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 Our retail has various menu

Like Desy and Fitri said before, we had 3 major product there are main dishes, side dishes and
beverage. we also had a lot of innovation product such as ayam taliwang, ayam penyet, ayam
bulgogi, and steak tofu
 Has some traditional foods on our menu
We offer traditional food from west java cillok kuah, basreng, cireng, seblak and many more
 Affordable price
We set the price at the affordable amount for our target market which is the student of Polban.
Start from 3k until 10k
 Safe, hygienic, and healthy
We try to maintain our safe in working, cooking, and serving; hygiene and healthy in every
activities that we do
 Consumer’s services
We try to maintain our best performance in service to our costumer. We also made a Pre-Order
system in ordering the menu by contact the contact person that we prepared before.
 Adequate eqipment
We prepared all the adequate equipment like fry pan, stove, spatula, and many more.


1. Limited capital

We only had 300 thousand rupiahs to buy the ingredients that we need. So we have to manage our
financial to buy the ingredients

2. Limited Labour

We only had 8 members, that divided into some divisions. And when it gets at the lunch time, we got so
busy to service the consumer, so we feel lack of the labour at that time


1. The strategic location.

We have a strategic location where almost everytime that place was passed by the students and the
2. Only a few people sells various food

We sells various food and drink more than our competitor, and we sell it at an affordable price

3. Unordinary product innovation

Our product innovation is different and unordinary from the competitors'. Such as ayam taliwang,
bulgogi, and steak tofu


1. Competitors of similar food

There are mi bakso and nasi katsu stand also pujasera near our placr that we felt it was our threat.
Because they sells similar food with us.

2. Competitors consumer service

All of our competitors had their own style to service the consumers. So we felt that it was one of
our threat too

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