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This article studies with the effects of repeated and attentional cues on reading fluency

and comprehension. It was written by Lawrence J. O’Shea from University of Florida, he

is from Department of Special Education. And the other authors are Paul T. Sindelar and
Dorothy J. O’Shea from The Pennsylvania State University, they are both from Division
of Special Education and Communication Disorders.

The author’s purpose of arguing in this thesis is to inform people what repeated readings
can do and the attentional cues and as well as what does two can do in comprehension
and fluency. The main effects of both repeated readings and attentional cues were
obtained on both dependent measures. So that the fluency and comprehension increased
as the number of repeated readings increased. Those results shows that increasing fluency
was less efficient means of improving comprehension than presenting cues about
comprehension. They show that repeated practice facilitate faster reading speeds, greater
accuracy, and increased comprehension.

The intended audience was teachers. Yes it effectively reach the audience since it was
explained well what is the purpose of their study and it was completed with a concrete
evidences and thorough research.

Yes, the authors have their evidences. Their study leads them to experiment / examined
the thirty third graders and the two groups of students who repeatedly read passages
under different cue conditions. Their experiment in the third graders, they (third graders)
read separate passages one, three and seven times and they are following cues to attend to
either reading rate or meaning. After the final reading, the students retold as much of the
story as they could. Their other experiment was the two groups who repeatedly read
passages under different cue conditions, the first group was cued to read for
comprehension and the other group was to read quickly and accurately.

The limitation of this study is the limited generalizability of the results across populations
and time. The students were chosen from a narrow population.

I agree with this article because the repeated practice can make the students reads faster,
have greater accuracy, and has increased comprehension. And they proved their article
and reached the conclusive point because they explained thoroughly the effects of
repeated readings and attentional cues on reading fluency and comprehension.

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