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cB & P: Good Morning Everyone so today we are going to talk about Dissection.

B: This is the Flow of this report. First things first is we are going to tell you definition, then here

comes the Types, Tools and Lastly the Methods.

P: So what is dissection? It is one of the basic techniques or method in biology or surgery which is

also known as “ANATOMIZATION”

B: According to Bergman, E. (2015), it is the art of disintegrating or separating the frame or parts of

an organism in order to ascertain their position, relations, function and anatomical


P: With dissection, people will be able to learn more about how tissues and organs are

interrelated and we would learn to appreciate the complexity of organisms in a hands-on

learning environment.

B: Moving on to the Types of Dissection. There are a lot of types of dissection but we are going to

focus on these three types because it is related to what our research is more likely about.

P: We have here, Plant Dissection, Fungi Dissection, and Animal Dissection (Give them a short

information about these types).

B: Before we can actually use tools in dissecting, we still need to take some precautions. In

dissecting specimens, we should preserve these specimens in a toxic chemical called


P: We should always wear gloves, a lab coat and goggles when dissecting an organism.

B: So the tools are Dissection Tray, Scalpel, Scissors, Forceps, and Needle. (Short Explanation).

Next we have are the techniques and methods

Fist we have here is the Plant and Fungi Dissection.

Whole Mount: Placing a whole organism or specimen on a slide for microscopic examination. This

method is commonly employed for observation of lower plants like algae, fungi, thalloid

bryophytes and prothalli of ferns.

Laser Capture Microdissection: also called microdissection, laser microdissection (LMD),

or laser-assisted microdissection (LMD or LAM), is a method for isolating specific cells of interest

from microscopic regions of tissue/cells/organisms (dissection on a microscopic scale with

the help of a laser).

It is a method to procure subpopulations of tissue cells under direct microscopic visualization.

LCM technology can harvest the cells of interest directly or can isolate specific cells by cutting

away unwanted cells to give histologically pure enriched cell populations. This method has had the

positive effect of focusing attention on the importance of cell‐ specific physiology, biochemistry and

molecular biology.



P: Next we have is the methods for animal Dissection, we have here the Virchow

Technique; an organ by organ removal. Virchow was the first to develop a systematic

method of autopsy, based on his knowledge of cellular pathology.

An alternative more cumbersome technique involves the removal of the entire organ body, called

the Letulle technique. This technique allows a body to be sent to a funeral director without

waiting for the sometimes time-consuming dissection of individual organs.

The Rokitansky technique is an in situ (or local) dissection that starts at the neck and

trails down, and the organ is removed as a bloc as well. The first cut pierces the larynx to
separate the esophagus and pharynx, then the larynx and trachea, followed by the chest

organs that are cut to expose those in the abdomen.



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