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Mary Kris G.

Lariosa ABM-1 11-Pear

I have a lot of cousins who are very close to me and they're like my
sisters and brother. One day we have a celebration in our baranggay. All of
the youth and all of my cousins are invited includig me. We enjoyed because
it has a lot of games for the youth ad for the children. But a meanwhile I
observe that my two cousins (girls) are not there and I found out that they
are enjoying drinking liquor with their friend. And I'm very mad to the both of
them because instead of enjoying the program they choose to drink liquor
they didn't told us that they were drinking I'm just a concern cousin here.
After the celebration I was in basketball court with may other cousins and co-
youth its 6 o' clock in the evening and my cousin (one who drinked liquor)
asked me if I am mad at her of what she did with my cousin and I told her
that it's not the right time to talk about it. After that I did not talk to her and I
went home, I left her like she is nothing.

I know that I'm so stupid with my behavior but I have to do that because
I and my cousins had a plan that we will go the Jollibee of alang-alang to
have a bonding and we will invite her to clarify things and to listen her side
beacause I want to know her reason. But she misunderstood ofvwhat I did to
her in the basketball court because she was very mad at me cause she said
that I make her a fool in the front of our co-youth and our other cousins.
Bcause of that we are no longer talking to each other and I found out that
she deleted our pictures together. After I found out waht she did I cried a lot
because I didn't expect that she can do that but its really hurt the most when
she said that she dont need me and she dont need my concern and promise
its really hurt.

But God is so good and I'm very thankul to him that we resolved our
misunderstanding by having a Good talk, listening to her side also she
listened my side. Finally, we back for being close again and allof this is
thanks to God. This misunderstanding that we encountered in our life help
our relationship as cousin to be more strong and just hold on togethe
because my Cousins made my life colorful without them I'm like a color white
crayon useless. Thanks to god for having them as may cousins.

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