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Modular Arithmetic: Euclidean Algorithm: Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem; Chinese

Remainder Theorem: Principles of Public Key Cryptosystems; Key Management -
Distribution of Public Keys, Use of Public Key Encryption to Distribute Secret Keys: RSA
Algorithm: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange; Concepts of Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

Modular Arithmetic:
The Modulus
If is an integer and is a positive integer, we define mod to be the remainder when a is
divided by n. The integer n is called the modulus. Thus, for any integer a,

Two integers a and b are said to be congruent modulo n, if (a mod n) = (b mod n).This is
written as a  b (mod n).

If a  0 mod(n) , then n/a.

Properties of Congruences
Congruences have the following properties:

Modular Arithmetic Exhibit the following properties:

Properties of Modular Arithmetic for integers Zn

Euclidean Algorithm:
One of the basic techniques of number theory is the Euclidean algorithm, which is a simple
procedure for determining the greatest common divisor of two positive integers. First, we
need a simple definition: Two integers are relatively prime if their only common positive
integer factor is 1.

Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem:

Two theorems that play important roles in public-key cryptography are Fermat’s theorem and
Euler’s theorem.
Fermat’s Theorem
Fermat’s theorem states the following: If p is prime and a is a positive integer not divisible by
p, then

An alternative form of Fermat’s theorem is also useful: If p is prime and a is a positive

integer, then

The first form of the theorem requires that a be relatively prime to p, but this form does not.

Euler’s Totient Function,  (n)

It is defined as the number of positive integers less than n and relatively prime to n. By
convention,  (1) = 1.

For a prime number p,

Now suppose that we have two prime numbers p and q with p≠q . Then, for n=pq

Euler’s Theorem

Euler’s theorem states that for every a and n that is relatively prime

Chinese Remainder Theorem:

Chinese remainder theorem
(CRT).8 In essence, the CRT says it is possible to reconstruct integers in a certain range
from their residues modulo a set of pairwise relatively prime moduli.

The CRT can be stated in several ways.

Principles of Public Key Cryptosystems:
Asymmetric algorithms rely on one key for encryption and a different but related key for
decryption. These algorithms have the following important characteristic.
• It is computationally infeasible to determine the decryption key given only knowledge of the
cryptographic algorithm and the encryption key. In addition, some algorithms, such as RSA,
also exhibit the following characteristic.
• Either of the two related keys can be used for encryption, with the other used for
A public-key encryption scheme has six ingredients
 Plaintext: This is the readable message or data that is fed into the algorithm as input.
 Encryption algorithm: The encryption algorithm performs various transformations on
the plaintext.
 Public and private keys: This is a pair of keys that have been selected so that if one is
used for encryption, the other is used for decryption.The exact transformations
performed by the algorithm depend on the public or private key that is provided as input.
• Ciphertext: This is the scrambled message produced as output. It depends on the
plaintext and the key. For a given message, two different keys will produce two different
• Decryption algorithm: This algorithm accepts the ciphertext and the matching key and
produces the original plaintext.

The essential steps are the following.

1. Each user generates a pair of keys to be used for the encryption and decryption of
2. Each user places one of the two keys in a public register or other accessible file. This is
the public key.The companion key is kept private. As Figure suggests, each user maintains a
collection of public keys obtained from others.
3. If Bob wishes to send a confidential message to Alice, Bob encrypts the message using
Alice’s public key.
4. When Alice receives the message, she decrypts it using her private key. No other
recipient can decrypt the message because only Alice knows Alice’s private key.

Key Management
Key distribution is the function that delivers a key to two parties who wish to exchange
secure encrypted data. Some sort of mechanism or protocol is needed to provide for the
secure distribution of keys.

Key distribution often involves the use of master keys, which are infrequently used and are
long lasting, and session keys, which are generated and distributed for temporary use
between two parties.
Distribution of Public Keys:
Several techniques have been proposed for the distribution of public keys. Virtually all these
proposals can be grouped into the following general schemes:
• Public announcement
• Publicly available directory
• Public-key authority
• Public-key certificates

Public Announcement of Public Keys

In public-key encryption, the public key is public. Thus, if there is some broadly accepted
public-key algorithm, such as RSA, any participant can send his or her public key to any
other participant or broadcast the key to the community at large.

Although this approach is convenient, it has a major weakness. Anyone can forge such a
public announcement. That is, some user could pretend to be user A and send a public key
to another participant or broadcast such a public key. Until such time as user A discovers the
forgery and alerts other participants, the forger is able to read all encrypted messages
intended for A and can use the forged keys for authentication.

Publicly Available Directory

A greater degree of security can be achieved by maintaining a publicly available dynamic
directory of public keys. Maintenance and distribution of the public directory would have to
be the responsibility of some trusted entity or organization. Such a scheme would include the
following elements:
1. The authority maintains a directory with a {name, public key} entry for each participant.
2. Each participant registers a public key with the directory authority. Registration would
have to be in person or by some form of secure authenticated communication.
3. A participant may replace the existing key with a new one at any time, either because of
the desire to replace a public key that has already been used for a large amount of data, or
because the corresponding private key has been compromised in some way.
4. Participants could also access the directory electronically. For this purpose, secure,
authenticated communication from the authority to the participant is mandatory.

This scheme is clearly more secure than individual public announcements but still has
vulnerabilities. If an adversary succeeds in obtaining or computing the private key of the
directory authority, the adversary could authoritatively pass out counterfeit public keys and
subsequently impersonate any participant and eavesdrop on messages sent to any
participant. Another way to achieve the same end is for the adversary to tamper with the
records kept by the authority.
Public-Key Authority
Stronger security for public-key distribution can be achieved by providing tighter control over
the distribution of public keys from the directory. A typical scenario is illustrated in Figure. As
before, the scenario assumes that a central authority maintains a dynamic directory of public
keys of all participants. In addition, each participant reliably knows a public key for the
authority, with only the authority knowing the corresponding private key. The following steps
1. A sends a time stamped message to the public-key authority containing a request for the
current public key of B.
2. The authority responds with a message that is encrypted using the authority’s private key,
PRauth. Thus, A is able to decrypt the message using the authority’s public key. Therefore, A
is assured that the message originated with the authority. The message includes the
• B’s public key, PUb , which A can use to encrypt messages destined for B
• The original request used to enable A to match this response with the corresponding earlier
request and to verify that the original request was not altered before reception by the

• The original timestamp given so A can determine that this is not an old message from the
authority containing a key other than B’s current public key
3. A stores B’s public key and also uses it to encrypt a message to B containing an identifier
of A (IDA) and a nonce (N1), which is used to identify this transaction uniquely.
4, 5. B retrieves A’s public key from the authority in the same manner as A retrieved B’s
public key.
At this point, public keys have been securely delivered to A and B, and they may begin their
protected exchange. However, two additional steps are desirable:
6. B sends a message to A encrypted with PUa and containing A’s nonce (N1) as well as a
new nonce generated by B (N2). Because only B could have decrypted message (3), the
presence of N1 in message (6) assures A that the correspondent is B.
7. A returns N2, which is encrypted using B’s public key, to assure B that its correspondent is

Thus, a total of seven messages are required. However, the initial four messages need be
used only infrequently because both A and B can save the other’s public key for future use—
a technique known as caching. Periodically, a user should request fresh copies of the public
keys of its correspondents to ensure currency.

Public-Key Certificates
The previous scenario is attractive, yet it has some drawbacks. The public-key authority
could be somewhat of a bottleneck in the system, for a user must appeal to the authority for
a public key for every other user that it wishes to contact. As before, the directory of names
and public keys maintained by the authority is vulnerable to tampering. An alternative
approach, first suggested by Kohnfelder [KOHN78], is to use certificates that can be used
by participants to exchange keys without contacting a public-key authority, in a way that is as
reliable as if the keys were obtained directly from a public-key authority.

In essence, a certificate consists of a public key, an identifier of the key owner, and the
whole block signed by a trusted third party. Typically, the third party is a certificate authority,
such as a government agency or a financial institution, which is trusted by the user
community. A user can present his or her public key to the authority in a secure manner and
obtain a certificate.

The user can then publish the certificate. Anyone needing this user’s public key can obtain
the certificate and verify that it is valid by way of the attached trusted signature. A participant
can also convey its key information to another by transmitting its certificate. Other
participants can verify that the certificate was created by the authority. We can place the
following requirements on this scheme:
1. Any participant can read a certificate to determine the name and public key of the
certificate’s owner.
2. Any participant can verify that the certificate originated from the certificate authority and is
not counterfeit.
3. Only the certificate authority can create and update certificates. These requirements are
satisfied by the original proposal in [KOHN78]. Denning [DENN83] added the following
additional requirement:
4. Any participant can verify the currency of the certificate.

A certificate scheme is illustrated in Figure. Each participant applies to the certificate

authority, supplying a public key and requesting a certificate.
Application must be in person or by some form of secure authenticated communication. For
participant A, the authority provides a certificate of the form

Where PRauth is the private key used by the authority and T is a timestamp. A may then pass
this certificate on to any other participant, who reads and verifies the certificate as follows:

The recipient uses the authority’s public key, PUauth , to decrypt the certificate. Because the
certificate is readable only using the authority’s public key, this verifies that the certificate
came from the certificate authority. The elements IDA and PUa provide the recipient with the
name and public key of the certificate’s holder. The timestamp T validates the currency of
the certificate. The timestamp counters the following scenario. A’s private key is learned by
an adversary. A generates a new private/public key pair and applies to the certificate
authority for a new certificate. Meanwhile, the adversary replays the old certificate to B. If B
then encrypts messages using the compromised old public key, the adversary can read
those messages.

Use of Public Key Encryption to Distribute Secret Keys:

Because of the inefficiency of public key cryptosystems, they are almost never used for the direct
encryption of sizable block of data, but are limited to relatively small blocks. One of the most important
uses of a public-key cryptosystem is to encrypt secret keys for distribution. We see typical

Simple Secret Key Distribution

An extremely simple scheme was put forward by Merkle [MERK79], as illustrated in Figure. If
A wishes to communicate with B, the following procedure is employed:
1. A generates a public/private key pair {PUa, PRa} and transmits a message to B consisting
of PUa and an identifier of A, IDA.
2. B generates a secret key,Ks , and transmits it to A, which is encrypted with A’s public key.
3. A computes D(PRa, E(PUa, Ks)) to recover the secret key. Because only A can decrypt the
message, only A and B will know the identity of Ks .
4. A discards PUa and PRa and B discards PUa.
A and B can now securely communicate using conventional encryption and the session key
Ks. At the completion of the exchange, both A and B discard Ks.

Secret Key Distribution with Confidentiality and Authentication

1. A uses B’s public key to encrypt a message to B containing an identifier of A (IDA) and a
nonce (N1), which is used to identify this transaction uniquely.
2. B sends a message to A encrypted with PUa and containing A’s nonce (N1) as well as a
new nonce generated by B (N2). Because only B could have decrypted message (1), the
presence of N1 in message (2) assures A that the correspondent is B.
3. A returns N2, encrypted using B’s public key, to assure B that its correspondent is A.
4. A selects a secret key Ks and sends M = E(PUb, E(PRa, Ks)) to B. Encryption of this
message with B’s public key ensures that only B can read it; encryption with A’s private key
ensures that only A could have sent it.
5. B computes D(PUa, D(PRb, M)) to recover the secret key. The result is that this scheme
ensures both confidentiality and authentication in the exchange of a secret key.

A Hybrid Scheme
Yet another way to use public-key encryption to distribute secret keys is a hybrid approach in
use on IBM mainframes [LE93]. This scheme retains the use of a key distribution center
(KDC) that shares a secret master key with each user and distributes secret session keys
encrypted with the master key. A public key scheme is used to distribute the master keys.
The following rationale is provided for using this three-level approach:

• Performance: There are many applications, especially transaction-oriented applications, in

which the session keys change frequently. Distribution of session keys by public-key
encryption could degrade overall system performance because of the relatively high
computational load of public-key encryption and decryption. With a three-level hierarchy,
public-key encryption is used only occasionally to update the master key between a user and
the KDC.
• Backward compatibility: The hybrid scheme is easily overlaid on an existing KDC
scheme with minimal disruption or software changes. The addition of a public-key layer
provides a secure, efficient means of distributing master keys. This is an advantage in a
configuration in which a single KDC serves a widely distributed set of users.

RSA Algorithm:
Diffie and Hellman challenged cryptologists to come up with a cryptographic algorithm that
met the requirements for public-key systems.
One of the first successful responses to the challenge was developed in 1977 by Ron Rivest,
Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman at MIT and first published in 1978. The Rivest-Shamir-
Adleman (RSA) scheme has since that time reigned supreme as the most widely accepted
and implemented general-purpose approach to public-key encryption.
The RSA scheme is a block cipher in which the plaintext and ciphertext are integers
between 0 and n - 1 for some n. A typical size for n is 1024 bits, or 309 decimal digits. That
is, n is less than 21024. We examine RSA in this section in some detail, beginning with an
explanation of the algorithm. Then we examine some of the computational and
cryptanalytical implications of RSA

Description of the Algorithm

RSA makes use of an expression with exponentials. Plaintext is encrypted in blocks, with
each block having a binary value less than some number n. That is, the block size must be
less than or equal to log2(n) + 1; in practice, the block size is i bits, where 2i < n ≤ 2i+1.
Encryption and decryption are of the following form, for some plaintext block M and
ciphertext block C.

Both sender and receiver must know the value of n. The sender knows the value of e, and
only the receiver knows the value of d. Thus, this is a public-key encryption algorithm with a
public key of PU = {e, n} and a private key of PR = {d, n}.

For this algorithm to be satisfactory for public-key encryption, the following requirements
must be met.

1. It is possible to find values of e, d, n such that Med mod n = M for all M < n.
2. It is relatively easy to calculate Me mod n and Cd mod n for all values of M < n.
3. It is infeasible to determine d given e and n.

We need to find a relationship of the form

Med mod n = M

The preceding relationship holds if e and d are multiplicative inverses modulo φ(n), where
φ(n) is the Euler totient function.

For p,q prime, φ (pq) = (p - 1)(q - 1). The relationship between e and d can be expressed as
ed mod φ(n) = 1

This is equivalent to saying

That is, e and d are multiplicative inverses mod  (n). Note that, according to the rules of
modular arithmetic, this is true only if d (and therefore e) is relatively prime to  (n).
Equivalently, gcd(  (n), d) = 1.

The ingredients are the following:

The private key consists of {d, n} and the public key consists of {e, n}. Suppose that user A
has published its public key and that user B wishes to send the message M to A. Then B
calculates C = Me mod n and transmits C. On receipt of this ciphertext, user A decrypts by
calculating M = Cd mod n.

Example of RSA algorithm

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange:

The purpose of the algorithm is to enable two users to securely exchange a key that can
then be used for subsequent encryption of messages. The algorithm itself is limited to the
exchange of secret values. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm depends for its effectiveness on the
difficulty of computing discrete logarithms.
For this scheme, there are two publicly known numbers: a prime number and an integer α
that is a primitive root of . Suppose the users A and B wish to exchange a key. User A
selects a random integer XA < q and computes YA = aXAmodq. Similarly, user B independently
selects a random integer XB < q and computes YB = aXBmodq. Each side keeps the X value
private and makes the Y value available publicly to the other side. User A computes the key
as K = (YB)XA modq and user B computes the key as K = (YA)XB mod q .These two
calculations produce identical results:

The result is that the two sides have exchanged a secret value. Furthermore, because
XAand XB are private, an adversary only has the following ingredients to work with: q, a, YA
andYB .Thus, the adversary is forced to take a discrete logarithm to determine the key. For
example, to determine the private key of user B, an adversary must compute
Concepts of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic Curves over Real Numbers
Elliptic curves are not ellipses. They are so named because they are described by cubic
equations, similar to those used for calculating the circumference of an ellipse. In general,
cubic equations for elliptic curves take the following form, known as a Weierstrass

Where a, b, c, d, e are real numbers and and take on values in the real numbers. For our
purpose, it is sufficient to limit ourselves to equations of the form

Such equations are said to be cubic, or of degree 3, because the highest exponent they
contain is a 3. Also included in the definition of an elliptic curve is a single element denoted
Q and called the point at infinity or the zero point, which we discuss subsequently. To plot
such a curve, we need to compute

For given values of and , the plot consists of positive and negative values of for each value
of . Thus, each curve is symmetric about y = 0 . Figure shows two examples of elliptic
ECC Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Elliptic Curve Encryption/Decryption
Several approaches to encryption/decryption using elliptic curves have been analyzed in the
literature. The first task in this system is to encode the plaintext message m to be sent as an
x–y point Pm. It is the point Pm that will be encrypted as a ciphertext and subsequently
decrypted. Note that we cannot simply encode the message as the or coordinate of a point,
because not all such coordinates are in Eq(a,b). Again, there are several approaches to this
encoding, but suffice it to say that there are relatively straightforward techniques that can be
As with the key exchange system, an encryption/decryption system requires a point G and
an elliptic group Eq(a,b) as parameters. Each user A selects a private key nA and generates
a public key PA = nA * G.

To encrypt and send a message Pm to B, A chooses a random positive integer and produces
the ciphertext Cm consisting of the pair of points:

Note that A has used B’s public key PB . To decrypt the ciphertext, B multiplies the first point
in the pair by B’s secret key and subtracts the result from the second point:

A has masked the message Pm by adding kPB to it. Nobody but A knows the value of k , so
even though Pb is a public key, nobody can remove the mask kPB. However, A also includes a
“clue,” which is enough to remove the mask if one knows the private key nB. For an attacker
to recover the message, the attacker would have to compute k given G and kG , which is
assumed to be hard.

Review Questions
1. State Fermat’s theorem.
2. State Euler’s theorem.
3. Define Euler’s totient function.
4. Find GCD using Euclidean algorithm.
5. Identify possible threats for RSA algorithm.
6. What is nonce?
7. Find the ‘n’ and ø(n) value in RSA if P = 7 and Q = 17.
8. What is key distribution center?
9. The addition operation in ECC is the counterpart of modular ___________ in
RSA and multiple addition is the counterpart of modular ________________.
10. What is an elliptic curve?
11. Give the principal advantages of elliptical curve cryptography.
1. Solve using Chinese remainder theorem.
2. What is a public key and a private key? Explain the different methods of public
key distribution with suitable diagram and show how secret keys are
exchanged using public keys.
3. Elaborate about the methods of distribution of public keys.
4. Describe the steps of Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm.
5. Explain RSA algorithm.

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