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ASSIGNMENT “Reaction Paper” #2 : Corruption, State and Governnce Reform

Class : Ethics and Governance Reform

Deadline : Saturday, March 9 2019

1. Bagaimana korupsi (abuse of power) dapat dicegah dengan

pembangunan etika politik? Berikan argumen yang masuk akal dengan
mendiskusikan literature yang tersedia di buku dna sumber referensi
terbaru! (How do corrupt practice as abuse of power in governing
national-local resources and people can be eradicate by implying political
ethic within countries. Please use credible sources to discuss and
elaborate this problem)

2. Berikan contoh reformasi tata kelola negara (pusat/daerah) seperti apa

yang dapat secera efektif membendung praktik keruptif (berbagai ragam
jenis korupsi yang merugikan negara/rakyat). Sebutkan dan terangkan
case spesifik (kasus riil dan aktual) dalam kaitannya dengan keberhasilan
atau kegagalan mengupayakan reformasi tata kelola negara! (Provide
evidence based how and by which manner governance reform practice
effectively anticipate and erase corrupt behavior in state institution
(national and local). Please use credible sources to discuss and elaborate
this actual condition. You may employ comparative approach)

The reaction paper at least 300 words length/Single page and please List the
references you used (at least 3-4 references) and this assignment was collected
by email to on March 9, 2019

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