and resources.

Westover, T. (2018). Educated: A memoir. New York, NY: Random House.

The memoir is about a young girl that was raised in the mountains and did not have any formal
education until 17 years old. The author provides a true story of someone with a thirst for knowledge
and how she educated herself. The book is an example of how the desire to learn can be achieved even
through multiple struggles.

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