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Class section:

Student’s names and roles

Problem (1 or 2 sentences)

Possible Product/Service
Alternative 1:

Alternative 2:

Alternative 3:


STEP 1: ​You must work in small groups and define the topic of the project, the problem you want
to solve, and the roles of the participants.
Project: Step 2

Write a paragraph to explain the main idea of their project.

1. The idea has to be original compared to the rest of the class.

2. They must explain the problem they choose to solve and how they plan to solve it.
3. They must explain the relation of the product or service with problem.
4. They must write a report considering: introduction, body and conclusion.

✓​ Front page: Must have the INACAP logo
✓​ Font: arial 12
✓​ Line spacing: 1.5
✓​ Alignment: Justify
✓​ 150 and 170 words.
Project: Step 3
You must search information related to the topic of your ​PRODUCT ​or ​SERVICE​.
● You must present at least 3 different documents.
● The information must be in English.
● The extension of each document must have 2 pages.
● The source must be included in each document.
● The source must be reliable.
● The information must be up-to-date.

The documents must be presented: _____June 25th_____(deadline)

Project: Step 4
You must present the second report. Please comply with the following:
1. The writing must have introduction, body, and conclusion.
2. The introduction must present the problem and anticipate possible solution.
3. The body must ​explain ​the product or service, and how it will possibly solve the problem,
including evidence and data.
4. The conclusion must include a professional reflection on this project.
5. Number of lexical items related your professional field: 12 minimum.

✓​ Front page: Must have the INACAP logo
✓​ Font arial 12
✓​ Line spacing 1.5
✓​ Alignment: Justified
✓​ 300-400 words.

The report must be presented: ______July 2nd______(deadline)

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