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Sensory dough

9/6/19 Teacher: Liz W

Issa, you are still settling in at An-nur, you love to join in
with older children, today they were all centered around
the play dough table. I observed you, as you carefully
approached the table. The older children around the
sides of the table there didn't appear to be a space for
you, but you didn't mind, you positioned yourself at the
corner of the table. Beside Moataz, who often helps take
care of you, you felt safe. Slowly and carefully you be-
gan to explore.
Recently I have been giving the play dough area a bit of
a make over to ensure that we provide real tools and a focus for learning in this ar-
ea. Children learn to roll, cut, imagine & create. Today we were focused on learn-
ing to roll. Rolling play dough develops strong arms and hands, children learn how
to roll using small wooden rolling pins. I discovered that by removing most of the
play dough cutters children were content and focused, this lead to more creativity
and skills.
Issa, you patiently waited until some play dough cam your way and then you were
happy just to use your fingers and observe the others around you. I love that you
are feeling safe enough to try a new experience and that your relationships with
others have encouraged you to participate.
Issa, its great to see that you a growing a sense of belonging at an-nur. I love that
you felt safe beside your friend Moataz. Play dough will
help you grow strong fingers and arms and even control
your fingers. This will help you when you learn to write
& draw. I can see your learning style emerging, you are
an observer and then join in with caution. Those around
you are a great resource to inspire your learning Issa.

We will continue to provide both new and familiar expe-

riences so that you feel comfortable yet challenged. We
will continue to foster your relationships and participa-
tion. I know that I will continue to see you grow in confi-
dence and abilities. Your physical skills and co-
ordination will be growing through both fine & gross mo-
tor experiences.

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