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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001600360001-5 EM ‘iii ‘ yh PROJECT SUN STREAK IND_ METHODS: wo GENCE SOURCES 4 PROJECT NUMBER: SSSTON NUMBER? OL TNG (Beacon) § DATE OF SESSIOI 5 MAY 88 DATE OF REPORT: & MAY BB START: 1510 END: (347 METHODOLOGY VIEWER IDENTIFTE! 1. (/NE/SK) MISSION: Working from a Class "A" double pling dhersin neither the viewer nor the facilitator are aware of the eeret access and describe a target selected by an independent third person acting as a beacon. (O/NE/SK) VIEWER TASKING: Access and describe the target via Encrypted Coordinates 683701/7436303 report on purpose, Yikction, activity, distinctive characteristics of the targets eee iterate the nama of the target (via Stage YIT modality). S$. (S/NE/SK) COMMENT No inclemencies noted. 095 accessed the target via the coordinates while not consciously cere that the target was being perceived by a beacon. Sketches By"oes canceptually correlated (to a high degree) with the Lirget. The beacan exercised direct influsnce on 0978 who fete aeeee eg view the target from different perspectives rather than Geom one vantage point. Facilitator was caught off guard by & peacock type AQL of "Chapel", "Wastminster Abbey", and "The renlin." These concepts were not pursued; and, 095 succes fompleted the mission. uly 4. (Q/NE/SID2 EVALUATION: (3) The target was = pyramid-shaped cteucture ugedjte store sand. See attached phota(s). See attached sgl and sketches by 095. BY: DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY: DADR /A-RDP96-00789R001600360001-5 —— . Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001600360001-5 Session Summary Viewer 095) OS May 88 ERV training My first impression of the site was the weather misty, 9ray overcast with loks of wet greenery nearby, J then perceived an Waite odd shaped structure of varying height with points. Tf {anadiately gat an ADL: Westminister Abbey and/or a gothic shaped museun these repeated during the session (drive). Inside the seructuré was a large apen room with a high roundedness ADL: gethedral or the Capitol building. 1 perceived people walking in Shia hall in pairs. The site had a strong overwelming masculine feel, ‘The men were serious and working. I couldn't find any women. Given my AOLS (which I thought were AOL signal) T kept looking far women then got a strong impression of the word NGECRETARY" which because of its clarity T immediately called it AoL. During the entire session I experienced lots of trouble focusing in on anything because usually when I view a site T Inentally plant myself in one spot and look around. Each time T tried ta do thi in one spot) I found myself getting jerked around. of the structure is shown in sketch one. There was a tall, big entryway/daor that opened into a large area. The structure looked like it was made of stone blocks When focusing in on purpose T got an AOL of Kremlin, When asked to perform a function, 1 didn’t know what to do so 1 just “sat looking at the entry way. During the session the graund started paving and 1 felt strang vibrations and shaking. Site end location f perceived as old, long, linked “gothic feel" buildings which I sketched in sketch two. (Notice I tried to force the points into the sketch as windows because of my ADL of gothic/Mastminster Abbey.) Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001600360001-5 - Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001600360001-5 -& =e x iS ; -— + ‘ es Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001600360001-5

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