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The findings in this paper are the lesson plan and the sample of material
used to support the teaching and learning activity. The lesson plan and also the
material consisted in it were then analyzed based on the Ministry of National
Education Regulation Number 22 Year 2016 about Standard of Process. The
content analysis supported by documentary study was employed to find out the
objective of study. The results from the content analysis and document were
described in the forms of words and descriptions. The findings were then
portrayed under these following topics.

Identity of Learning

In this part, the lesson plan has mentioned the five points of identity of
learning. Those are the school name, subject matters, the grade/semester, the
materials, and time allocation. The school name is SMK Negeri 1 Udanawu, the
subject matter is English, the grade/semester is X grade semester 1, the material is
announcement, and the time allocation is two hours for three meetings. Moreover,
the teacher also mentioned the major and the academic year. The finding shows
that the teacher is able to put the identity of learning in order. However, the
finding also shows an interesting thing related to ESP teaching in which the lesson
plan is designed by the teacher for all majors. Moreover, the academic year that is
stated is 2017-2018, it means that the teacher is still using the same lesson plan
from the previous academic year.

Core Competence

The teacher needs to put this aspect in the lesson plan developed as the
basis for the competences to be achieved by the students. Besides, some language
skills were integrated in the lesson plans developed and they were shown in the
activities planned. In this lesson plan, the teacher has clearly mentioned the core
competences which are the same as what are mentioned in the syllabus.
Basic Competence

The basic competences are clearly mentioned in the lesson plan in which
consisting of basic competence three about the focus on knowledge of
announcement text and basic competence four about the focus on skill as well as
in the same topic. Moreover, the formulation of the basic competences is also
relevant with the syllabus released by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Indicators of Competency Achievement

There are six indicators of competency achievement that is stated in the

lesson plan. All of them are already mentioned the behavior that the students
should have toward the material which is about announcement text. The
formulation of the indicators competency achievement also has included the
points of basic competences. However, the instructional verbs that are used to
formulate the indicators are not really appropriate. For example, the teacher used
“mendengarkan” and”membaca” as the instructional verbs for the indicators.

Instructional Objectives

The instructional objectives in this lesson plans are stated in seven points.
All of the instructional objectives have already mentioned the audience, behavior,
condition, and degree. However, it is not relevant with the indicators of
competency achievement in which only consist of six points. Furthermore, the
instructional objectives in this lesson plan have two conditions which are
“Dengan mengamati…” and “Selama proses pembelajaran”.


The materials mentioned in the lesson plan are not complete based on the
basic competence. In the lesson plan, the teacher only provides three example of
announcement texts. The teacher did not specify the social function, text structure,
language feature of the materials. Furthermore, the teacher also did not mention
the remedial and enrichment materials in the lesson plan.

Learning and Teaching Activity

The teacher stated scientific approach as the approach of the teaching,
discovery learning as the model of learning and brainstorming, discussion and
tutorial as the method. The learning and teaching phase of discovery learning also
stated in the core activity with 5M stages, which are mengamati,
mempertanyakan, mengeksplorasi, mengasosiasi, and mengkomunikasikan.

Media, Tool, and Sources

The media that is going to be used is the picture of announcement text.

The tools that are mentioned are computer, projector, and loudspeaker.
Furthermore, the sources that are mentioned are internet, handouts, teacher’s book
and students’ book from the Ministry of Education and Culture. However, the
teacher did not mention the clear citation or the links where the materials from the
internet will be used. The teacher also did not mention the tittle of the book and in
which page the materials will be taken. Furthermore, the use of handouts,
teacher’s book, projector and computer were did not explained in the teaching and
learning activities.


The lesson plan elaborates written and performance test in assessing

students’ knowledge and skill. The lesson plan also provides the scoring rubric
for both of written and performance test. However, one of the scoring rubrics is
not appropriate with what is going to be tested. The scoring rubric for speaking in
which used pronunciation test involved grammar in the scoring method. This kind
of activity is not suit because there should be other aspects to measure the
pronunciation such as fluency and accuracy rather than grammar.


In accordance with the above findings, the lesson plan consisting of nine
aspects as well as the materials were discussed based on the component of a
lesson plan determined by Standard of Process of the Minister of National
Education Regulation No. 22 Year 2016, their quality and connection to the
appropriateness of the lesson plan with the 2013 Curriculum. Besides, some
plausible reasons, related theories and interpretations were also portrayed below:

Identity of Learning

The finding shows that in term of this aspect, the lesson plan has clearly
mentioned at least five components of identity of learning. However, there is a
case in the finding that might rise question. The case is that the lesson plan is
designed by the teacher for all majors in the Udanawu Vocational High School. It
means that no matter what the students major is, they will receive exactly the
same lessons. On of the questions that might suddenly come to the mind is that
“Do the practice really implement the idea of the teaching English as Specific
Purposes?”. Kennedy and Bolitho (1984) stated that the demand of ESP has often
come from groups of learners with no need of general English and wish to learn
English for particular reasons connected to their studies. In this case, the teacher
may argue that the students need to learn general English first. We think that all of
us will absolutely agree with that idea, but the problem here is that why the
students receive the same materials while they are in different majors. It will be
more suitable if the teacher designs the same materials but with different topics
regarding the students’ majors. Furthermore, the teacher is also still using the
same lesson plan from the previous academic year. It is very unrecommended
action for the teacher to take because the different students will need different
treatment as well as the different needs. Therefore, although they are in the same
grade, the teacher still needs to undergo need assessment before conducting the
teaching and learning activities.

Core Competence

Based on the data findings from the analysis of standard of competency

aspect, it can be interpreted that the teacher had no problems with aspect of core
competency employment in the lesson plans developed. It was appropriate with
the 2013 Curriculum and the Minister of National Education Regulation No.14
Year 2007 about Standard of Content. Even so, a language teacher does not need
to assess the first and second core competencies because it is the responsibility of
the teacher of Religion and Citizenship. Meanwhile, a language teacher should
provide and apply the first and second core competencies in learning activities in
the classroom beside the language teacher also has a personal note of the
assessment of student’ behavior which related with the first and second core

Basic Competence

The basic competences mentioned in the lesson plan are in line with the
syllabus from the government. The focus on knowledge in basic competence three
is clearly mentioned by the use of operational verb “membedakan”. The basic
competence four in which also stated also mentioned the focus on skill by the use
of operational verbs “menangkap makna” and “menyusun”. From the use of the
operational verbs, it is obZavious that the teacher will focus on the listening and
writing skill.

Indicators of Competency Achievement

The teacher elaborated the basic competence into six indicators of

competency achievement. The problems were found in this element in which the
teacher used the instructional verbs that are not appropriate with the requirement
of a good indicator arrangement. Although the teacher has mentioned the
behavior, if the verbs used for the indicators are not appropriate, the teacher might
confuse with what he or she is going to do for the learning and teaching activity
because it is not clear on what focus the skill and the material will be used. As we
know from the finding that the teacher used the “mendengarkan” and
“membaca” as the instructional verbs for the indicators. The use of those verbs
did not likely to be appropriate because it is more appropriate to be used to
describe the teaching and learning activity while in terms of the formulation of the
indicators of competency competence the teacher needs to use the instructional
verbs that can be measured and observed.

Instructional Objectives

The finding in terms of instructional objectives is very interesting since the

teacher elaborated seven instructional objectives while the indicators only
consisted six indicators. The finding also showed that was only mistyping because
there are two instructional objectives with exactly the same sentence. It is
unknown how this kind of mistake can rise, but it is still tolerable because it does
not affect the instructional objectives itself.

Brown (2001) stated that the objectives should contain what teacher wants
the students to accomplish at the end of the lesson. In contrast, the finding shows
that the teacher used two condition in the objectives. One of the conditions is
“Selama proses pembelajaran…”. This formulation of the objectives did not in
line with what the idea of the objectives as stated by Brown because the condition
is intended for the condition during the teaching and learning activity, not the
condition after the teaching and learning activity.


The very important component is the material of study which consists of

relevant theory, facts, principles, and procedures which are written in point
style based on the indicator of competency achievement. This means that
materials are related to what students will learn in the learning setting and have to
be relied on the indicators of competency established.
The materials used in the lesson plans were not complete. The teacher did
not write that as a part of the regular material and there were some missing parts
of materials; the remedial material and enrichment material. The teacher only
stated three examples of announcement text in the form of picture. The teacher
also did not provide the specification of the remedial and enrichment material.
Furthermore, as the school implements English as Specific Purposes, the materials
are actually need to be different between each major. However, the finding shows
that the lesson plan is developed for all majors in the vocational high school that
is observed. Thus, the materials will be the same for all majors while they are
actually need to have different materials or at least the same materials but with
different content or topic.

Learning and Teaching Activity

The teacher mentioned Discovery Learning as the teaching model.

Thorsett (2002) stated that discovery learning could build on the students’
background knowledge and understanding as well as support active engagement
of the students and provide high motivation. Therefore, it is good to use discovery
learning for teaching the materials that is announcement. Stephanus (2013) stated
that there are seven stages in implementing Discovery Learning, the six phases
are stimulation, problem statement, data collection, data processing, verification,
and generalization. In the lesson plan, those learning stages are integrated with
the activity of 5M. So, stimulation stage is in the observing, problem statement is
in the questioning, data collection and processing are in information collecting,
verification stage is in associating, and generalization stage is in the
communicating phase.

Media, Tool, and Sources

The teacher actually needs to mentioned the clear media, tool, and sources
in detail so that it will be easier to be understand. Wright (1989) stated several
principles to guide and ease teachers in selecting media. He stated that media
should be easily prepared or obtained, be easily used and operated in classroom
situation, be meaningful and authentic, and improve students’ language skills.
Thus, the use of media should fulfill three principles; practicality, appropriateness,
and effectiveness.
In this part, the teacher only mentioned the picture of announcement text
as the media, the tools like computer and projector, and the sources from the
internet, handouts, and book from the government. However, the teacher did not
mention it clearly while actually the teacher should write clear and appropriate
media and sources to support teaching and learning process. If the sources are
from books, the sources should be written with full citation that contains the
author, year, the title of the book, the city where it is published, and the publisher.
If the sources are from the internet, the link should also be provided. One of the
books that suitable for this topic is the book from the Ministry of Education. It is
the example of appropriate example of the citation. “Kementrian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan. (2017). Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X.
Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud”.

There are at least two principles of assessment proposed by Cameron
(2001) to be employed in analyzing the aspect of assessment. First, the assessment
should be able to measure what is formulated in the objectives regarding what and
how well students should demonstrate certain action verbs. Second, the
assessment should be congruent with activities and using familiar activities from
their classroom experience. So, the assessment should be able to reflect and
evaluate specific ability in line with the formulated objectives and indicators.
However, the finding shows that the scoring rubric that is used to measure the
skill especially the speaking skill involves grammar as the variable. It does not
reflect and evaluate the specific ability that is formulated in the objectives and
indicators. It will be more appropriate if the teacher uses for example, fluency and
accuracy as the variable to measure the students’ achievement in terms of
speaking. Furthermore, the test of speaking in which the teacher will conduct is
actually not really appropriate with the basic competence itself. It is because the
teacher only conducts a pronunciation test in which asked the students to
pronounce some words while the material is the announcement texts.

Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy 2nd Edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman,
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 22 Tahun 2016 Tentang
Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
Stephanus, Hariyono. (2013). Model Pembelajaran Penemuan Discovery
Learning. (Online), Retrieved on
December 2, 2017.
Thorsett, Petter. (2002). Discovery Learning Theory. (Online), Retrieved on May 5, 2019.

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