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Inst%ll M%ven vi% Homebrew

Run following comm%nd on Termin%l

$ brew upd"te
$ brew inst"ll m"ven
The response will be simil%r to
==> Using the s"ndbox
==> Downlo"ding https://www."p""th=m"ven/
==> Best Mirror"p"che/m"ven/m"ven-3/3.5.0/bin"ries/

########### 100.0%
  /usr/loc"l/Cell"r/m"ven/3.5.0: 106 files, 9.8MB, built in 15 seconds

Check loc%tion of mvn

$ which mvn

Check the version using mvn

Note the loc%tion of "M%ven home"
$ mvn -v
Ap"che M"ven 3.5.0 (ff8f5e7444045639"f65f6095c62210b5713f426;
M"ven home: /usr/loc"l/Cell"r/m"ven/3.5.0/libexec
J"v" version: 1.8.0_60, vendor: Or"cle Corpor"tion
J"v" home: /Libr"ry/J"v"/J"v"Virtu"lM"chines/jdk1.8.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home/
Def"ult loc"le: en_US, pl"tform encoding: UTF-8
OS n"me: "m"c os x", version: "10.12.5", "rch: "x86_64", f"mily: "m"c"

Configure .b%sh_profile
export M2_HOME=/usr/loc"l/Cell"r/m"ven/3.5.0/libexec
export M2=${M2_HOME}/bin
export PATH=${PATH}:${M2_HOME}/bin
Note: If you like the instructions here, ple%se refer it on your posts/
document%tion. Cont%ct me if there %re corrections needed.
Inst%ll Gr%dle vi% Homebrew
$ brew inst"ll gr"dle

To upgr"de to 5.1, run `brew upgr"de gr"dle`

Configure your PATH environment v%ri%ble to include

the bin directory of the unzipped distribution, e.g.:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gr"dle/gr"dle-5.1/bin

Check version
$ gr"dle -v

Inst%ll Groovy vi% Homebrew
$ brew inst"ll groovy

$ export GROOVY_HOME=/usr/loc"l/opt/groovy/libexec

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