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QUESTION : What is this EGO ?


An ancient story :

A young woodpecker,

who felt exceedingly vigorous one morning,

looked around the forest and decided to start the day by pecking a huge oak.

He had just gotten off to a good start

when a bolt of lightning split the tree from top to bottom.

The bird hustled out from under the debris,

looked up at what was left of the tree,

and murmured with a shudder, "My ! I did not even know my own strength !!"


This is what ego is.

It is a misinterpretation -

what is already happening, you think you are doing it.

Just a translation from HAPPENING to DOING is the creation of the ego.


and whenever you feel that you are DOING something

translate it to IT IS HAPPENING ; read "IT IS HAPPENING"

and the ego will disappear.

All is happening, nothing is being done.

There is no ''doer'' and no "do-ee",


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